These studies offer a wide range of insights that are often deeply penetrating. You'll also find a few very useful utilities that are unique to this website. |
Who is Cain's Father? Part 1 |
Who is Cain's Father? Part 2 |
Who is Cain's Father? Part 3 |
Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear |
Part 1 - The Hidden Treasure of Luke 8 |
Part 2 - "Increase Our Faith" - The Hidden Treasure of Luke 17:5-19 |
Part 3 - Faith, Wishcraft and Figures of Speech |
Part 4 - Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed |
On the false worship of the Goddess |
The Sign of the Queen of Heaven |
Our Lady of the Nations |
Our Lady of the Olympics |
A History of the Portentous Thirteenth Day (blog post & video) |
Hidden Signs of the Goddess This an 11 part blog series + MANY links to where this false worship is exposed! From that series, Part 7 is a standout, shining the bright light on the AWA / ABA encoding! |
On walking in His authority under submission |
The Obedient Family |
Propriety in the Assembly of the Saints |
Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order |
Jezebel vs Sarah (Blog Series) |
Entering into the Freedom of Giving and Receiving |
The Testimony of Gethsemane |
Part 1 - The Mount of Olives |
Part 2 - Separation in the Olive Press Place |
Part 3 - Your Final Exam |
Uncategorized Studies |
Pharmaceuticals -The Sorceries of Babylon |
Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective |
Notes on Spiritual Warfare, Prayer, Proclamation and Decree |
On the subject of self-defense and the protection of family, friends and neighbors |
Heaven's Vehicles - UFOs - Fake and Genuine |
The Kingdom Viaduct |
The Great Commission -Leavening -Invocation |
The Dark Secret of the Eucharist and the Rite of Communion |
Ash Wednesday - A "Fourth Day" Ritual Prefiguring the Mark of the Beast |
Who is Pope Benedict XVI? |
The Story of Christmas that Should be Told |
Time Number Codes and the Plus-Ones |
Time-binding Magick in Media |
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement |
Israel's Wilderness Wandering - Lessons Beyond Space and Time |
Meanings of the Letter X, Esoteric and Otherwise |
Bible Code Revelations - Thematic Patterns Expose Riddles |
The Numbers Seventeen and One Hundred Fifty-Three |
The Pattern of Selecting the Third in Series |
John 13 and Revelation 13 and 14 - Comparing 38 Verse Pairs |
Reverse Speech / Speech Inversion - Spilling the Beans |
On Celestial Signs and Biblical Astronomy |
The Truth About Astrology |
Heavenly Sign Watching: Part I | Part 2 |
Celestial Signs and the Basis for Biblical Astronomy |
The Sign of the Crossed Comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake |
What Was it that is Called the Star of Bethlehem |
When Jesus was Born- The Celestial Signs (When Cometh...) |
When Jesus was Baptized- The Celestial Signs (When Cometh...) |
Jacob's Dying Words Prophesy the Celestial Sign of the Lord's Return in Judgement (When Cometh...) |
America's prophesied appointment with destiny |
America: Rushing Across the Threshold of Daniel Eight: Part 1 | Part 2 |
The Ironic Battle of the Babylons |
Decoding Symbolism |
Olympics Ceremonies: Beijing 2008: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
In this epic series, we follow the trail of some directly related and VERY STRANGE items, including an incredible crop circle and the "reverse speech" of the song performed by Led Zeppelin during the London Ceremony. To find our many decodings of the ceremonies of other games and half-time shows and awards shows, use the search widget above right to search our blog. |
The Iron Giant - Decoded: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
This series first appeared in 17 posts to our blog. We saw fit to update it to add more insightful commentary and feature better images! |
Personal |
Grinding at The Mill - A Miller's Testimony |
My Accident on 11/2/99 and Dream on 11/7/99 |
Hosted: |
George Muller - notes about living by faith |
The Harness of the Lord by Bill Britton |
"Be Ye Ready Is No Joking Matter" - David Wilkerson - from a dream in 1998 |
One Man Awake |
Others May: You Cannot |
'Twas the Night Before Jesus Came |
Caritas of Birmingham, URGENT Notice from (supporting The Sign for the Bride) |
An Untitled Short Story by Terry Mahoney - Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft (supporting Part 17 - Rochester, NY - The Blood Sealed Vault of Cthulhu) |
Utilities: |
English "Gematria" Calculator - Occult Code Discovery App |
Gematria - Word Finder |
Hebrew "Gematria" Calculator |
Time-binding Magick in Media (with Media Player Code Calculators) |
Temple at the Center of Time [David Flynn] - Easy Distance & Time Converter |