The Iron Giant - Decoded (Part 1 of 3)
Animated features are stealth WMDs in the devil's arsenal. The Iron Giant, from 1999, was one such "weapon of mass destruction," unleashed in the power of antichrist delusion. I learned plenty while working through this series. Key signal elements (like the number 9 as a transformation signal (which was the lead character's age) richly adorn the graphic images, script and plot.

This study that was first published on our blog is strongly recommended as preparation for the series done more recently on another animated feature, Rango. The depth and intricacy of symbolic craft exhibited in these Satanic devices deployed as family entertainment simply boggles the mind!
Signaling the Beast agenda
Since the end of October, 2009, I've been blogging about the symbols through which Satan's agendas are being signaled and advanced. This post follows that trend, featuring a cartoon movie released in 1999 titled, The Iron Giant. I was interested in watching this movie because the title references two symbolic biblical elements; the Iron and the Giant. In this you will see yet more redundant messaging about and conditioning for the coming Beast of Revelation 13, and the triple helix "upgrading." There is, in this, perhaps most significantly, yet another instance of the three and then four signal I've been watching for that helps us identify where we are on the Lord's appointment calendar.
First, I need to point out that this movie promotes disobedience to parents and rebellion against authority. For that reason alone this movie should never be shown to "impressionable" children who have no defense. This is, of course, the way of nearly all recent movies and especially those targeted for children.
If you want to watch the movie before reading any commentary, you might find it streaming for free, otherwise for the usual rental fee.
The setting for the cartoon movie (feature-length animation) is rustic Maine in 1957, a time when Sputnik was in the news and many youths had a fascination with science fiction. The two main characters are a 9-year-old boy named Hogarth and a robot he discovers and befriends. The morality tale presented is the child-like robot's discovery that he can be what he chooses to be, and that, despite his obvious original design and programming as a weapon created for the destruction of mankind, he can opt out of functioning as a weapon and become a protector, defender, and friend of man. He is coached in this discovery by the boy hero, his mentor.
If we understand how the iron giant is a type of the Beast we can read the storyline as a great lie - a Satanic set-up. The iron symbolizes the fallen angels and the seed of the "bad tree" serpent Lucifer. This is validated in the symbolic imagery.
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Daniel 2:43
Biblically, the giants are Nephilim and Rephaim, offspring of the watchers and incarnations of their offspring.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
Genesis 6:4-5
The Iron Giant Beast is indeed appointed for the destruction of Adamic man as a weapon crafted in the heavens and fallen to earth, but this weapon WILL NOT be turned into something contrary to his nature! The iron giant can be no friend!
SPOILER ALERT! In the movie's closing scenes we see the iron giant, which had been sacrificed to save men, healing himself from death. This is the key messianic parallel. This was pictured in the giant's animate members being reassembled following a death by dismemberment. This kind of resurrection or reincarnation method of being healed from death should bring to mind Osiris and Horus, of the Egyptian pantheon. These are identities assigned to represent the antichrist Beast - a.k.a. Apollo.
"Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish, and used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a gold phallus to conceive her son." (Horus - Wikipedia)
Horus was the god of the Sky, god of War and god of Protection, three roles in which the iron giant is presented. This healing from death is very well presented by Tom Horn, who has written the following very relevant observations. The following two paragraphs are excerpted from, "READ IT BEFORE IT'S BANNED BY THE US GOVERNMENT - PART 21 - by Tom Horn."
"Whether or not there is a connection between the ancient power behind the Watcher narrative and the modern ‘alien abduction’ activity documented by Vallée and others involving biological harvesting from humans and animals, records from antiquity include mysterious possibilities regarding the ability of the Watcher’s deceased offspring to return to ‘physical form’ at particular moments in time. The relationship between the Rephaim—the giant occupants of Canaan (of which Og, King of Bashan whose bed was 18 feet long belonged)—and the Nephilim becomes important here, as the Rephaim were associated by the ancients with the ‘shades of the dead’ including Nephilim in Sheol. The meaning of the word Rephaim is especially germane, as it carries with it the idea ‘to heal’ or to be ‘healed’ as in a ‘resurrection’ from the place of the dead, Sheol-Hades."
"In the Ras Shamra texts, the Rephaim were described as demigods who worshipped the Amorite god Ba’al, the ruler of the underworld. When Rephaim died, their spirits went into the underworld where they joined Ba’al’s acolyte assembly of lesser gods, kings, heroes, and rulers. These beings had the power to return from the dead through reincarnation into bodily form as Nephilim. As Mysterious World in Giants in the Earth also included, "…the Rephaim giants were specifically noted by Moses as being the return of the antediluvian Nephilim, that the Rephaim were in fact the reincarnations of the demonic spirits of the Nephilim giants who had been destroyed in the Flood." A surprise to many Bible students would be to learn that the prophet Isaiah may have considered this Amorite dogma factual, and that he tied the power of these beings to the King of Babylon and Lucifer himself."
The Exploitation of Occult Symbolism
This animated feature film (1999 - Warner Brothers) was introduced as yet another installment in Satan's program preparing the world to receive the coming Beast of Revelation 13. The movie's storyline presented the iron giant as a messianic or Christ figure. While Christ figures are commonly found in fictional works, this one was finely crafted by some who are highly skilled in the occult practices of concealing the symbolic imagery that casts the spells of antichrist delusion. In this second Part of the series I'm going to expose some of the visual elements, to be followed, Lord willing, by more visual and non-visual symbolic elements.
The point, here, is to show that we are being preyed upon by those who are masters of subtle deception. It's not my purpose to single out this movie or those responsible for it but rather to use it as an example. I'm using it to teach you how to recognize the enemy's weaponry, bringing it into the light to nullify its influence in your life. The kinds of things I'm presenting here I see in many movies and in other contexts. When your eyes are open, you can and should help others to see, who may yet be drawn by the Lord to escape the great evil planned for the blinded.
The first symbol I'll address is the most obvious one found in the movie, the ubiquitous Yin Yang symbol that appears with no attempt to disguise it. The duality and balance it is commonly said to represent is in essence the combination of the heavenly and earthly into one. It is the great dark secret of the procreative blending of the heavenly male and earthly female in their offspring.
The Yin Yang symbol testifies of the sons of god (white) with the daughters of men (black). As with all such symbols, it does more than merely signal these things in a benign way. It actively promotes them because demonic influence is projected through a symbol as a portal! The effect is far from imaginary. Look around. See where the combined effect of all this has brought us! What is pictured in the Yin Yang will be manifested in the Beast and his relatives, those who take the mark of the Beast and are likewise transformed.
There is no possibility that this symbol might signify good offspring and not evil, since graven images representing such things are expressly forbidden by the one true and sovereign God Yahweh.
Let's consider the movie's promotional image that was formerly featured on Netflix. What strikes me first is that a downward-pointing delta can be drawn around the giant's torso; a symbol of the daughters of men. This seems incongruous at first, because the giant is male and has fallen to earth from heaven. Yet, this imagery is perfectly fit for the intended purpose.
The bottom edge of the title graphic follows an arc. This forms an arch over the giant, emphasizing the heavens, which we see clearly in the framing.
Now, when we consider the arc as a segment of a circle we note that its center is the giant's loins. The circle is a primary female symbol. A dot marking the center of a circle (Think, Target's corporate logo) is the male inside the female, a primary procreative symbol. The dot is sometimes called the Bindu. Because the male giant's loins mark the center of the circle, what is presented is a subtle and very powerful procreative image. The effectual influence of this is amplified by the positioning of the dark female "pubic" triangle formed by the iron giant's torso.
Another seemingly incongruous feature adds to the demonic energetic influence and more powerfully embeds it in the unsuspecting prey (through what's sometimes referred to as cognitive dissonance). In the title, the letter O in IRON is called out by its unusual design. Instead of the expected circular O, we are presented with a square as the main "outside" shape of the block letter. This inverts the expected female symbol and turns it into the male. That incongruity on a primary symbolic level creates the cognitive dissonance, confusing the genders and blending them, because it is still an O - a square O, a male female. It is as the androgynous Baphomet. (image on left) This is one of Satan's popular identities, and one that particularly features procreative aspects.
Inside a letter O we expect to see a circle, and inside this square O we see an arc segment that implies one. However, inside that implied circle are two more symbols. A crescent Moon appears on the right. I believe a corresponding Sun is implied as the lighter positive space balancing the darker negative space of the Moon. The Sun/Moon are very common heavenly male bridegroom and earthly female bride symbols. Their appearance together in the circle of the square O compares exactly to the imagery I exposed earlier that appears under the title - strengthening even further the meaning of the poster and the demonic power it wields.
But, that's not yet the whole of it! The word "GIANT" in the title has a stylized letter called out for our attention - the A. When an A is called out, it always signifies, as an upward-pointing delta, the sons of god. This upward-pointing delta balances the downward-pointing delta of the Giant's torso below it as its mate.
This version of the letter A has a flat top, which suggests the ubiquitous occult pyramid without the capstone. Although it's offset slightly, the capstone actually appears above the pyramid's base as the androgynous square O. The capstone is usually pictured as a glowing eye, and, indeed, the radiant Sun and crescent Moon look like an eye, with the Sun as the pupil. This now obvious pyramid is the ancient symbol of the antichrist Beast ruling his antichrist kingdom.
Inside the pyramid base we recognize the image of the iron giant Beast. Inside the worshipers of the image of the Beast will be the Beast nature as they are transformed into his image through the DNA triple helix mark of the Beast, which transforms their blood and descends their souls, never to be recovered. The image of the beast appears almost headless, with the head minimized. The effect on the viewer is that we unconsciously want to balance it, to give it what it lacks. We are being compelled by magical means to seek to place the head on the body, to complete it. This is the supernatural dynamic of the pyramid.
This is the purpose of the movie, its storyline, themes, and cryptic occult symbols. We play the movie and we ourselves are being played. The unsuspecting viewer is being conformed to the image of the beast.
We see in the promotional image a big powerful iron giant holding a relatively weak little boy. The giant holds the boy in his left hand, the hand of cursing in contrast to the right hand of blessing. The cursed human is presented as feeble compared to the mighty iron giant. I'd like to counter that imagery with reference to the true and prophetic biblical account of David and Goliath. Remember - Goliath loses! David wins, who trusts not in his own strength and ability but in his God's, who loves him dearly!
When the mark of the Beast is presented who will recognize it? Who will be able to resist? Those the Lord is granting an eye to see will recognize it. Those who submit to His headship and authority and who willingly yield their lives to Him will be enabled to resist, and be rewarded with the life that is truly life! Do you know this to be true? Pass it on!
The Boy Hero, his Triple-Helix Transformation Number, and the Hogarth Hughes Evocations
Let's consider what the boy hero's attributes conceal and reveal. His name is Hogarth Hughes, and he is nine years old.
Why is the boy nine years old? Why did the movie come out in 1999? Why was there a well-aged 1959 Cadillac Coupe De Ville convertible featured in a scene when the movie was set in 1957, long before the car was even in production? Nine is the signal number for the triple helix transformation of Adamic man to Beast, as I've addressed in other blog posts. Remember the movie "District 9" from 2009 (Tri-Star Pictures) and the "Three Times Three" Freemasonic ritual? The key to understanding this number in the context of the great secret is in identifying it with the gestation period of a human. Nine is the number of months from conception to birth and thus signifies the bringing forth of offspring. This kind of offspring will have the iron giant DNA mixed with the miry clay. This is the future of PositiveId as merged with Steel Vault, now arriving at your local med centers to facilitate the coming mark of the Beast.
What of his unusual name? There are several features of note, one being that the boy is an H. Hughes, like the enigmatic and eccentric Howard Hughes. Another is the allusion to the famous cartoonist and Freemason William Hogarth. Another is that the name "Hogarth" means "hilltop garden" and "lamb enclosure."
"Hogarth" is Old Norse for "hilltop garden." A garden is usually where choice foods are grown with particular care. One famous garden, the Garden of Eden, is most relevant because, after man sinned in the garden, the serpent was cursed to eat dust - while Adam is that dust (See Who is Cain's Father?)! Yes, this is cannibalism. So we see how, by way of the cleverly chosen name "Hogarth," the Adamic boy is associated with choice food being readied for consumption by the hilltop gods.
This matter (that probably seems really bizarre unless you're familiar with the likes of Steve Quayle's work) was actually signaled in symbolic imagery as the serving bowl containing the food, found in many scenes on the kitchen table. It is green. Think - Soylent Green, a sci-fi movie where coveted food is made of people. Think - the green-skinned Osiris, a Beast identity. Recall the many green logos addressed in this blog.
Consider the serving bowl's triple helix encircling the rim as a horizon line where heaven meets earth. Remember's scene 3?
The lower earthly part of the bowl is woven, indicating how the iron is mixed with miry clay but in such a way that "one shall not cleave to another."
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Daniel 2:43
Another meaning of the name "Hogarth" (The Hogarth Surname) is "English (northern borders) and Scottish: probably a variant of Hoggard, but perhaps, as Black suggests, a habitational name from a lost or unidentified place named with the dialect word hoggarth ‘lamb enclosure.’" This meaning can be considered in the same way as the "hilltop garden," with the Adamic (lamb-kind) boy associated with where choice livestock might be raised for the god's consumption.
The allusion to William Hogarth (1697 – 1764) is equally interesting and relevant! He was an English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, social critic and editorial cartoonist - AND - a Freemason! Indeed, this iron giant cartoon resembles some of his work, not in artistic style but in that it's replete with the esoteric symbolism characteristic of the works of Freemasonry. When William Hogarth died and was buried at St. Nicholas's Churchyard in London, his friend, David Garrick, composed this epitaph for his tombstone.
Farewell great Painter of Mankind
Who reach'd the noblest point of Art
Whose pictur'd Morals charm the Mind
And through the Eye correct the Heart.
If Genius fire thee, Reader, stay,
If Nature touch thee, drop a Tear:
If neither move thee, turn away,
For Hogarth's honour'd dust lies here.
When you read "Whose pictur'd Morals charm the Mind - And through the Eye correct the Heart." in the memorial tribute to William Hogarth you should consider his namesake's appearance in the morality tale that is The Iron Giant. Use of the word "charm" is fitting, as the effect of sorcery. Use of the word "correct" however, should be recognized as the perspective of a Freemason, whose god is, ultimately, Lucifer.
To recognize Hogarth Hughes as an "H. Hughes" suggests an allusion is being made to Howard Hughes (1905 – 1976). I was born in 1957 and I can remember being interested in the enigmatic Mr. Hughes, who seemed to be in the news pretty regularly for one thing or another. He was one of the most wealthy and eccentric men around. What interested me most was his role as a technological innovator in aviation. He was very brave and is recognized as one of the most influential aviators in history. Howard Hughes was also a maverick film producer. With William Hogarth being a cartoonist and Howard Hughes, a movie producer, there may be something of interest in that the lead character in a cartoon movie is named Hogarth Hughes. What I find far more interesting, though, is the role Howard Hughes may yet be found to have played in the biotech innovation of the mark of the Beast!
"In 1953, Hughes launched the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland, formed with the express goal of basic biomedical research, including trying to understand, in Hughes's words, the genesis of life itself.'" Howard Hughes - Wikipedia To what end would one pursue such an interest? Isn't this the very kind of pursuit that will find fulfillment in the mark of the Beast? If you do a little research you'll discover that institute is still well-funded and is very significant today, with a mission focused on genetics, immunology and molecular biology.
In 2006, the Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus was opened in Ashburn, VA, primarily focused on neurobiology. If one were to take such things as clues, one might look at the street names on the campus and, seeing the intersection of Helix and Demeter Drives, suspect there might be some hidden agendas involved. Demeter is, among other things, the goddess of fertility. Demeter's emblem is the poppy, a bright red flower that grows among the barley, which grain is a biblical type of the Bride of Y'shua.
This goddess is named alongside Zeus and Apollo among the Twelve Olympians. What do you suppose might be signified by the intersection of Helix and Demeter?
If one were to take such things as clues, one might look at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's logo and suspect there might be a conspiracy behind this and the color of the fictional Hughes family's serving bowl, the skin of Osiris and other logos like that of the Genetic Engineering Network.
Of course, these things should be taken as clues. There is a conspiracy afoot, to deceive you and I and as many as possible and deprive us of our Adamic nature and souls. The naming of the boy and his age in the cartoon movie's setting are no less informative than the movie's promotional poster or its storyline.
The devil is clever and bad. Yahweh is more clever, and good! He is offering an upgrade opportunity too. Take it, before it's too late.
The Oak Motif - Thor, the Norse god of Thunder, Dimensional Portals, and Triple-Helix DNA
One point of this work is to show that we are being preyed upon by those who are masters of subtle deception. When you learn how to recognize the enemy's weaponry you can nullify its influence in your life and help others to do the same.
My friend, we do absolutely need all the help we can get! The Bible's declaration is that in these last days, only the very elect will not be deceived. All others will. Seek the one who opens the eyes and ears, the Lord Y'shua, son of the most High God, with your whole heart.
This cartoon movie is richly crafted with some very subtle features, and some not quite so subtle. With regard to visual elements, the Yin Yang symbol presented was obvious, undisguised. The serving bowl was very clever! Some of the other visuals are so frequently presented in various forms they can be considered as a class. There's far more to be found than I will address here, and, of course, you may pursue them further as the Lord leads. I'm going to be leading up to a very significant insight, but, Lord willing, it will come after a few more posts.
Hogarth's house decor features an oak leaf and acorn motif, with a prominent oak leaf appearing in a forest scene as well. We might expect to see a variety of leaves in the movie, with a mix of maple and elm, perhaps, but the oak is quite dominant. In some contexts, such an observation might be unimportant, but not in such a vehicle as what this is proving to be. The oak and acorn point to Thor, the thunder god, following the movie's Norse cues (the name Hogarth, the iron giant's reassembling / reanimating on Langjökull Glacier, Iceland).
Thor equates to the Zeus / Satan identity and also to Apollo. The acorn, as the seed of the oak, signals the offspring; Thor, of Odin, and Apollo, of Zeus. The acorn identity is the Beast and those who are likewise transformed by his mark. The iron giant himself compares to Thor, with flashing eyes, a huge appetite, protecting humans - the god of thunder and sky. (See In Worship of Trees - The Oak Tree)
The oak is also known as the garden of the forest because it is host to many other plants like the mistletoe, ivy, stinkhorn and lichen. As the garden of the forest, we see a connection to Hogarth, whose name means "hilltop garden." The oak motif decorates his home.
He is pictured sitting at the kitchen table in a chair marked with an oak leaf, as on the throne of Thor. As a rebellious, disobedient, and dishonest boy, he is pictured in the movie ruling his domain by manipulation, and threats. The lie in presenting Hogarth on the throne of Thor is that those who rebel against authority, rule by manipulation and honor the Beast will be exalted to a throne of authority. The truth is that Satan hates everyone and has little loyalty. He delights in setting people up for destruction.
In Celtic mythology, the oak is the tree of doors and thus a gateway between worlds. It's also a place where portals can be erected. We see several dimensional portals presented in The Iron Giant in such a way as to validate the symbolism. On the front door of Hogarth's house, there is an oak leaf and acorn door knocker, marking it as a dimensional portal.
The house has a staircase. You ascend and descend by passing by or between two newel posts topped by acorns.
Hogarth sometimes accesses his bedroom through an open window. He accesses the upper floor portal by ascending and descending using an oak tree. The portal itself isn't marked with an oak symbol but rather a cross. The cross marks a dimensional portal, as I've explained before, with the vertical as the heavenly male, the horizontal as the earthly female, and the intersection representing their union. The cross signals the DNA portal between heaven and earth - the mark of the Beast. Extending this further, this image evokes the beast and the mark of the Beast Code 666. The snowflake-like design has 6 points. The letter X is the 24th letter, which transforms to 6 because 2+4=6. Tracing through the dots produces a circle, which transforms to 6 through the shape of the letter O, the 15th letter, with 1+5=6. Three sixes ~ Code 666. (Revelation 13:18)
I had wondered why the house's window panes were arranged in such a peculiar way, with the uppers divided into six panes and the lowers into two. The cross that appears when the window is open explains it, because it's then a dimensional portal. Seeing how the cross symbol is used to mark a portal that is used for secret access should speak loudly to us about the use of the cross symbol by unsuspecting Christians. If they only knew the secret they would get rid of the cross and every other graven image in a big hurry!
On the cabinet mirror frame above the bathroom sink are more oak and acorn symbols. For a knob, instead of another acorn is what you might recognize as a version of the Rosicrucian rose, as sometimes seen in Masonic architectural ornamentation. This is a tip-off, as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians are related. The white rose adorns the mirror identifying it with the practice of scrying, divination, which is communicating through a dimensional portal. (See the Hermetic and Rosicrucian Timeline entry for the year 1531)
The doorway from the hall to the kitchen is framed by the hall's vine helix wallpaper pattern, signifying that this oak-framed dimensional portal is DNA. On the hall side, it has two strands. The light lies beyond. That's the false promise.
Consider the plate behind Hogarth in this image. The three oak leaves appear as a delta inscribed within a circle. Triple helix DNA signaling - of the oak kind. For those who cast a spell through this symbol portal, magical protection is given by the circumscribed circle. Don't fall prey to the scheme.
If you think this movie is unique in its manner of presenting layer after layer of demonic signaling and real dimensional portals, please consider how subtle this deceptive threat is and rightly conclude that it is far from unique. You have been surrounded by such without even being aware of the presence of this evil. Are you becoming more aware? Seek the Lord for insight into how He might have you respond to this awareness.
Hogarth Signals the Triple-Helix DNA Transformation!
Let's focus on the different kinds of triple helix DNA / mark of the Beast signaling done by Hogarth, the 9-year-old boy hero. His clothing is usually signaling, and I found him hand-signaling once too. The most interesting signal is how he was using the phone.
A coiled handset cord is obviously a helix. In the image on the right, you see the helical strand looped around his loins. When you add one helical strand to the Adamic double helix, well - do the math.
I've related the matter of adding a third strand of DNA to the Adamic man's native two to the mark of the Beast frequently in this blog.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:16
When Hogarth hung up the phone, the helix was still wrapped around him, trapping him. To free himself, he lifted the cord over his head, presenting us with the image on the left.
Hogarth's point of connection with the black helical strand was the telephone handset, which he held in his right hand. We were presented with a snapshot of his holding the helix in his right hand at his forehead. When the helix was wrapped around Hogarth, he was trapped, just like those who will receive the mark. While Hogarth was able to free himself, the Bible declares that those who receive the actual mark will not have that option.
Now, certainly, you can dismiss these observations as "coincidence" if you like. I believe a better response is to acknowledge that the Lord is revealing a plot against us that is a deadly threat, and that He is revealing it and opening our eyes today so that we will not be deceived when it really counts. I pray that you don't take this brief season for granted. Make it count.
Hogarth wears this sweater you see on the right in several scenes. If you have read what I blogged about the meaning of Obama's seal you may recall what the bands of red and white signify. The red represents the Adamic man, because Adam means "red earth." The white represents the divine light of the sons of god. Two white stars appear, stars being a metaphor for angelic and/or demonic heavenly beings. Wearing such a sweater signals the union of the divine stars with the Adam. The next time you see a flag waving, give this matter some thought.
Here, on the left, he's wearing a sporty looking shirt with two red bands (Adam) flanking a blue band (heaven). Triple helix DNA.
Supporting this observation we see triple helix DNA being signaled right next to him in the wallpaper covering the walls of the upstairs hallway. In the previous chapter, I addressed the pattern of the wallpaper in the DOWNstairs hall, which has a double-helix vine pattern. The UPstairs hall has a triple helix design. The double down and triple up signifies how man ascends to heaven and godhood through the triple-helix transformation.
The repeating elements of the triple-helix signaling pattern resemble a matrix of segments of genetic material. This wallpaper appears frequently in the movie but the pattern elements are seldom very perfectly formed. They are serpentine flourishes suggestive of a vertical infinity symbol (eternal life). In the pattern, you can usually see some well-formed sixes and nines. Six is the number of man. Nine is the single digit that signifies the number of the triple-helix upgrade.
I've written recently about the meaning of the number 69 as the popular metaphor for oral sex, pointing back to the activity in the Garden of Eden. Through it, Satan boasts of his conquest. I don't think I've introduced yet how sixty-nine is the two-digit number that represents the triple helix upgrade. I believe the reason for it is because a male and a female each contribute 23 chromosomes when reproducing, which combine to the necessary total of 46. If you equate the two-strand DNA structures produced you can consider each strand as equivalent to the number 23. Two strands, forty-six chromosomes. (2x23=46) By extension, three-strand DNA involves 3x23 or 69 chromosomes. I don't have the lab results :) but there's more evidence connecting 69 to the triple helix DNA I haven't shared.
I believe this is why the reclining 69 appears on the keystone of the Masonic Royal Arch. It is recognized as the astrological symbol for Cancer, but that's not all it is! It marks the place where the two pillars join, the male and female, the heaven and earth - and the triple helix transformation is that joining keystone - the GREAT SECRET!
Hogarth and the Iron Giant as Superman, the Hybrid Beast (scarlet snake)
We've already seen some of the imagery of Hogarth signaling triple-helix DNA / mark of the Beast. Here, we see Hogarth in his bedroom wearing a long sleeve tri-color striped shirt. The color banding of the shirt evokes the scarlet snake. That compares to the scarlet snake-like red serpentine flourishes in the upstairs hall's wallpaper. Red White Blue Triple-Helix DNA!
If you've seen certain posts on our blog (like Part 9: NCR - Clark Kent, the Masonic Temple, Superman and Harry Potter), you may recognize how Hogarth's striped shirt evokes the scarlet snake. This is the same snake that's modeled by Clark Kent's tie, as worn on the cover of a Superman comic from 1967. The scarlet snake tie is looped around his neck, snaking down and appearing right next to another scarlet snake! That one is what the red letter S on the shield on his chest represents. The scarlet snake imagery is redundant! This serpentine figure also represents DNA!
The meaning of Hogarth's scarlet snake-evoking shirt is the same as Superman's tie. The color scarlet is red and because Adam means "red earth," scarlet represents Adamic mankind. The snake references the serpent, an identity of Satan. In the symbol of the scarlet snake, the Adamic mankind and the serpent Satan are combined - as one! Hogarth's shirt signals the hybrid serpent-man with triple-helix DNA.
If you feel like Hogarth's red, white and blue colors of the flag evokes patriotism, that's perfectly appropriate. He's PATRIOTIC: Code 666 - signaling the beasts and the mark!
The serpent is really crafty and subtle, yet Y'shua alerts us to his schemes and makes us wise!
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Matthew 10:16
If you haven't watched The Iron Giant movie yet you might be thinking that my connecting it with vintage Clark Kent and Superman is a stretch, but Superman is referenced during the movie. Hogarth introduced the iron giant to some of his comic books, including this one you see on the right (Action Comics #188 January, 1954). When Hogarth compares the giant and his mission to Superman and his mission, the iron giant responds by identifying with Superman visually, donning the shield. Later in the movie, when it's discovered that the iron giant can fly, Hogarth coaches him to fly like Superman with his arms outstretched. The Superman character represents the Beast and all those who will be transformed from a "Clark Kent" to a Superman identity by way of the Scarlet snake / mark of the Beast.
Superman and The Iron Giant aren't alone in their exploitation of the scarlet snake symbolism. You can see it featured in this Google Doodle from 2012. (See also the decoding here: Google Doodle Decoded - I have a "Wet" Dream)
While wearing his scarlet snake shirt, Hogarth is touching the green braided rug. Fritz Springmeier has identified the color green as Satan's color, according to the symbolism of Illuminati programming. Because the rug is Satan's color and it's braided, which evokes triple-helix DNA, Hogarth is redundantly signaling the beasts and the mark! This resonates with the checkerboard pattern on his bedding that signifies the knowledge of good and evil.
This redundancy builds symbol upon symbol and layer upon layer to increase the potency of Occult rituals.
We see the same thing when Hogarth is wearing the red and white sweater (daughters of men made divine) by the oak leaf delta/triskele imagery on the decorative platter.
And again, we find redundant signaling when Hogarth wears a triple-helix signaling shirt in the scene with the red serpentine-patterned wallpaper. This is how spells are cast, and by exposing the symbolism and mechanisms, we nullify the influence that spell has over us!
The Ascension of the Fallen Star
The Bible uses the star as a metaphor to represent angelic beings. (See What Was it That is Called the Star of Bethlehem?)
The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches.
Revelation 1:20b
This metaphor is widely leveraged in occult symbolism because star images are very powerful and most people are unaware of what they signify. Of course, many kinds of star-like structures and images are naturally occurring and quite innocent, like the snowflake and hexagonal forms like the cells of a honeycomb. What signals their being leveraged against you is the context. Many people will recognize an inverted five-pointed star as an evil symbol, especially when inscribed within a circle, but when it's not inverted, or has four, six or eight points, a star generally won't alert suspicion. Yet, it often should.
In the plot of The Iron Giant, the giant is killed in the sky, blown up while intercepting a missile. In this image, we see Hogarth looking up at a star that is the radiant light from the blast. The iron giant is a messianic figure who sacrifices himself to save people and is later resurrected. The star supports that theme, presenting us with a cross, which in most peoples' minds represents the instrument of Christ's crucifixion. (Technically, Y'shua was more likely hung on a tree that resembled a vertical stake with no horizontal cross member, but I digress.) The form of the iron giant star is one you might recognize as a Celtic cross, with concentric rings of light around the intersection.
I perceive more layers of symbolism in this. The iron giant, who, in the official synopsis, is stated to have "fallen from the stars," has ascended to once again become a star. A fallen star represents a fallen angel, what Enoch refers to as a Watcher and Genesis 6 refers to as a son of god. The iron giant really represents the antichrist Beast as a counterfeit messiah, which is to say he is a hybrid god-man. He is a cross between god and man, the four-pointed star. The vertical represents the heavenly sons of god, the horizontal; the earthly daughters of men, the intersection; their union. What Hogarth is looking at is an end that is a beginning, a emblem that is both a "death star" and a "star of Bethlehem."
Stars are more frequently pictured with six points, the number of man. The six-pointed star compares to the hexagram. These both resolve to the essential opposing deltas that signal the sons of god with the daughters of men and their triple helix offspring. If you've ever heard of a hex being put on someone you've heard reference to the use of this six-pointed symbol as a demonic portal. When inscribed in a circle it's the primary symbol through which demons are invoked, invited to pass through as a dimensional portal.
The six-pointed star is featured in several scenes including this one in Hogarth's bedroom, pictured in a snapshot on the right. You may recognize this from an earlier post where I featured the cross that marks the window as a dimensional portal. Companion signal elements often appear to make the spell more potent, and as commonly found in this movie, we find it here in the stars on the wallpaper. One of them is enlarged in the insert so you can identify it more easily. This particular version is as an eight-pointed star that is missing its horizontal elements.
You should be grasping the reality that the agents and agencies behind this vehicle know the scheme, and that, by the grand scope and scale of the themes and thematic elements, it must be orchestrated by the master of deceit himself; Satan. You should also be growing in awareness that this father of lies and all who serve him are only really serving the greater and sovereign Yahweh's purposes, who is granting discernment to those of us who watch in obedience in this late hour.
The six-pointed stars you see here should be familiar.
Walmart, the corporate giant often hated for the devastating effect their stores typically have on small-town life and economies, and also known for their use of in-store subliminals, identifies itself with the six-pointed star. Their motto, "Live Better," should tip you off to their complicity in the triple helix DNA "upgrade" scheme that will counterfeit the life that is truly Life.
The medical community is replete with occult symbols promoting the spells of antichrist delusion. Red and blue four-pointed star crosses and six-pointed stars are everywhere! As documented in our works exposing NCR's marketing sequence, the official ObamaCare imagery, and various PositiveId attributes, you should be convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that the mark of the Beast will be popularly introduced in the context of the medical center through the agency of health care professionals.