Notes on Spiritual Warfare, Prayer, Proclamation and Decree
* and more resources
These notes have been collected from years of practical application, personally and from several others, including Henry Gruver, Derek Prince, and John Ramirez.
There is no substitute for following the direction of the Lord Y'shua haMashiach in the moment, according to the working of and inspiration of the holy spirit.
If you feel the least bit uncomfortable about an item below - don't pray it.
I) Praise and Thanksgiving:
A) Give Thanks!
Press in and seek The Lord's good pleasure concerning praying, praising, and singing in tongues.
- Praise
- Worship
A sample intercessory prayer:
Father, I thank you for the honor and privilege to be here now and to be able to stand in the gap for my brothers and sisters. Father, I plead the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ on the bodies, minds, and spirits of (list those for whom you are interceding).
II) Basic Defensive Warfare - Laying Down Protection and Barriers - Praying against attacks and assaults - Seeking the Lord's help, forgiveness, and mercy:
A) Persons and Properties
1) Plead the blood of Jesus Christ on all of our bodies, souls, and spirits and seal our bodies, minds/souls, and spirits in the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ.
a) When praying against the various elements below, I have found great success in using the following: "I come against (_______) in the name of Jesus Christ and I render all assignments of (_____) completely null and void and to absolutely no effect through the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ.
2) Pray against all: Rituals, curses, hexes, spells, assignments from demons summoned and sent, assignments of astral projectors, remote viewers, incubus and succubus spirits, any and all assignments from every other form of evil, unclean, wicked, and tormenting spirits, and all psi-powered assaults from chosen ones and other mind controlled warriors. All other forms, methods, and spirits of retaliation, revenge, and transfer of spirits
3) Bind: demons and return to sender.
4) Pray against all: Chemtrails, nano-particulates, viruses, bacteria, bioweapons, energy weapons, psychotronic weaponry, ultra-high and ultra-low frequency weapons, and any and every other weapon formed against us.
5) Declarations and decrees:
a) I delcare and decree that absolutely NO weapon formed today, tomorrow, or yesterday - and used against any one of us, our families, loved ones, finances, or ministries shall prosper, in Jesus' name.
b) I declare and decree that any and all intentions, insights, plans, schemes, demonic words, and invocations made against us or any of our loved ones are absolutely null and void and to no effect through the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ - I delcare this in Jesus' name.
c) I declare and loose a hedge of protection around our bodies, minds, and spirits. The same type of hedge of protection that God put around Job. I declare that absolutely NOTHING will take place that does not have the explicit approval of The Most High God - and we shall rest in the comfort of knowing that ALL things shall work to good for we love God and are called for His purposes!
6) Request shielding from: All methods of Satanic surveillance, disruption and blinding of the third-eye sight of the remote viewers tasked with targeting and following us, hidden from all forms of spiritual targeting and tracking conducted by witches, warlocks, covens, and secret societies.
7) Request shielding from: All forms of material surveillance (satellites, microphones, drones, cameras, smart devices, cell phones, computers, and every other form of surveillance apparatus set up against us - including the eyes and ears of anyone tasked with surveilling us.)
8) Pray for shielding against Astral Projectors - including: (that they would not be granted access to our minds, bodies, or spirits)
a) Command that the astral projector be cut off from the demonic rider giving them access to the spiritual realm. Command that the astral projector be snapped back into their body and no longer granted access into the spiritual realm.
9) Lay down barriers of protection for: All of our stuff, technology, vehicles, and anything and everything else that we own so that the enemy has no entry point into our homes, rooms, or residences.
a) Seek The Lord regarding any cursed objects, idols, occult objects, or anything else that He would have you remove from your home, residence, etc. If He does indicate that something needs to go, ask Him how He would have you dispose of it.
10) Lay down barriers of protection for: All of our properties (covering all four sides and corners, going down as far into the earth and up as far into the heavens as necessary)
a) Protecting against: Every ritual, curse, hex, spell, demon summoned and sent, all astral projectors, remote viewers, incubus and succubus spirits, psi-powered assaults from chosen ones and mind controlled warriors, and all chemtrails, nano-particulates, viruses, bacterias, bioweapons, energy weapons, ultra-high and ultra-low frequency weapons, any physical intrusion.
b) Renounce Satanic legal rights to property: "Going back as many generations as necessary, I render every covenant, agreement, deed, and fetish with Satan and/or any of his servants on or regarding this property absolutely null and void and to no effect through the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ. I claim this property in the name of Jesus Christ."
11) Request protection of: Finances
12) Request that angels be loosed on our behalf: Warrior, guardian, ministering
13) Declare Psalm 91 and read out loud
B) Securing Our Minds and Spirits
1) Declaration against (will not acknowledge, listen to, or believe): All false accusations and lies brought forth by Satan, his minions, and any unclean lying, deceiving, and/or familiar spirits working on his behalf including their false words, false prophecies, and deceptions.
2) Direct prayer against: All fiery arrows of the evil one. All lying, deceiving, seducing, and familiar spirits. (Continue to pray directly against those things listed in #1 as well )
Pray against all spirits of:
a) Fear, doubt, worry, stress, panic, anxiety, rejection, failure, oppression, self pity, confusion, despair, apathy, depression, regret, nostalgia, discouragement, heaviness, hopelessness, suicide
b) Lust, perversion, fornication, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, covetousness, wickedness, fetish
c) Mammon, greed
d) Lying, deceit
e) Sloth, slumber, gluttony, self indulgence
f) Pride, rebellion,disobedience, ego, independence, exaltation, recognition, competition, pride of life, boastfulness
g) Religious spirits, legalism
h) Unforgiveness, bitterness, strife, division, backbiting, gossip, anger, malice, hatred, murder, envy, condemnation, complaining, grumbling, criticizing
a) Holy freedom, liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness, love, divine healing, wholeness, mercy, grace, blessings, favor, restoration, renewal, refreshment, contentment, love, meekness, obedience, kindness, compassion, consideration for others, right-mindedness, sound thinking, and Godly submission.
b) His divine wisdom and purposes of Jesus Christ, God's full desires for our lives, His blessings, favor, and promises upon our lives, our ministries, our families and loved ones, and our homes and finances. Breakthrough in every area of our lives.
c) God's blessing be upon us, our families, homes, marriages, children, finances, and ministries.
4) Request God's help in hearing only His voice: Increase in hearing ear, seeing eye, willingness to obey upon hearing.
5) Ask God's forgiveness for any and all: Sins known and unknown, remembered or unremembered, missteps, acts of rebellion, disobedience, arrogance, presumption, or foolishness.
6) Declare and proclaim the blessings of the Lord upon our minds, memories, wills, emotions, and thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ.
7) Bind and rebuke all assaults and attacks against our minds, wills, emotions, and thoughts.
8) Request: Soundness of mind and rightness of thinking - help coming to a truer and deeper understanding of His will - greater wisdom, discernment and spiritual knowledge that we may walk in truth and light and not in deception and darkness.
9) Loose: Peace, joy, and hope over our lives in Jesus' name.
10) Request fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
11) Request: His favor, grace, extreme mercy, patience, forgiveness, and real-time help. His heart, mind, eyes, ears, mouth, and hands.
12) Request help: So that we may carry out and fulfill our destinies which You created for us before the foundations of the world.
C) Praying Against Attacks on the Body:
1) Pray against and bind: Attacks on immune systems, all spirits of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, affliction, addiction, premature death, calamity, accident spirits, and every form of physical stress and disturbance.
2) Render all of the assignments of those spirits completely null and void and to absolutely no effect through the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ.
III) Additional Defensive Declarations, Decrees, and Requests:
A) I declare and decree that we will not fail.
B) I declare and decree that we turn back and extinguish every fiery arrow that is coming against us.
C) I declare and decree that we are overcomers in Jesus Christ.
D) I declare and decree that we are victors in Jesus Christ - we are overwhelmingly conquering through Him Who loved us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
E) I declare and decree today, tomorrow, and every day that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and that only the Lord's plans for our lives will prosper, in Jesus' name. Whatever they may look like we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and for those who have been called according to His purposes.
F) Today, we are victorious and are overcomers because greater is He Who lives in us than he who lives in the world.
G) I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, that all spirits of resistance, hindrance, revenge, retaliation and retribution that are trying to come against me, my family, or my ministry are rendered null and void and to absolutely no effect through the power of the shed blood, body, mind, and spirit of Jesus Christ.
H) Father, please help us to rise up and walk in the fullness of our anointing and in the fullness of our offices in the authority You have granted to us that we may stand in this fight. Father, please help us to shine Your light in midst of the darkness - in Jesus' name.
I) Father, I pray that you would continue to fill and refill us with the power and peace of The Holy Spirit.
J) Father, I pray that You would give us Your courage, strength, patience, and endurance to stand firm and hold fast. Please help us to stand firm in You and in the strength of Your might.
K) Father, I pray that You would make us vessels of honor and help us to be a blessing to You and Your people - giving us the hearts and minds of true servants.
L) Father, I pray that You would loose and send forth Your guardian and warring angels to engage in this fight with us - fighting for and with us against the enemy - and to stand guard inside and outside of our homes as a powerful encampment around us, our family and loved ones, our homes, and our ministries every day.
M) Father, please send forth Your ministering angels to help us and strengthen us in every way that is needed.
N) Father, in the name of Jesus, I claim Your promise to be our shield and protector and that Your glory is our rear guard!
O) Father, I pray that You would help us to be disciplined in our minds - taking all thoughts captive and obedient to Jesus Christ.
P) I declare that if You are for us who could be against us? You are the light of our life and our salvation and we will not be afraid!
Spiritual Warfare - Recommended Resources
Aaron put together an excellent list of recommended resources for learning about spiritual warfare, including mp3 audio and video online and books.
While these resources are valuable, the most important thing is simply this - begin now, praying and devoting yourself to prayer. The Lord of Hosts is able to train you as you learn to humbly follow His command. Men and women, be attentive to the commands about head covering in 1 Corinthians 11. The wise and humble know full well that obedience is not optional. In this late hour, we implore you to engage in defensive and even offensive warfare on behalf of yourself and your family and associates, and those who are, like yourself, being inspired to take your place in the battle lines.
- Power in Praise - Merlin R. Carothers
- The Spiritual Man - Watchman Nee
- Spiritual Authority - Watchman Nee
- The Christian in Complete Armour - William Gurnall
- Intercessory Prayer - Dutch Sheets
- Angel Armies - Tim Sheets
- Rules of Engagement - Derek Prince
- They Shall Expel Demons - Derek Prince
- Secrets of a Prayer Warrior - Derek Prince
- Pulling Down Strongholds - Derek Prince
- Spiritual Warfare - Derek Prince
- War in Heaven - Derek Prince
- Prayers and Proclamations - Derek Prince
- Derek Prince Spiritual Conflict: Volumes 1-5
Spiritual Warfare on Earth and in Heaven - Derek Prince
Casting Down Strongholds - Derek Prince
How to Pass from Curse to Blessing - Derek Prince
The Enemies we Face - Derek Prince
Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship - Derek Prince
A collection of Henry Gruver Mp3s that have been invaluable to Aaron: