The Sign for the Bride - Part 1
The Sign for the Bride - Part 1 / Part 2

Contents of this page
Baptism Reveals - Both Christ AND Antichrist!
Bringing Forth the Brighter Light
The Secret Baptism of II Thessalonians 2 - The Key!
A "Sign" of Apostasy is NOT a Sign!
A Greek Word Study Exposes the Gross Violation of Fundamental Principles
Discerning the Day of the Lord
What Threat is Posed by the Lie?
Who are they who 'did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved'?
The "Coming Great Deception" Covers the Lie as the First Strike
How Can the Lie be so Convincing?
The Lie and the Authority of the Vatican
The second chapter of II Thessalonians prepares us for a season of great deception by informing us about a very important sequence of events. This passage of scripture is so vitally important but yet it's so thoroughly misunderstood! I consider this study to rank among the most important on this website. If your customary approach is to skim the content, I cannot recommend that practice here!
To begin, please take a few minutes to read the second chapter of II Thessalonians in your favorite Bible versions. Reflect on what you may have been taught about it, and what you may or may not have already questioned, and pray for more insight into what the Lord would have you to know.
Paul's letter refers to his prior communications with the saints in Thessalonica, but although we have the book of I Thessalonians, essential details on the subject seem lacking. Did the knowledge of what he actually meant die with those early saints? Perhaps it did but, ultimately, it matters little because the Lord Who revealed it to Paul is still quite capable of revealing secrets to His beloved saints as He prepares us for what lies ahead!
The passage opens as Paul, with obvious concern, informs us about some kind of sign that will happen before the day of the Lord comes. He doesn't appear to elaborate upon what's meant by "the day of the Lord" but the way he writes suggests that it's somehow related to "the coming of our Lord Jesus and our gathering to Him." The recognition (and recognizability) of this sign will serve as a safeguard for the saints against a lie that will threaten to shake our composure. What seems plain enough about this sign is that it somehow involves the revealing of the man of lawlessness and that all this unfolds in the midst of great deception and delusion.
Today, many saints are being assured that, when the time of crisis arrives, they will not be deceived because they're on the lookout for a man who will suddenly appear, claiming to be the savior. They believe that the world will approve and accept him but are confident that they themselves will not be deceived because they're expecting him. Some believe he will be linked in some way with aliens and trust that this awareness will be enough to safeguard them against the "coming great deception." Many saints have a short list of candidates in mind with a stand-out favorite, selected by comparing the candidates' attributes with the clues scattered throughout the Bible. Is any or all of this enough? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Without the Lord's special provision, which we're going to be addressing at length, their confidence will be shattered and their faith destroyed when the lawless one is about to be revealed. The faith of most saints will utterly fail when presented with the lie Paul cautions us about, which is the opening salvo or first strike of the assault in the season when the lawless one is revealed. How can that possibly be? Read on!
According to popular theology (which will be exposed as a fallacy), the scenario involves an apostasy of the church, a wholesale falling away from the faith. This is claimed to be the sign that the day of the Lord hasn't already come, which is thought by many to include "the rapture." It's a widely held belief that, shortly after the apostasy is recognized, the man of sin will be revealed in the midst of what's frequently tagged as "the coming great deception." The scripture's referencing of a restraining agency and what is seen as its removal leads rapture theorists to infer that the man of sin can only be revealed after the holy spirit has been removed from the earth in "the rapture" of the church. Preterists claim that the second chapter of II Thessalonians was already fulfilled long ago. There are other variant interpretations that have been floated over the past two millennia. I have found not a single one among them that can stand when brought out into the light of day.
As you continue this study, you'll find that the evidence brought forward engenders a radically different understanding. I encourage you to remain patient as you work your way through the presentation. The false tenets many of you hold will fade and disappear as the light shines more and more brightly, Lord willing.
The following studies provide a solid foundation for what you'll learn here. (These are found in the section, "B. b. The Harvest Season Begins!")
The essential message of the second chapter of II Thessalonians has been heavily cloaked to secure it, hiding it from all except those whose eyes and ears the Lord opens to behold this valuable treasure. While some may think to blame the Devil for the cloaking, it's the Lord Y'shua Himself who gets the credit for the brilliant plan that requires it and for the cloaking itself - to the glory of God our Father!
Stuck in a loop - but WHY?
To give you some perspective, here's my testimony about how I came by this vital knowledge. The Lord opened the second chapter of II Thessalonians to me in a dramatic fashion!
What I had been taught about this chapter since my new birth from above in 1980 was pretty mainstream. While there was a certain logic to it, the evidence wasn't altogether compelling. I felt increasingly aware that the light that I possessed just didn't shine brightly enough. I hoped and prayed that something better would come along - and so it did!
It was in 1988 that the Lord brought me to a definite point of crisis in my life. As a result of that struggle, I was pruned off from a dependence upon institutionalized Christianity and the works of others. The Lord Jesus Christ brought me to a place of greater humility as a student at His feet. (It was many years later that I came to learn about how an apostolic anointing was released in 1988 (Henry Gruver and the Strike Team's mission in Rome), bringing me some clarity about what had happened to me.) As I entered into this new relationship with my Lord, it quickly became apparent that there was no small amount of unlearning to be done. Albert Einstein's famous quote comes to mind: "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."
Initially, as the Lord gently corrected my wrong thinking, I relearned about matters of faith. Then, He dealt with me in a remarkable way on the subject of the hope! This began very memorably in May of 1991 with the revelation of the celestial sign of Jesus' return in judgment. Alongside that, He led me through the scriptures that described that sign of the Lord's coming in judgment, and many others also that informed me about the greater context. Some of the doctrines and principles I had formerly learned were solid and dependable but others failed in the light that began to shine forth so much more brightly. One thing in particular was an obstacle that was so substantial that I could no longer continue without resolving it!
It was my wrong thinking about the second chapter of II Thessalonians that brought that season of exceptional progress to a halt, briefly, yet completely. The Lord had been leading me from scripture to scripture with His light shining brightly along the way. At one point, I found myself stuck in a loop. I would be brought to the second chapter of II Thessalonians, where I would read it with an awareness that even after having read it so many times before it still made very little sense to me. What was so striking was my awareness that the bright light I had become accustomed to was conspicuously absent. With no other direction, I would move on to another passage of interest - only to find myself being returned back in shorter and shorter cycles. This seemed incredibly odd to me, increasingly frustrating and then even disturbing! Why did the Lord stall me on that passage and return me back to it again and again without turning up the light? It was obvious enough that the issue wasn't going to be resolved by continuing to do what I had been doing. I shut down the computer and prayed for a little while, and then went to bed early that night.
I got up the next morning and went to work as usual. After work, I went home and had dinner with the family, but instead of following my usual habit of going straight to my office to resume my studies, I sat down to quietly pray and contemplate my situation. After maybe half an hour I had a sudden epiphany - and I got really excited! He knew I didn't have a clue about how to resolve it. He intended to help, and I needed to recognize this situation as His gracious invitation to take me beyond where I had previously been willing and able to go! He prompted me to join Him once again in the office at the computer, so, eager with anticipation, I went into my office, booted up the PC and returned to the study with the welcoming light shining brightly! I discovered that what this workman needed was another tool in my toolbox - the right tool for the job at hand!
The Right Tool for the Job
It has been known for many years that the biblical text features a peculiar linguistic structure. The well-established presence of a complex design can be seen as a witness to the divine authorship of the Bible; in a figure, stamping it with the Author's own signature or fingerprint for authentication. I was introduced to this inherent feature of the biblical text very shortly after the Lord drew me to Himself in 1980, through His mind-boggling mercy and irresistible love! When I found examples like the one you see in this image of The Companion Bible), I took no small amount of inspiration from this phenomenon! One day, in 1982, or 3 perhaps, I had the opportunity to ask a respected biblical scholar what he made of it. He told me that, while it was interesting, it had nothing to offer in the way of biblical interpretation. I didn't find his response very compelling. While I had a sense of its utility, I did little with that until that memorable day in 1991 when the Lord granted me such extraordinary favor!
You can learn more about the linguistic structure (chiasm/chiasmus and parallelism) here:
I sat at my computer that memorable evening eager with anticipation for what the Lord had awaiting me. I began to consider the passage and what its linguistic structure might be. I used a pencil (with erasers!) and paper and then also a word processor. I experimented with breaking the text into segments that seemed to match up. At some point, a symmetrical design began to appear.
The "new tool" for this workman wasn't gilded and handed to me with a grant of the ability to wield it expertly. Plenty of effort was required. I don't recall how many hours or days I worked on this project but the Lord encouraged me along the way.
I didn't begin to see what I was really looking at until a certain pattern emerged, which led to the Lord's grant of insight! This cryptic passage was about a baptism! This made perfect sense because I recognized the concept of how the Antichrist doesn't just oppose Christ in an adversarial way; he is opposite from and counter to, as a counterfeit and impostor.
As I read through the familiar scriptures about the baptism of Jesus something was highlighted to me that I had been overlooking. Baptism is for revealing!
Baptism Reveals - Both Christ AND Antichrist!
With the Antichrist, it will be as it was with the genuine Christ! The basic principle involved is simply this, that any counterfeit must be modeled so closely on some genuine article that a high level of discernment is required to tell them apart. I address this subject at length in a dedicated study but it's so central to this study that I must address it here also.
It may well be said that Jesus of Nazareth became the Christ at his baptism in the Jordan because that's when and where he received the anointing. A notable outcome of the baptism was that he was revealed to be the Christ (Christ = Messiah = "anointed").
(NIV) I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was THAT HE MIGHT BE REVEALED to Israel.
(NASB) I did not recognize Him, but SO THAT HE MIGHT BE MANIFESTED to Israel, I came baptizing in water.
(YLT) and I knew him not, but, THAT HE MIGHT BE MANIFESTED to Israel, because of this I came with the water baptizing.
John 1:31
32 John testified saying, "I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him. 33 I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, 'He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' 34 I myself have seen, and have testified that this is the Son of God.
John 1:32-34
It seems very strange that John himself didn't recognize Him, because their mothers, Mary and Elizabeth, were related and also had a close relationship. (Luke 1:36-56) The recognition came only during the baptism, through which Jesus was revealed to John and also to Israel. The sign that had been promised did indeed appear, identifying and authenticating Jesus of Nazareth as "the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit," even "the Son of God."
21 Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, 22 and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, "You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased."
Luke 3:21-22
"...heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove." Call it a stargate transit, if you like. From where did the Holy Spirit come? From the same place as the voice. This point may seem trivial but you will soon see that it's really not. Before heaven opened, the holy spirit was in heaven with Jesus' Father. After heaven was opened and the spirit descended, it was no longer in heaven. We know that Jesus' Father, however, did remain in heaven because it was after the holy spirit descended upon His son that "a voice came out of heaven, 'You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.'" Now, that's pretty simple, right? What's being described in II Thessalonians 2 is modeled on that!
In significant ways, as it was with the Christ, so will it be with the Antichrist. A sign that compares in some way will appear for identification and authentication, revealing the anointed man as the Antichrist. While this baptism might not be performed in the Jordan River or even in the same way of full immersion, the man of lawlessness will be revealed in a ceremonial way that will be very credible and almost universally accepted, obtaining the approval of even the most respected rabbinical authorities. The full weight of the Vatican will be behind it.
Bringing Forth the Brighter Light
The insight that I received about the baptism came forth once I had confidently recognized the basic thematic structure of II Thessalonians 2:3-9a. It's a pattern that I've come to refer to as a 5+5 parallelism, where five distinct themes are presented and then repeated in the same order. What really clued me in was the pairing of verse 3b with verses 6 and 7, together with the 2+2 structure of verses 6 and 7. The fundamental principle of structural analysis is simple: Each side of a thematic equation shines its light upon the other! This is the GREAT benefit of knowing the specific and precise context that has been established by the Author Himself!
Tip: To explore this interactive presentation, hover your mouse through it slowly, pausing to examine the dynamically highlighted pairings of lines and of the larger structural units indicated by the vertical bars that span one or more lines. If you're using a tablet or smartphone, you can interact by tapping on any bar or line of text.
Here's the current version of the interactive presentation. It's been expanded somewhat since my initial analysis but the 5+5 parallelism that spans verses 3-9a and the 2+2 chiasm that spans verses 6-7 are just what the Lord used to inform me way back in 1991. Please take this opportunity to explore it so you can gain confidence in the legitimacy of the work - and praise The Author for His handiwork!
While the pairing of 3b to 6-7 (the 2nd of 5 pairings in the set spanning 3-9a) is rather cryptic, we can be well-assured that this is the Author's design because of the surrounding context. When you consider the 1st pairing of the set (3a to 5), it's not hard to perceive what they have in common. Paul is addressing the Thessalonian brethren in a personal way, reminding them that he was previously telling them about this matter of a coming deception. In the 3rd of 5 pairings in the set, the very obvious matching of 3c to 8a ("and the man of lawlessness is revealed" ≈ "Then that lawless one will be revealed") presents the outcome of what is described in the paired texts of 3b to 6-7. Our discernment of this symmetrical design assures us of the match, despite any difficulties that may hinder our initial recognition of what comparisons are being made by the Author in the pairing.
The Secret Baptism of II Thessalonians 2 - The Key!
In the key pairing of verses 3b with 6-7, the mystery is resolved when you understand that it's about a baptism. I'm going to explain the nature of the presentation of this scenario with a simple metaphor.
When theatrical productions are performed, the audience observes what happens on stage. Their attention isn't focused on what happens behind the scenes or whatever might be happening off-stage (special effects, sound effects, etc.), yet, all of that supports the experience of the unfolding drama. The actors on stage may at times respond to what happens behind the scenes.
The metaphor of the theater is one way to think about the book of Revelation, where scenes in heaven are presented in connection with coordinated scenes that manifest in the earth. Here's an example from the sixth chapter.
I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood;
Revelation 6:12
The situation in II Thessalonians 2 is like that. Precipitating actions in the unseen heavenly realm produce outcomes that manifest in the earthly realm. When the pivotal event of the second chapter of II Thessalonians unfolds on the world stage, something is happening behind the scenes. While the baptism is underway, at just the right moment, the director signals the crew behind the scenes to release the anointing of the unholy spirit of antichrist. The stunned global audience will see it suddenly appear and descend into the man as he's being baptized on stage. As the identifying and authenticating sign is witnessed, the Antichrist is revealed. Now, with that awareness, the cryptic passage makes sense - just as it is written!
And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed.
II Thessalonians 2:6
"He" is presently being restrained by some unspecified agency. Rather than drawing our attention to the identification of that agency, our attention is drawn to see the importance of the timing. Only "in his time" will he be revealed, when the season that has been appointed for his restraining will conclude and the spirit of antichrist is free to depart from the heavenly abode and descend upon the man being baptized. A point will be made later in this study about just how important the matter of this event's timing truly is!
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
II Thessalonians 2:7
Verse 7 reiterates what has already been said in the previous verse. In many versions, the translation is very misleading!
Let's first note that there's no difficulty with the word, restrains. The Greek word, κατέχον-katechon / κατέχων-katechōn (Strong's G2722), appears in both verses 6 and 7. English versions render it in several ways, like; "what restrains," "what withholdeth," and "he who now letteth," "is keeping down," and "is restraining." Scholars explain the meaning as, "to hold fast, keep secure, keep firm possession of" and "to restrain, hinder (the course or progress of)" and "to check a ship's headway i.e. to hold or head the ship."
The structure of verses 6 and 7 seems pretty straightforward, initially. I've chosen to illustrate it in the interactive presentation as a 2+2 chiasm, but a strong argument can be made that it's also a 2+2 parallelism!
6 And now that which is restraining you know
for to be revealed him in his time
7 the indeed mystery already is working of lawlessness
only the restraining at present until out of midst he might be
2 Thessalonians 2:6-7
(Interlinear - formatted to illustrate a 2+2 parallelism)
The distinctive "both" rather than "either/or" situation lends it a higher degree of emphasis for its rarity. The presence of both structural forms effectively increases the amount of information available toward the shining of a brighter light! If you're so inclined, meditate prayerfully on both options until you see how the focus shifts and the message is clarified and strengthened.
The translation fails, however, when it comes to the end of verse 7. The expression rendered in the NASB as, "he is taken out of the way," is translated from the Greek, ek mesou genētai. The more literal renderings are, "gone from among," or, "out of midst he might be [gone]." What emerges "out of midst" and is "gone from among" is not the agency or entity that had been restraining but rather that which had been restrained. Again, the unholy spirit of antichrist is restrained in a heavenly place until the appointed time arrives. Then, because the season for restraining is over, "he," the formerly restrained entity, departs from that heavenly abode. As it is written, "out of midst he might be [gone]." As declared in 8a: "Then that lawless one will be revealed." As the anointing of unholy spirit descends into its host, the identifying and authenticating manifestations will be duly witnessed by the observers.
This interpretation is in harmonious agreement with the message we find in its structural companion, verse 3b! The light of one shines brightly upon the other in this thematic equation! When you recognize the secret baptism and understand the supernatural workings, the text makes perfect sense. If you had been misinformed about about the sign of the apostasy of the church like I had been, those lies should already be fading away in this brighter light.
A "Sign" of Apostasy is NOT a Sign!
Let's consider two popular versions of verse 3.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition (KJV)
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (NASB)
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Paul is telling us about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him. It's very important that we know this will not happen until after something else is witnessed. Very simply, Paul refers to what will be recognized as a sign. In the language of the King James Version, there will come "a falling away (ἀποστασία-apostasia) first. According to the NASB, we're given a more interpreted rendering, "unless the apostasy (ἀποστασία-apostasia) comes first"
When we see that the English word, apostasy, has been translated directly from the Greek word, apostasia, it's only natural for English readers to assume that it must surely be a dependable translation. The etymology would seem to be the absolute proof of it. Lending this further credence, the interpretation of the Greek word, apostasia as apostasy is typically explained by scholars in a way that seems to make sense. I'm challenging that assumption because the interpretation isn't supported by the context, and neither does it make any sense whatsoever when you have a better grasp of the context!
The scholarship behind the traditional argument fails to respect the context on two different levels. It fails on the fundamental principles of biblical interpretation, and it fails when the symmetrical thematic structure is taken into consideration. Let's begin our deeper inquiry in the light of what we've learned so far in this study.
If we translate the Greek word, apostasia, in a strictly literal sense, it means, "standing away from." The word simply describes a positional relationship. What is it that could come to be "standing away from" what, which results in the revealing of the man of lawlessness? Remember, verses 6-7 are thematically linked in the most direct way to 3a. The key insight is that a baptism is unfolding and what is being described in the esoteric text is the orchestrated interplay between the realms of spirit and flesh. See it? The anointing of Unholy Spirit comes to be "standing away from" the agent or agencies that had been charged with his restraint in his former heavenly abode!
If we consider a more literal rendering of verse 3, like what's offered in the Greek interlinear (below), and substitute the more literal translation of apostasia, it reads very correctly - just as it is written!
...not until shall have come (elthē) the "standing away from" (apostasia) first and shall have been revealed (apokalyphthē) the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction.
When I began to grasp the simplicity of the message, the Lord helped me climb up out of a deep doctrinal rut. A simple analogy occurred to me. If I told you that there was an accident and a car was wrecked, what would be your first impression? Would you think that an accident happened and then, some time later, a car was wrecked? Not likely! You'd naturally infer the connection, that the car was involved in and wrecked in the accident. The lawless one is revealed because of what happens when the spirit of antichrist leaves heaven and descends upon him. Reread the more literally rendered version of verse 3 above. While the language may seem a little awkward in our common tongue, when our concern is with accuracy, it's a better and more comprehensible interpretation!
With regard to this difficult text, I had been groping around in the murky darkness all those many years ago. The mistaken notion that the apostasy of the church was going to happen and then the rapture, and then, at some time after that, the lawless one would be revealed - this was a major impediment! After the Lord stuck me in a shortening loop cycle and subsequently led me into that brighter light, it occurred to me that there are no references to the state of the church or to some shift in its status to be found anywhere in the context; no revolt, rebellion or apostasy. The fresh insight revealed a conflict with my former dogma of the "pre-trib rapture." I had been deceived! The so-called sign of religious apostasy is no sign at all! The notion that church was the restrainer through its operation of the holy spirit and that it would have to be removed via "the rapture" before the lawless one could or would be revealed was entirely false. While I hadn't yet resolved some of the other erroneous doctrinal assertions of the pre-trib rapture hypothesis, the revelation insight that came forth enabled me to break through the impasse and continue the progression of studies at the Lord's feet. What a welcome breakthrough that was!
A Greek Word Study Exposes the Gross Violation of Fundamental Principles
As I claimed previously, the scholarship behind the traditional argument for "apostasy" fails to respect the context of II Thessalonians 2:3 on two different levels. Having already seen how the meaning of this misinterpreted word is elucidated in the bright light of the symmetrical thematic structure, we're going to do a Greek word study that validates it. This study reveals a gross violation of the fundamental principles of biblical interpretation (Hermeneutics)!
Many years ago, I was rigorously taught the rules for biblical interpretation from a man who learned them in seminary. Those were closely aligned with the principles found in E. W. Bullinger's classic, How to Enjoy the Bible: Or, The "Word," and "The Words," How to Study them. One of the rules is to interpret a word in light of where it's been used before, with special emphasis being given to the first occurrence (Bullinger's Canon V). Note well this definition of the word, context. "The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning". (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language) Common sense informs us that we can't take the meaning derived from one context and import it into another without carefully discerning the details of any differences and assigning them the due level of respect. If we violate the guiding principles of context, what results is the pollution and corruption of the interpretation. Yet, as I'm about to show you, this is what the exalted scholars have done in the case of the very important word, apostasia.
Word Form: Location
ποστασίαν / apostasian: Matthew 5:31
ποστασίου / apostasiou: Matthew 19:7 and Mark 10:4
ποστασίαν / apostasian: Acts 21:21
ποστασία / apostasia: 2 Thessalonians 2:3
The exact form of the word used in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, apostasia, occurs only once in the Bible. However, 3 more forms of the word occur in 4 other places. These forms have a shared meaning. Since the word form in II Thessalonians has the feminine gender of the Greek language in common with the word form in Acts, we'll begin there.
According to the 21st chapter of Acts, the Apostle Paul was led on a drama-filled journey to Jerusalem. Upon his arrival, he came before the Apostle James and the elders. The council had not yet come to grips with what freedom in Christ really meant and they were consequently misjudging Paul. (Read Galatians for more insight into the subject.)
and they have been told about you, that you are teaching all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake (ποστασίαν / apostasian) Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children nor to walk according to the customs.
Acts 21:21
"To forsake Moses," is a rather loose interpretation, one that's featured in several English versions. Several other versions offer these variants; "to abandon Moses," "to turn away from Moses," "to depart from Moses," "to separate from Moses," "to turn their backs on the laws of Moses," "to forsake the Law of Moses." To be strictly literal about the interpretation, James accused Paul of teaching those Jews among the Gentiles that they should be "standing away from" Moses. The sense of Paul's teaching was that they should separate themselves from, or distance themselves from the practices of the Mosaic tradition that had been their cultural heritage.
Let's consult with some recognized authorities to learn how the sense of religious defection and apostasy has been introduced.
The Greek word apostasia is G646 in Strong's Concordance. According to that scholarly authority, it means "Forsake: 'an apostasy, defection, revolt,' always in NT of religious defection, is translated 'to forsake' in Acts 21:21, lit., '(thou teachest) apostasy (from Moses);' in 2 Th 2:3, 'falling away.'" According to Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, apostasia means, "a defection, revolt, apostasy," and, "Fall, Fallen, Falling, Fell," and "is used in the NT of religious apostasy; in Act 21:21, it is translated "to forsake," lit., "thou teachest apostasy from Moses." In 2 Th 2:3 "the falling away" signifies apostasy from the faith. In papyri documents it is used politically of rebels."
Scholars may well agree but consensus alone does not validate their conclusions. I'm not disputing that the word might be used politically of rebels in papyri documents. I am arguing that the import of meaning from papyri documents into Acts 21:21 is unwarranted. The word apostasia appears in the Septuagint 4 times (Joshua 22:22; II Chronicles 29:19, 33:19; Jeremiah 2:19). Again, any import of meaning from one context into another must give due respect to any differences in those local contexts. As already demonstrated, the plain and simple meaning of apostasia is entirely sufficient to provide an accurate understanding of Acts 21:21.
The feminine gender form appears in II Thessalonians and Acts. The neuter gender form appears in the Gospels where all 3 occurrences involve divorce, even very specifically, a certificate of divorce. The legal dissolution of a marriage involves a husband and wife, a man and woman who had been formally joined together but who are then formally recognized as being separate. This involves a positional change in their relationship where they effectively come to be "standing away from" one other. Even today, in the English language, the word, divorce, has this meaning. "A separation between things that were once connected or associated." The very concise translation of the neuter gender word forms as "divorce" informs us about the "sibling" word used in II Thessalonians 2!
Have scholars neglected to undertake the work of analyzing the structure of the biblical text? A man I knew who had gone to a Catholic Seminary on the West Coast once told me of their library that contained many such works. I wanted to learn how to gain access without having to make a major commitment, but it was not to be. It was apparent that these were firewalled. Aaron and I have found many published works and compiled a listing of what we were able to find referenced online. We haven't acquired any of them, but for interest's sake, there they are.
It should by now be patently obvious that the interpretation of apostasia as apostasy in II Thessalonians 2:3 is a grievous error. There are no references made in the context to the corporate body of Christ or to some shift in its status; no revolt, rebellion or apostasy! The respected scholars have failed to discern and respect the context, violating fundamental principles of hermeneutics. The widely recognized authorities have also failed to account for the symmetrical thematic structure, where verse 3a is paired with 6-7.
There is perhaps no justification for the kind of sloppy and frankly irresponsible scholarship we've exposed herein. Yet, because the Author watches very carefully over His word, I believe that He has allowed this gross misrepresentation because it serves His great purposes. He conceals and reveals according to the good pleasure of His own will.
As He said these things, He would call out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." 9 His disciples began questioning Him as to what this parable meant. 10 And He said, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
Luke 8:8b-10
12 I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
John 16:12-13
In this section called, "A Sign of Apostasy is NOT a Sign!", we've seen that the concept of religious defection or apostasy as a sign has no place in II Thessalonians 2! The error introduced by those entrusted to provide reliable interpretations of the biblical text has fostered the notion that a fall or decline away from the true and genuine faith is a sign that precedes the revealing of the man of lawlessness. This entirely obscures the nature and meaning of the real sign, which is the baptism that reveals. With newfound clarity on the subject, let's take a moment to reflect on the absurdity of that flawed theological premise.
Many view the modern church as having already fallen away from the faith. To one degree or another, it's been seen that way for nearly two millennia. Perhaps the earliest record of such a view can be found in 2 Timothy, where Paul makes an important observation.
You are aware of the fact that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.
2 Timothy 1:15
In every schism and denominational split that happens within the corporate Body of Christ, of which there have been a vast number, one faction always separates itself from another because they believe that their former associates have become apostate. At what point might the church be considered to be sufficiently apostate for the situation to be identified as the sign Paul warned us about in II Thessalonians? Remember, this is going to safeguard us against a lie and assure us that something very central to our hope has not yet happened. Is it realistic to suppose that the assessment of apostasy could serve in that capacity? Consider the event that triggered what's called the Protestant Reformation in 1517. According to legend, the priest Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. With a view to historical significance, a case might well be made that, if apostasy could be a sign, his public exposure of the Roman Catholic church's departure from the apostolic doctrine would surely qualify. Did it? What then? Exercising some critical thinking, either the sign that will eventually appear is defined adequately enough to make it so recognizable that, even in its absence, we can be fully assured in not having witnessed it yet, or Paul's entreaty is feeble, pointless and absurd! A sign where the apostasy of the church has to be gauged can be no sign at all!
The sign Paul warned us about is the baptism that reveals, where the spiritual anointing manifests deceptively in the natural realm and is witnessed by the global community. Like how a car is wrecked because of an accident, the lawless one is revealed because the spirit of antichrist departs from heaven, "standing away from" his former abode and those who had been charged with his restraint. The coming baptism that reveals is the sign that will be confidently recognized, which will safeguard a small company of informed, alert and watchful saints. Then will come the day of the Lord that is equated with the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him!
...not until shall have come (elthē) the "standing away from" (apostasia) first and shall have been revealed (apokalyphthē) the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction.
Addenda on the Sign
With that matter sorted out, let's visit some other passages of scripture that offer some relevant insight.
The anti-dove Unholy Spirit of antichrist is presently abiding in a heavenly place (like an "underworld" realm) as described in the following passage.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day (ἐν tē hēmera tē ponēra - "in the day the evil"), and having done all, to stand firm.
Ephesians 6:12-13
If the expression in verse 13 is taken literally, when will "the day of evil" ever be more immediately manifest than on the appointed day when the man of lawlessness receives the antichrist anointing!
Let's consider 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 together with two verses from the epistle of 1 John. These complementary texts inform us further about how things will change with regard to the antichrist.
6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
2 Thessalonians 2:6-7
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
1 John 2:18
and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
1 John 4:3
In the latter verse, the phrase, "this is the spirit of the antichrist," is more literally translated as, "this is that of the antichrist." No Greek word for "spirit" appears in the text but it seems reasonably derived from the immediate context. This spirit of antichrist or, pneuma antichristos, is the antithesis or counterpart of the spirit of Christ (which is the pneuma christos of Romans 8:9 and 1 Peter 1:11).
Things will soon enough be changing with regard to the antichrist. As I write, things remain as they have been but when the appointed time arrives there will be an arrival with a manifest presence. The mystery of lawlessness that pertains to the antichrist is already at work, which informs us that there is even now a degree of presence and manifestation in the natural realm as "it is already in the world." There have been many antichrists (among them such as Horus, Apollo, Nimrod, Antiochus Ephipanes, Nero, Hitler...), and it appears to many of us that the spirit of antichrist has a rapidly rising influence in the world as we approach the day appointed for its ultimate embodiment.
Who is the Restrainer?
And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time (καιρῷ - kairō) he will be revealed.
2 Thessalonians 2:6
Many are curious about the identity of the restraining agency. The timely release from restraint will accord with what we read in John 13, where Jesus Himself gives the signal.
24 So Simon Peter gestured to him, and said to him, "Tell us who it is of whom He is speaking." 25 He, leaning back thus on Jesus' bosom, said to Him, "Lord, who is it?" 26 Jesus then answered, "That is the one for whom I shall dip the morsel and give it to him." So when He had dipped the morsel, He took and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 After the morsel, Satan then entered into him. Therefore Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."
John 13:24-27
At the scene of what's commonly referred to as the last supper, Jesus performed a baptism, dipping (bapto) the bread (as the false bread from heaven). He then handed it to Judas as a sign to reveal him as the one who would betray him. This seems familiar and relevant, yes? (This passage will be addressed more fully as a rich prophetic modeling in Part 2 of this lengthy study about the Sign for the Bride.) Jesus dipped and handed the "baptized" morsel to Judas, at which point, "Satan then entered into him." That's the antichrist anointing, initiated by Jesus. At the time appointed, on His signal, the angel or angels appointed for restraining will cease to do so, which will immediately result in the anointing and revealing.
I believe that the willing host modeled by Judas Iscariot will have been genetically groomed in accordance with a particular heritage. At the appointed time, Jesus will give the signal and, at the cessation of the restraining, this fully prepared vessel will come to embrace the anointing of pneuma antichristos. He'll be something of an avatar and the fullest manifestation of the ancient dragon's power and presence!
Paul made a declaration in his first letter to the Thessalonians that relates to verse 6 above.
Now as to the times (χρόνων - chronōn) and the epochs (καιρῶν - kairōn), brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-2
Paul wrote, "as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you." In Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, he wrote that they knew what restrains "him" who was appointed to be released "in his time." Paul had informed those brethren about things that needed to be referenced but yet without being repeated in his letter. The omission isn't due to any neglect on Paul's part, which we can be assured of because, as evidenced by the complex linguistic structure of the writ, the letter was entirely scripted by the Holy Spirit. The way the second letter is written informs us that, whether or not we ourselves know what restrains him now, it's more important to realize that there's a season for his restraining and a fit moment appointed for his release. The timing is crucial!
Today, many saints presume that they are equally well-informed or, at the least, adequately informed in matters of timing. Yet, the vast majority are either under-informed or worse, misinformed! Again, the Lord conceals and reveals. He protects His valuables and only entrusts them to those whom He Himself qualifies, to serve His own purposes. From what you've read so far in "When Cometh That Thief in the Night," that truth should be more and more well-established in your mind. Because the knowledge of timing is an essential when it comes to safeguarding the saints against the deception surrounding the lie and the revealing, we give this special attention in Part 2 of this study. However, you're not yet ready for that because more of the foundation remains to be laid.
Discerning the Day of the Lord
Let's consider the terminology used in Paul's entreaty in light of what we've learned about the sequence of events.
Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
II Thessalonians 2:1-3
Even without the benefit of discerning the structural design of verses 1 and 2, it's not hard to see that "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him," is somehow related to the time when "the day of the Lord has come." However, with the benefit of seeing the thematic equation highlighted in this graphic, we can glean more insight.
Generally speaking, "the Day of the Lord" refers to the one thousand year-long reign of Jesus Christ over His earthly kingdom. This period begins with a relatively brief but tumultuous season, just as night comes before the day in the reckoning of biblical time. From one perspective, this "day of the Lord" is the 7th millennial day (Ps. 90:4, 2 Pet. 3:8) which began already, on Yom Teruah in 1999. However, in the context of 2 Thes. 2:1, this day has not yet come because the sign has not yet been witnessed.
The language of Paul's entreaty makes it clear that the signal event represents a MAJOR transition point. Prior to that, what he refers to as the day of the Lord has absolutely not yet come. When the signal event is witnessed, the implication is that the day of the Lord has arrived! If this phase begins when the lawless one/antichrist is baptized by the false prophet, and these 2 beasts of Revelation 13 go on to exercise special authority for their appointed season, it may be considered to end when the following prophecy is fulfilled.
19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.
Revelation 19:19-20
That's a day to celebrate!
We're now in a period of overlap between the day of the Lord (specifically, according to the count of millennia) and the season of "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." His coming in judgment began on Yom Teruah in 1991 according to the celestial sign prophesied in Genesis 49:10. This coming involves a series of events that span a definite season like how it was with his coming in the flesh two millennia ago. The "day of the Lord" that corresponds to the calendar accounting of the passing of 6 millenia began 8 years later on Yom Teruah in 1999. I believe the "day of the Lord" that is yet to come arrives when the baptism sign is witnessed during the season of Pesach/Hag haMatzot in 2015 (after time will have been reset back).
What Paul refers to as "our gathering together to Him" is specifically the first-in-series harvest, the Barley harvest that I like to refer to as the Bride Theft. The three harvests occur within "the day of the Lord," and within "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
As is ever the case, timing is key. The proper sequencing of events correctly reveals the essential relationships between them and opens the way for insight into what roles are played by the events.
Again, let's consider the terminology used in Paul's entreaty in light of what we've learned about the sequence of events.
Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
II Thessalonians 2:1-3
The season of the coming of the Lord began in 1991. The day of the Lord began in 1999, but only when we interpret that as a reference to the 7th millennium. Very shortly before the appointed sign is witnessed, a lie will be presented that will fool almost everyone, excepting the Bride alone. She will know exactly what's going on, and will see the baptism as a very personal sign that her union with the Bridegroom is almost at hand! This is the reason why I've titled this study, The Sign for the Bride. Unlike the Bride, and unlike the rest of the world who is embracing their messianic pretender, 2 key factions will be temporarily stunned, suffering from uncertainty and confusion for a brief period. At the signal event, the day of the Lord begins, specifically the "night" season that's marked by spiritual darkness and slumber. This is the season of the exercise of the authority granted to the 2 beasts.
The baptism that begins the season of the reign of the beasts is among the Adversary's crux moves. He certainly made a crux move in the garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve. Another was made when the sons of god chose to fall, swear an oath of imprecation, and take women for their wives. He made a crux move when he entered into Judas and subsequently betrayed Jesus. He'll make one in the gambit of manifesting himself in the Antichrist! After that, until the confrontation in the campaign of Armageddon, this "dark of the night" season will play out as it must until the beasts are defeated and thrown into the lake of fire.
What Threat is Posed by the Lie?
Paul is concerned about the saints who are deceived by the lie that the day of the Lord has come. He knows there will be consequences. If the day of the Lord has already come before the lawless one is revealed, which the lie will convincingly purport to be true, what would that mean?
I am pretty confident that Paul would have realized that a major consequence of being deceived by the lie is disqualification from the highest prize, which is being found worthy of being selected by the Bridegroom as His Bride. It may perhaps be such that the Bride company is finalized when the lie is presented, that it is the presentation of the lie that actually marks the cut-off point for inclusion in the Bride company.
If a saint believes the lie, they will be convinced that there will be no resurrection, which is the basis of our hope in Christ! They will be convinced that there will be no reward for their faith and endurance in well-doing.
Paul explains the logic in his first letter to the saints in Corinth.
If from human motives I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me? If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
1 Corinthians 15:32
12 Now if Christ is preached, that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised; 14 and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain. 15 Moreover we are even found to be false witnesses of God, because we testified against God that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise, if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised; 17 and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.
1 Corinthians 15:12-19
A collection of videos collected by a gracious sister in the Lord on the subject of Preterism and Tartaria.
Jesus Christ already returned and Reigned for a thousand years!
Full Documentary-Satan Unbound, Loosed After The 1,000 Year Reign Of CHRIST
Tartaria, The millennium kingdom of Christ
Millennial Reign already Happened 2022
How they Corrupted the 2nd Coming of JESUS (Intro to Mudflood)
The Book Of Revelation: A Letter From John To Tartarians About Their Coming Apocalypse.
Ancient Worldwide Empire of Lucifer / LUCIFERIA, not TARTARIA
As you may know, Preterists claim that the lawless one was revealed long ago and the associated prophesied events were already fulfilled - including the resurrection. This vocal community appears to be gaining momentum. (See links in the sidebar.) That lie isn't the same as the one Paul cautions us about but it has a similar result. Others deny that the events will manifest physically, dismissing the more literal interpretation in favor of a figurative one, where the biblical text is merely informing us about some spiritual reality. Liars and their lies. I believe our hope of resurrection and reward is quite secure. In the day Paul cautioned us about, the lie that the day of the Lord has come will demolish the faith and hope of many.
If the day of the Lord has already come before the lawless one is revealed, how will it be for those who never had faith or hope in Christ? The global population has been nearly entirely programmed to desire a messiah, but not the genuine. Instead of offering any resistance to the lie, I believe they will agree that the Jesus of the "fundamentalist" Christian religion is irrelevant. They will embrace and celebrate the anointed lawless one as their eagerly anticipated messiah. I expect the global population's fears and cultural legends will be fully exploited, bringing the masses into submission in preparation for receiving the impending mark of the beast. When he "takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God" (2 Thes. 2:4), and the masses see that those people that they universally hate are being severely persecuted, there will be quite a celebration.
Who are they who 'did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved'?
8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH SO AS TO BE SAVED. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THE TRUTH, BUT TOOK PLEASURE IN WICKEDNESS.
II Thessalonians 2:8-12
Some believe that only those who are not Christians will be deceived." They read, "because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved," and imagine that this supports their conclusion, but it doesn't. Their inability to interpret this correctly is due to their ignorance about salvation, having failed to become weaned off the milk of the word. Salvation involves 3 tenses, and 3 aspects; body, soul, and spirit, and 3 harvests. If it is easy to be deceived in this present day and hour, how much more so when the greater deception arrives!
There is a class of spiritually minded, devout, and studious Christians who perceive a difference between themselves and a larger class of more worldly and ignorant Christians. On the basis on that awareness, they see this difference as the basis for determining who will and who won't be deceived in the coming day of trial, and their trusted teachers assure them of it. This is just what they want to hear. It's just not true!
NOTE: As noted earlier, the Bride will have stayed awake and watchful, like her Bridegroom had done in the prophetic example in the Garden of Gethsemane and according to the parable of the 10 virgins. Learn the lesson from 1 Thessalonians 5 about those who fall asleep.
Those in the more spiritually minded class typically see themselves as the wise virgins of the parable of Matthew 25. They don't comprehend the identity of the Bride, that she is entirely composed of those few who qualify at the highest level. Those who consider themselves to be the wise virgins fail to account for the fact that, in that parable's scenario, the wedding has already happened and the Bride is already with her Bridegroom! They will have have been disqualified from the Bride company and left behind at the Bridegroom's theft of His Bride. The wise or prudent virgins are like the unwise in that they, too, fall asleep and are only awakened by the midnight cry that announces their invitation to the wedding feast. At the presentation of the lie, all 10 virgins are going to be "quickly shaken" from their composure and disturbed. Why? Because, in truth, "they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved," and, they "did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness." The prudent virgins will be able to celebrate the post-nuptial feast with the Bridegroom and the Bride, but that's like a consolation prize compared to the grand prize of being chosen and received as the Bride!
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6a
If you still trust the recognized leaders in the church to teach you what you really need to know and lead you in the right way, you're in serious jeopardy! No amount of learning about the Antichrist's qualifications and credentials will safeguard you against deception at the presentation of the lie. Neither will any amount of learning about the potential candidates, like a "Petrus Romanus," for example. If it was a simple matter, that would surely be enough, but it's not!
It should become patently obvious that the popular pre-trib rapture theory is utter claptrap. It's a set up! The other popular theories are also faulty, being collections of partial-truths. Brethren, what you believe matters. If you have false hope or your faith is based on lies, this will be exposed and your faith and hope will fail in the coming day of trial.
The "Coming Great Deception" Covers the Lie as the First Strike
For many years, I was content with my initial analysis of the structure of 2 Thessalonians 2. Fairly recently, after having invested many hundreds of hours in the analysis of the thematic design of the scriptures, I was led to revisit my earliest work. I found that, while it was still valid, I needed to enlarge the scope. As a result of that effort, I was able to recognize the connection between verses 1-2 and 9b-12. What came to light validated something that the Lord had been showing me and Aaron for a while. It has to do with the extreme nature of the deception that will manifest, how it relates most specifically to the lie, and how it will involve the exploitation of certain technologies. Perhaps most importantly, this later work magnified the need to be prepared in advance with the Lord's provision of safeguarding countermeasures.
In order for you to have confidence in the legitimacy of the structural pairings, we're going to need to get technical. But first, there's a very relevant scripture that begs our attention.
For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
Matthew 24:24
Note the similar context. II Thessalonians 2 is about the time when THE false Christ and THE false prophet arise, when one beast baptizes the other. As it says in verse 9, the lawless one's coming will be "in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and SIGNS AND FALSE WONDERS." Compare to the "GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS" of Matthew 24:24. Note that the issue involves the threat of deception. Because of the construction of the conditional statement, we know that the elect will not be mislead. However, all those who are not the elect absolutely will be! For most saints, that should be a VERY sobering thought.
We believe we still have an opportunity to qualify as the elect, as members of the Bride of Christ herself, and that's why we're so invested in this presentation about the lie and the sign! If we have such an opportunity before us, we must seize it!
Now, it may be seen that a deception of wickedness and a deluding influence are addressed in verses 9-11. While this does generally apply to the baptism that reveals, it most directly relates to the lie that precedes the sign. This is revealed by the thematic equation pairing verses 1-2 with 9b-12.
Verses 1-2 compare to 9b-12 in the presentation of a contrast between "Us" and "Them," if you will. In verses 1-2, the "Us" people are addressed as "we" and "you, brethren" and "our" gathering together to Him. Also, those being forewarned are "you", about a communication as if from "us." In contrast, verses 9-12 are about "Them," as "those who perish, because they," and likewise, "will send upon them because they." "Us" gets the good stuff and "Them," the bad. I see two levels of distinction. More generally, the "Us" people are the brethren, meaning members of the body of Christ, who have all received a robe, spiritually. In this level of interpretation, "our gathering together to Him" refers to the collective harvest. Of course, everyone else is "Them." But there's another level of interpretation that is more strict, because Paul linked himself with the brethren. Since he qualified as a member of the Bride, this limits the "Us" people to those who also qualify as the Bride. Everyone else is "Them."
Consider how believing "what is false" (verse 11) compares to being deceived by the message of verse 2.
The coming of the genuine (1b), is compared by way of contrast with the coming of the counterfeit (identified in 9a and described further in 9b-12).
Consider how verse 2 matches verses 10b-12 in addressing the question, why. Verse 2; "that you not be." Verse 10b; "because." Verse 11; "For this reason" ... "so that." Verse 12; "in order that."
With these observations, you should be confidently aware that the Author has indeed paired 1-2 with 9b-12. This thematic equation informs us that the extreme nature of the deception that will manifest relates most specifically to the lie. This begs the question, why? What purpose does it serve that the lie should be so heavily cloaked in deception?
When you realize that the presentation of the lie is the first in a series of events that happen in fairly rapid succession, it makes sense. The lie will be a prelude to the baptism that reveals, which is the crux move of the Adversary in a strategy to supplant the Almighty God and seize His domain. From one perspective, the presentation of the lie will be a first strike. Like a spiritual Blitzkrieg, this initial offensive will take out most of the threat. Most of the brethren will be mislead, quickly shaken from their composure and disturbed. Having failed to love the truth, those who soiled their robes and failed to make them white in the blood of the Lamb will have no safeguard, no defense. From another perspective, the lie is heavily cloaked with deception to pare down the ranks, like with the qualifying of Gideon's army. It's a love test! Who really loves the Lord? Pass or fail. Posers are filtered out.
The elect truly love the Lord who is The Truth and they will not be mislead. They are the real threat to the Adversary! Safeguarded by the Lord's provision of a defense against the deception and delusion and anointed for service in that special Pesach/Hag haMatzot season, the Bride will carry out her appointed mission. Although the lie to the effect that the day of the Lord has come will be broadly accepted as unquestionably true, the Bride will boldly confront that with an assertion that it's actually a lie. The fact that she will demonstrate having had advance knowledge of when and what would happen will have an impact on a special remnant. As the baptism subsequently begins to unfold, the Bride will recognize the sign that Paul so cryptically entreated us about! She'll joyfully acknowledge that she is soon to be stolen away by her Bridegroom and be taken to His Father's house! She will testify that Jesus/Y'shua is Lord, not the fraud who is being baptized. Despite his best efforts, the lawless one will be unable to suppress her voice. The Bride's commitment to bear witness to the Truth, the evidence of her having had advance knowledge, and her willingness to be martyred will move a key faction of Israel to envy. (Romans 11). After the presentation of the incredibly deceptive lie, and after the baptism that reveals concludes and the impostor arises to take his seat in the temple of God, a significant company of the elect among the sons of Israel will receive the witness of the Bride! They will reject the Antichrist-anointed man of lawlessness as a fraud and accept the genuine as their Mashiach, Jesus/Y'shua! Baruch haba b'shem Adonai! That acceptance is, as you should know, the trigger for the harvest, the Barley Harvest, a.k.a. the Bride Theft!
When the lie is presented in the midst of great deception, the 144k sons of Israel will be unconvinced by it. Perhaps their response can be characterized as an unsettling uncertainty. They'll be in a state of confusion, perhaps not unlike the kind of brain fog that's commonly reported by those who have interacted with "alien/UFO/UAP" entities. This we know, that with the holy spirit working through the witness of the Bride as they respond to the presentation of the lie, the deceptive manifestations attending the baptism and the apparent ascension to the seat in God's temple, the 144k sons of Israel will respond, accepting The Truth!
How will it be for the non-Bride-qualified church of the Body of Christ?
1 Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5 Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. 6 But at midnight there was a shout, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him." 7 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish said to the prudent, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." 9 But the prudent answered, "No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves." 10 And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 11 Later the other virgins also came, saying, "Lord, lord, open up for us." 12 But he answered, "Truly I say to you, I do not know you." 13 Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25:1-13
The Bride stays watchful, alert and vigilant, but the rest of the Body of Christ falls asleep. What will it take to wake them up? Many wonder if, when or how that will happen. In this parable, it's at the shout heard at midnight, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him." This comes when the Bride has already been separated out and joined to the Bridegroom, because a wedding feast doesn't come before but only after the wedding. I believe the midnight cry that awakens the 10 virgins is related to the Bride Theft, which is to say that the Theft of the Bride will be a sign for them. According to the parable, 5 are prudent and have enough oil, and these will be sufficiently prepared to perceive the witness of the Bride that will have brought conviction to the 144k, and to also perceive that the consequent response of the 144k was for their benefit. While the 5 foolish virgins still won't repent and wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, the 5 prudent will! They will have become willing to commit and endure martyrdom, following the example of the Bride. The prudent will endure the extreme trial until their appointed ingathering arrives about 7 weeks later at the harvest of Wheat, on Shavuot.
How Can the Lie be so Convincing?
As shown in the preceding section, the Author has paired verses 1-2 with 9b-12, informing us that the exceptional level of deception relates most particularly to the lie. That observation simply explains how the lie will be so convincing. Yet, we can glean more about the nature of the deception and the presentation of the lie from the details of the text. There are spiritual components and natural or physical components that will work together synergistically, which is to say that the degree of deception produced will be greater than the sum of its parts. In a later section, we're going to share some observations and impressions about how the presentation of the lie will probably be leveraging some advanced technologies.
1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
When Paul writes, "either by a spirit or a message or a letter," it may seem like he's not really sure about how the lie will be presented. The Author could easily have conveyed this in a very exacting way, and certainly would have if that served His purposes best. I believe that the lie will be brought forth in each of these ways. Perhaps some people will receive it in one way and others differently, but it seems likely to me that people will receive it in all these ways.
The first-listed mechanism of the lie is a spirit (πνεύματος pneumatos).
And he said, 'I will go out, and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' And he said, 'You are to entice him, and you shall succeed; go out and do so.'
II Chronicles 18:21 (ESV)
Some versions offer, "a deceiving spirit," instead of "a lying spirit," and they both make the same point. Will the spirit that Paul identifies be testifying through the mouths of all the prophets? That seems to be a reasonable inference. Yet, I believe there's more to it than just that, with a lying spirit being far more widely distributed. We'll explore that probability shortly.
The second-listed mechanism of the lie is a message or word (λόγου logou). The Greek word logou has a range of meanings that give the sense of a communication that is most commonly verbal. The lie to the effect that the day of the Lord has come will be on someone's lips, on the news broadcast, heard in a phone call or Zoom meeting, left in your voicemail, text messages, in Twitter feeds, via Instagram, forums like Reddit, on Facebook pages, on podcasts, blogs, and video channels, etc.
The third-listed mechanism of the lie is a letter or epistle "as if from us." Such a communication as that would be recognized as having all the authority of the early apostles! It would compare to the canon of the scripture! If an ancient scroll were to be brought forth and authenticated with an impeccably documented provenance, who could counter the claim of apostolic authority and deny the validity of the message it contained? In a later section, we'll address the matter of who might produce such a fraudulent work with bogus bona fides and grant it their own authoritative seal of approval.
Let's turn our attention from that side of the thematic equation to the other, which informs us further about how the lie can be so convincing.
9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power (δυνάμει - dynamei) and signs (σημείοις - sēmeiois) and false (τέρασιν - terasin) wonders (ψεύδους - pseudous), 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
II Thessalonians 2:9-12
Verse 9 informs us that what will be in accord with the activity of Satan will be attended by all (or every) power. Follow the link and consider how significant that factor will be in the raising of the level of deception. It's huge!
Verse 9 also informs us that this, which we know relates most particularly to the presentation of "the lie," will involve signs. Again, you'll find a brief word study enlightening! Signs signal us. They tell us, this thing, whatever it is, means this. In this context, we must infer that these signs will validate the lie.
Verse 9 further informs us that this will involve false wonders. If you do the word study I just suggested, this will speak more loudly to you. The Greek-English Interlinear renders, terasin pseudous, as "wonders of falsehood." I think it's fair to say that people will be gobsmacked, awestruck, astonished and astounded.
In verse 10 we read, "every deceit of wickedness," and verse 11 informs us that "a working of delusion" is sent by God Himself. These phrases are paired together in the 2+2 parallelism spanning 9b-12.
How will these things manifest and what kind of impact will they have when the lie is presented?
The phrase, "every deceit of wickedness," pretty well expresses the sense of the Greek text. The word for "deceit" means "deceit, deception, delusion." The word for "wickedness" means "injustice, unrighteousness, hurt." This is the same word used in verse 12, which is also translated, wickedness - "but took pleasure in wickedness." What will manifest in connection with the presentation of the lie is every/all deception/delusion of unrighteousness/wickedness. People are going to be nearly universally overwhelmed and overtaken.
11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,
II Thessalonians 2:11
When God sends this deluding influence (ἐνέργειαν-energeian πλάνης-planēs), those impacted WILL believe what is false. Absolutely! The Greek-English Interlinear translates, "energeian planēs," as "a working of delusion." The same word for "a working" appears in verse 9, translated as "with the activity" - of Satan. There are 8 occurrences of the word. It's a working of God, with one exception, in verse 9 where it's a working of Satan. So, it's a supernatural working. The "deluding influence" is a working of delusion, from the Greek word, planēs. The fundamental sense of the word is, a wandering. It's usage finds it meaning "a wandering; fig: deceit, delusion, error, sin." Considering the usage in each of the 10 occurrences, the translation in verse 11 seems pretty sound. The "wandering" involves the matter of sin and sinful behavior. It makes me think of a ship at sea. When the ship's moral compass is broken and the navigator doesn't realize it, as deceived, the ship will wander off course, into error. When God sends this energeian planēs they'll go off course - they WILL believe what is false!
These various observations explain how the lie will be so convincing, but we can learn still more about the factors involved from other passages of scripture.
and the light of a lamp will not shine in you (the great city Babylon) any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived (ἐπλανήθησαν-eplanēthēsan) by your sorcery (φαρμακείᾳ-pharmakeia).
Revelation 18:23
Other versions read:
- and all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft. (ISV)
- for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments. (Douay-Rheims Bible)
- because all the nations were deceived by your magic spells! (NET Bible)
- By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. (NIV)
- because in your spell inducing drugs all the races were led astray. (Heritage Bible)
This describes some of "the activity/working of Satan" that has had an impact on the world for many, many years. It will continue to make an impact after the lawless one is revealed. Pharmakeia may possibly have the most impact ever when the lie is presented! The Greek word translated, "were deceived," has the same root as the word planēs (a wandering), which is translated as "deluding" in 2 Thes. 2:11. What we're dealing with here is the impact of the practice of sorcery, witchcraft, and the casting of spells. Most specifically, pharmakeia involves drug spells, like with magic potions, but that seems to be just one of the magical arts that will be leveraged to the end of deception.
Consider the context of the word's use in the 5th chapter of Galatians.
19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery (pharmakeia), enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21
Consider these passages from the book of Enoch. (Note the concept of "wandering" in their going astray.)
1) And Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them; bracelets, and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes. And the world was changed. 2) And there was great impiety, and much fornication, and they went astray, and all their ways became corrupt. 3) Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon. 4) And at the destruction of men they cried out; and their voices reached Heaven.
Enoch 8
6) See then what Azazel has done; how he has taught all iniquity on the earth and revealed the eternal secrets that are made in Heaven. 7) And Semyaza has made known spells, he to whom you gave authority to rule over those who are with him. 8) And they went into the daughters of men together, lay with those women, became unclean, and revealed to them these sins. 9) And the women bore giants, and thereby the whole Earth has been filled with blood and iniquity.
Enoch 9:6-9
The root-cutting pharmacological drug spells that are being released today can still be attributed to the fallen angels. Beyond the traditional use of potions, we must factor in the proliferation of illegal drugs, vaccines, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, etc. Also, there are chem-trail concoctions and whatever is contained in common aerosol sprays, pesticides, fertilizers, our water supply, etc. Think about all the hormones that have contaminated our environment. Consider the perversion of our food chain through GMO and hybridization and mRNA... Factor in nanotech, the forms of radiation that range across the entire spectrum that are broadcast from radio/TV/cell phone towers, satellites, HAARP installations, and the influence of particle colliders. I believe most if not all of this falls under the overarching "pharmakeia" umbrella, which deceives the nations.
Add to all that, the impact that results from idols, charms, sigils, symbol magic (which we have been exposing in detail and putting on exhibit for many years), mass hypnosis, the variety of forms of sex magic, the use of N.L.P., the rituals performed by the Pagans on their Sabbat cycle (often with sacrifice and offering), the rituals performed in private by the magical brotherhoods and covens, and certainly, the rituals performed in public that are seen by the ignorant as being mere entertainments or as some expected manner of formal ceremony. And, to all that, add the influence from the collective psi powers of the chosen ones and other mind-controlled slaves as they manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others, individuals and groups.
It can hardly be denied that the masses are already deceived about nearly everything of consequence. Quoting William Casey, former director of the C.I.A. "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." He said that back in 1981! That particular program was said to be officially closed, but it seems to me that it met with overwhelming success, and the work of deceiving the public has obviously not been abandoned. William Casey was a Roman Catholic and a member of the Knights of Malta, a powerful brotherhood whose public and private faces do not match! The one who has charge over the Knights of Malta will be the deceiving false prophet who baptizes the lawless one.
Again, if it is easy to be deceived in this present day and hour, how much more so when the greater deception arrives! In that day, it will nearly entirely overwhelm any resistance to the message and result in a mass epiphany. With full conviction, even the respected leaders of the church will accept that the day of the Lord has come. That's why we have been promised a sign - and provided with a safeguard!
The Lie and the Authority of the Vatican
The Apostle Paul cautioned us about a lie that would be recognized as having all the authority of the early apostles!
that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter (ἐπιστολῆς-epistolēs) as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.
2 Thessalonians 2:2
If an ancient scroll were to be brought forth with bulletproof provenance, who could resist that kind of evidence and deny the message "to the effect that the day of the Lord has come?" The Bride will counter the lie, of course, but their testimony will be rejected by nearly everyone.
Only someone who is recognized as the supreme authority would be able to legitimize and authenticate such a document. The Pope will be the counterpart of John the Baptist at the baptism of the counterfeit savior. Prior to conducting that service, he will assert that the "letter" or "epistle" in question is genuine, granting it all the authority that will have been given to him. Among his official titles are these: "Vicar of Jesus Christ," "Successor of the Prince of the Apostles," "Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church." When it counts, the Vatican will have the support of every system of false religion, as Mystery Babylon the Great.
Where could a "letter as if from us" come from? Could it be a new discovery, found in a cave like the Dead Sea Scrolls? Perhaps. Could a scroll be conveniently discovered in the vast collection of artifacts in the Vatican archives? That seems likely. When it is produced, at just the right moment, it will be received as a genuine and completely authentic letter from a recognized apostle or apostles, and the masses will accept that the day of the Lord has come. What that will mean, as it will be explained to the global masses, will prime them for the subsequent baptism and the enthusiastic welcoming of their messiah - who will, in truth, NOT BE The Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
A Supernatural Multimedia Hoax
Aaron and I believe that the Lord has been showing us how the lie (with all 3 of the mechanisms of 2 Thes. 2:2, as discussed previously) will manifest as a supernatural multimedia hoax. We believe it will involve the exploitation of certain technologies, some which are known to exist and also others that are not known to exist, either because they don't yet or because their existence hasn't yet been revealed.
When the Lord began to impress this upon us, we noticed how models of this were being dramatized in various media presentations. I wrote at some length about this during the 2014 Winter Olympics because I recognized how the presentation of the lie was modeled in both the opening and closing ceremonies. Read Part 3 - Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 - The Ultimate Hoax to gain insight into the nature of the coming supernatural multimedia hoax.
The Vatican is already leveraging high tech in their presentations, even in very public ceremonial rituals, and this speaks loudly to us about what's ahead.
From the Vatican's observatories in Arizona on Mt. Graham, Jesuit astronomers are eagerly and expectantly watching for the approach of something of enormous consequence. Tom Horn has been demonstrating how the Vatican is suggesting in increasingly less obscure ways that ancient visitors are coming to earth from afar, staging a return that will require a significant change in doctrinal interpretation for the church. The Vatican is posturing and positioning itself to appear alongside the returned incarnating king as the inheritors of all authority in the earth. Imagine what this is going to look like in the day of disclosure!
Here's a news report from 2014. The event happened as planned.
"Pope Francis will become the first pontiff seen globally in 3D during the upcoming April 27 ceremony in St. Peter's Square when two of his predecessors, John Paul II and John XXIII, will be canonised as saints. The unprecedented double canonisation event will be produced in 3D by the Vatican TV Center (CTV) in a partnership with Rupert Murdoch's Sky Italia, BSkyB and Sky Deutschland payboxes, and Sony. The ceremony will also be beamed into 3D movie theatres across Europe and in North and South America, in what is being touted as the first convergence of HD, 3D and 4K technologies for such a high-profile multimedia 3D event. At a press conference in the Vatican, CTV chief Monsignor Dario Vigano said the live transmission will require "more satellites than the Sochi Olympics." Vigano underlined that the Vatican decided to offer the canonisation ceremony to the world in 3D in order to give people who would want to attend but cannot, for many reasons including economic ones, the chance to get a "fully immersive" experience. The production will use 13 3D cameras positioned in spots that will give a unique and exclusive vantage point of St Peter's Square."
Pope Francis To Usher In Vatican 3D TV Transmission At Unprecedented Canonisation Ceremony (3/31/14)
That should have your attention!
-- offered to the world
-- the first convergence of HD, 3D and 4K technologies (a triple whammy)
-- double canonisation event
-- live transmission
-- a "fully immersive" experience
-- 13 3D cameras
The Sochi Olympics are referenced with respect to the technologies that are beyond earth. I did mention how such a letter or epistle component would have to be fully authorized as biblical canon, right? In Revelation 13, there's a double canonisation in view as 2 beasts arise with authority. Catholics pray to canonised saints.
"The Vatican library began a project on Thursday to digitize thousands of historical manuscripts, dating from the origins of the Church to the 20th century, and make them available online. Working with the Japanese technology group NTT Data, the library intends to scan and digitally archive about 1.5 million pages from the library's collection of manuscripts, which comprises some 82,000 items and 41 million pages. The initial project will take four years and may be extended."
"Vatican library will digitize its archives and put them online" (3/20/14 * The article referenced is no longer available online.)
Is the Vatican leveraging the latest advances in AI to assess and categorize and cross-reference their digitized body of work? Has some "letter as if from us" already been produced from the effort?
When the appointed time for the lie arrives, we believe that every kind of technology will be employed in the working of deception. In the 10th verse of 2 Thes. we read, all or every deceit of wickedness.
and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
II Thessalonians 2:10
The psi powers of every chosen one will be harnessed and focused to this end. In conjunction with that, it only makes sense to us that every effectual kind of acoustic and light-based technology will be employed to manipulate the minds and emotions of the global population. Some have reported that the CERN LHC particle accelerator has already produced certain kinds of "special effects." Perhaps that, too, may be leveraged in perpetrating the greatest hoax. Psychotropic drug "pharmakeia" will be activated, and the perceptions guided by visual technologies like augmented reality projection and projected audio technologies that will make people see and hear what they are provided with, on a level that is tailored to each culture - and even each individual, who will be very well known by their harvested data and DNA profile.
We think it's likely that a live-action transmission through time itself will be broadcast in the most personal ways. This stream may even involve some form of interaction through an opened portal. While fraudulent, each person and community will interpret the experience as a first-hand witness, with the added sense of receiving a divine revelation. If you have seen The Penitent Man and DEVS, and our commentary on those shows, you will have a sense of the possibilities. With the sovereign God providing the energeian planes, "a working of delusion," you can be assured that this deception will accomplish every intended result!
Countermeasures that Safeguard Against Deception
There will be a safeguard against deception. The sign that is the baptism of the lawless one will serve that purpose, however, only a remnant of the brethren will perceive it. They will have been prepared in advance with the countermeasures, having genuinely received the love of the truth. The nature of the countermeasures is hinted at in the context of 2 Thes. 2:6, where we read, "so that in his time he will be revealed." Knowing more about the appointed time and the sequence of events is the key, and in advance of when the events begin to unfold. The matter of having knowledge of the times and timing is a steady theme of this entire study, "When Cometh That Thief in the Night." The essential provision of the safeguard against deception involves these secrets! This will be addressed in the next part of this study.
Because of what we learned from the linguistic structure of John 18, we understand that what is prophesied in the second chapter of II Thessalonians will not be fulfilled completely the first time around. The sequence of events will begin but the proceedings will be interrupted and effectively aborted. Time will be reset back, to the year 2012, we believe, and only after that will the fullness of "his time" arrive! God's timely intervention has been planned from the beginning, and it will be executed with timely perfection!
16 "Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. 18 So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."
Luke 8:16-18
Part 1 | Part 2