Code TREES anagram RESET
This page is an adjunct to the Reset 2022 Journal.
Why is a tree featured in this screen-capture with the slogan, "The End Is The Beginning"? If you struggle to answer that question, aside from the obvious fact that deciduous trees shed their dying leaves every Autumn and regrow them in the Spring, year after year, somebody involved with "Fear the Walking Dead" knows something you don't. We think we know why and we think you should, too! Then, the reason why this appears during this episode when 1:13 is showing on the media player's counter will speak to you about events soon to come!
We're very focused on the pending reset of time and the signs of that reality. Have you noticed that our cultures are being steeped in the reset theme? On one hand, there's the Great Reset with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. On another hand, there's entertainment media, commercials and ads, song lyrics, and the like. This resonating theme of RESET is subtle enough for it to escape most people's notice, yet they can't avoid it. There is intention behind it and a supernaturalism. From one perspective, the forces of darkness are behind it. From a perspective that's greater still, the Sovereign God is in it, working out His own great plan. For love's sake. For good. With that being said, we hope the examples we present here will speak to you as they do to us. We hope these examples will inspire you and encourage you to find the faith, hope, and love that will sustain you and draw you more and more near to the Lord Jesus Christ, Y'shua haMashiach.
What is our particular interest in trees? The word, reset, is a simple 5 letter word. There are a few plain anagrams. The word "trees" is the one we're primarily interested in here, but we must call attention to some related codes/symbols as they support the contexts. Images of, or, references to trees are used in a symbolic way to signal, reset. In the interest of informing you about symbolic anagrams, there's "steer" and "terse." If the seldom heard word "terse" is used in the dialog during a time-space ritual scene, you should know what's meant by it. Likewise, if you hear the word "steer" used in a time-space ritual context. More commonly, though, you'll notice how special emphasis might be given to one or more of the word's meanings. STEER: "To guide or direct the course of; an ox that has been castrated before it reaches maturity and raised for beef."" Also of interest: GOVERN - "from the Greek word 'kubernan,' 'to steer'." Also, HELM - "a nautical term meaning 'to steer'." Also, CONN - "to conduct or direct the steering of a vessel, such as a ship. (conning towers)"
How did we discover that "trees" anagram "reset" was a code? The insight came while I was studying the ad you see here. RESET, and naturally, all its anagrams, appear in what we call cross-line NLP clusters. It was the word "trees" that was highlighted to me in a familiar way. I knew we had been overlooking this, and so it was, as it was immediately confirmed to me and Aaron. (See Water into Wine - Y'suha's Miracle Before His Time for more of the story)
Before we launch into the examples we must preface it with a very brief exploration of some of the relevant symbolism of trees.
Trees naturally provide a record of history. If you look at the cross section of a tree trunk you'll see the years of its life represented in the rings, with a one to one relationship. This may explain something about why this Karaite Calendar site is called, Devorah's Date Tree. Dendrochronology is the study of rings to determine the age of the tree - and more. These reveal something about the climate in the region and they even bear witness to the conditions that were very specific to a tree's exact location. We're talking about the recording of data with respect to both time and space. Trees are well suited for inclusion in time-space ritual. Research "sacred groves" and that setting for worship will make more sense.
The tree reaches into the earth as it reaches also into heaven. This evokes the Hermetic Maxim. That's obvious from this captioned image I found, which features symbolic imagery that's associated with witchcraft and goddess worship. An Asherah pole was a sacred tree or wooden pole that was dedicated to the worship of that goddess.
As the tree naturally connects heaven and earth, trees are also identified with stargates or portals. These are also called wormholes, which are often seen in the fruit that grows on trees and in the wood of trees. Examples of the tree-as-stargate are not difficult to find. Here's one from a classic Disney animated feature.
Alice In Wonderland (1951)
In these panels, we see the white rabbit as he's about to enter a burrow. There's an oak tree on a knoll and the burrow goes right through its root system. Alice follows the rabbit and, after passing through the root system, she tumbles down into Wonderland. She transits through the stargate into an underworld realm, through a tree. If this isn't plain enough to you, the rabbit is the animal symbol of Hermes, the psychopomp, escort to the underworld.
We have other examples of the tree as stargate but before we move on there's more here that begs to be seen! This illustrates the Code TREES anagram RESET as well as anything else we've seen!
If you watch this video clip you'll see the white rabbit enter under the tree and come back out. He had been going on and on about being late, overdue, yet, after entering the burrow, he turns around and comes back out. He utters a version of what he had said earlier and then continues on his way, disappearing into the burrow. What's that about? Is he just a harebrain? Uh, yes - but no!
At first, Alice was dismissive about the white rabbit, seeing no cause for her cat to get excited about it. She casually noted that he was wearing a waistcoat and then suddenly jolted to attention, saying, "and a watch." Waistcoat, no big deal - but, A WATCH! The rabbit points at his pocket watch over and over, saying that he's late for a very important date and that he's really overdue. It's easy to overlook the obvious, but let's not do that. This scene is about time and the passing of time. This is obvious in the exoteric and, while its hidden in symbol, the esoteric should be just as obvious to many of you!
We first see the white rabbit come to a stream and hop over from rock to rock to the other side. Once there, he checks his watch. Alice follows him, skipping over the stream from rock to rock to the other side. The stream is the river of time, in symbol. (Recall how Diana skipped across the river in WW84. See this video featured in our Transit of Venus Series and our WW84 series.) The esoteric symbolism is about time and the crossing over from one dimension to another through time. When the rabbit says that he's late for a very important date, we understand that he has a scheduled appointment but think about a date in the context of the calendar instead. It's esoteric language, even NLP. This matter of a dimensional transiting through time is repeated when they get to the burrow-tree!
The white rabbit goes in and comes back out, then goes back in again. He loops. What's the theme here? Time, the passage of time, and dimensional transiting through time. This is modeling the reset of time. This isn't an endless looping. It's a once and done. He goes in and comes back out. Reset. Then he continues on making his way to his destination, his date. This is familiar, right?
Not compelling enough? The white rabbit points to his watch just before he enters the tree-burrow. So, let's WATCH what happens and pay close attention. He disappears into the tree-burrow and then returns back into view. His first words after emerging are, "NO TIME," and the huge pocket watch is nowhere in sight. NO WATCH ~ NO TIME. Where did the time go? The timeline was truncated. Cut off. Gone. This happened at the tree-burrow. TREES-RESET!
Need more convincing? The white rabbit had initially said, "No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" The moment he emerges from the burrow he repeats that - with a twist. "No time to say goodbye, hello! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" He says, "hello, goodbye," before he goes into the tree-burrow. He goes in and comes back out and says, "goodbye, hello," even waving his arms in the air, and then goes back in. The natural order of salutations is to say hello then goodbye. The rabbit followed that convention until after he had gone into the tree-burrow and returned back. TREES-RESET. Then the order inverted, reversed in time sequence. Why? Why indeed. With all the redundancy and consistency, you just have to track with the details and let the picture that develops bear witness.
One more item really needs to be brought forward. We've pretty well established the connection between the reset of time and the revealing of the lawless one. Two characters in this clip evoke the beast and his mark and do some modeling for us. In Old English gematria, waistcoat is 666. Alice had notably called this article to our attention along with the watch. There's a connection. Alice kept speaking to her cat, Dinah. In Old English gematria, Dinah is 216, which is 6*6*6. This is all the more notable because the fantasy novel that this animated feature was based upon was first published in English in England back in 1865. If we track what happens with these two characters, the white rabbit with the 666-signaling waistcoat models the reset of time at the tree-burrow as it was explained above. Dinah, the 666-signaling cat models the reset, aborted. While Alice tumbles down into the underworld realm, Dinah tumbles but catches herself and remains behind. She doesn't complete the journey she had begun. No doubt, Dinah turns back and exits the time-tunnel tree-burrow, returning to her original timeline and realm. This, to us, represents more validation.
Over the years we've had plenty to say about this classic feature animation, about how it is used as a standard for sodomite mind-control programming. SRA DID multiples can relate to the experience of missing time that is pictured when the white rabbit emerges from the dirt hole and frantically says, No Time, with no watch in sight. We also said volumes about the pairing of ritual sodomy with time travel/dimension transiting.
So, there's one of many examples of the tree-as-stargate and trees-as-reset codes. We did have a few very timely insights during the discovery and communication of what we learned about this, which makes it all the more compelling. If that's the only example of its kind that we ever get to present on, it's probably enough.