Examples of the Keystone and Extended Keystone Patterns

This page is supplemental to The Keystone Pattern and the Extended Keystone.

The examples of the keystone pattern or formula that follow are those featured in this video, Examples of the Keystone and Extended Keystone Patterns. The video is a lightly edited compilation of recordings made in 2018. The approach taken was that of a survey, a brief "fly over the forest."

This listing of examples, while extensive, is not meant to be comprehensive but rather to illustrate just how frequently the pattern appears, including in some very significant matters. While the examples vary widely in some respects, there is a consistency that bears witness to the meaning they share in common. Each instance has something to teach us about why the pattern exists.

The following examples are numbered according to the tally made in the video, with no ranking implied by the order. They have been separated into two categories, the keystone pattern of "Examples where it's the fourth in sequence," and the "extended keystone," Examples where it's not the fourth but after that, as the fifth.

Examples where it's the fourth in sequence

1. John 13:38 is the verse that the Lord used to inform me about the keystone pattern or formula. (On the 13th day of the first month, the watch day, in 2008.)

Jesus answered, "Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you deny Me three times.

John 13:38

5. Luke 8 and Mark 4 - The parable of the sower and the seed / the four soils. The first three in sequence are the same in that they produce no fruit. The fourth in sequence is very fruitful!

6. Proverbs 30:15-31 "There are three things that are... Four that..." The curious language suggests the keystone pattern. The nature of the structure of the lines suggests the extended keystone. The sevenfold and reflective feature of ("God has Arrived") the palindromic seven suggests the repeating of the "fourth" shemitah 860 due to time being reset into the past.

7. Matthew 26 - In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus left the disciples behind to pray and then returned to find them sleeping. This happened three times. Then, in verse 45, "Behold, the hour is at hand, and the son of man is being betrayed..." The disciples were awake and went with him, but it was not their time yet to go on to become a willing sacrifice. This scenario can also be considered in this alternate way, which might technically be accounted as a separate example. Jesus had prayed about the cup asking that, if possible, it may be removed from him. He prayed this same prayer three times, and it was implied that the Father's will that he drink the cup. The 4th thing in sequence, then, was for Jesus to go drink the cup, which began with his submission to being arrested, tried, beaten and hung on the tree. When the disciples are considered, this scenario appears to be the extended keystone, because after Jesus drank the cup, which involves becoming a martyr, their time would also come.

8. Matthew 26 - In the same scenario, another alternate perspective may be seen in how the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, could not stay awake and pray, but Jesus, the fourth member of the party who went on further, did stay awake and pray.

9. Luke 23 - At the trial, Pilate offers to release Jesus. The crowd rejects his offer. After three rounds of offering and rejecting, Pilate relents, meeting the demands of the crowd. From the crowd's perspective, the three rounds of failure are followed by a success.

10. Mark 8:31 - Jesus is crucified. After three days and three nights, which is to say, three entire days, He rises from the dead.

11. Luke 3:23 - The decades of Jesus' life. Jesus began his ministry at about thirty, with three full decades completed. Then, following that tripartite season that was less to be considered as unfruitful than preparatory, he began his fruitful ministry! A fractal is evident because this keystone patterned series, like so many others in this collection, takes place early in the 5th millennium. (See example 2) Many other examples take place during the Messiah's fruitful ministry, and each of them are nested inside this keystone pattern's (of the decades of His life) fruitful season, which is itself nested within the extended keystone pattern of the millennia of biblical history.

12. Genesis 29 - Jacob goes to the well and finds three flocks of sheep waiting. Then, a fourth flock arrives and they all get watered. This example is a favorite! Rachel (name means: "ewe") arrives with the 4th flock. Jacob rolls away the stone from the mouth of the well for all the sheep to be watered. (water as time with the rolled stone) Jacob arranges to work for Rachel's father for seven years so that he can take Rachel as a wife. Laban, her father, tricks him into marrying her older sister Leah. But then, he gets Rachel also, but must labor seven more years. There's a very special pattern that is connected with this simple keystone pattern. It involves how Jacob labored for Rachel for seven years, and then again for seven years. With the first seven he earned Rachel, yet he did not earn Rachel. He received the older, then the younger. In this, the pattern of the reset of time is manifest, which is to say that this entire narrative prophesies of both the keystone pattern and the reset of time!

14. Genesis 41:46 - This verse compares closely to example number 11.

Now Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and went through all the land of Egypt.

Genesis 41:46

Joseph is a type of Christ in this matter of living for 3 decades before the appointed season arrived.

17. Moses' life had neat 40 year divisions. He died after 3 sets at 120 years of age. He was the deliverer, but it was only after he died that Joshua, his successor, led Israel into the promised land. Fractals as more appear during Joshua's season of leadership.

18. Joshua 3:2 "At the end of three days the officers went through the midst of the camp..." The next day, Joshua led Israel over the flooded Jordan into the promised land. *Time mission in the Jordan - still hoping we are going to get to see that first hand.

19. Joshua 4 - The moving of 12 stones in and 12 stones out of the riverbed are addressed in a 4 lines, according to the natural symmetry of the linguistic structure. The first three lines feature the stones moved out. The fourth line features the stones moved in, which prophesies of a fulfillment that is yet to come!

20. John 21:15-19 - Three times Jesus asks Simon Peter if he loves Him. After the third time, while Peter is grieved by his asking, their exchange is similar all three times. Then, something similar but different follows. In that feature that follows the three of a kind, Jesus doesn't ask what He already knows the answer to but tells what will happen in the future as a result of what had just been addressed in their exchange, comparing Simon Peter's future with his past.

21. John 21:14 "This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested..." That is followed by "So when they had finished breakfast..." With the third in series complete, the disciples had eaten breakfast and were thus prepared for the day and what it would bring, which apparently would be the fruit of having had that experience as witnesses and sharers together in that special meal!

22. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 - Jesus died, was buried, and raised on the third day. As we know, this was after three days and three nights had fully passed. Then He began a special new season that depended on what had been accomplished in those three full days.

23. The listing of appearances of Jesus in His resurrection body: The first three are to individuals and the 12, and the scale then multiplies outward with an appearance to more than 500.

24.a Acts 10:9-20 - In a trance/vision, Peter sees a large sheet come down and be raised back up three times. What followed was what Peter had been prepared for by the thrice repeated vision.

24.b A second and related example of the keystone pattern is woven in alongside that. During the vision, Peter heard a voice that gave the same command all three times: Get up, kill, and eat. After the vision was complete, Peter received a command from the spirit: Get up, go downstairs, and accompany them without misgivings. All four were commands that had three parts. The first three were the same and the fourth was similar but different, explaining what the first three in series meant.

24.c A third example is woven in with those others. Cornelius had sent three men to fetch Peter. When Peter joined them, while he had brought others with him as witnesses (verse 23), he became the fourth man who joined the first three who was required to fulfill their mission of fetching him.

26a. Acts 12 - Peter was in prison and an angel showed up. They passed through the first and second guards and then the iron gate that led to the city; a series of three barriers. Peter was free! This narrative continues on to present the extended pattern, which we assigned the number #26b.

27. 1 Samuel 3:1-10 - The Lord called Samuel three times and each time Samuel thought it was Saul calling him. After the third time, Saul told Samuel that it was the Lord. The Lord called Samuel a fourth time, and Samuel acknowledged Him. He was told, "Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel at which the ears of everyone who hears it will tingle."

28. 1 Kings 18 - For the contest on Mount Carmel, Elijah had the altar rebuilt and the sacrifice prepared and subsequently doused with water three times. Then he prayed and the fire came down as the answer. The fire consumed the sacrifice and the stones and the water! Water - Water - Water - FIRE! This is a wonderful example of the work of preparation being made in the three toward the success of the fourth!

29. 1 Kings 19:9-15 - Elijah's journey to Mt Horeb. There are three legs of the journey during which he is fleeing from Jezebel's hit squads. Upon his arrival at Mt. Horeb, Elijah is commissioned (which was really the purpose of the three-legged journey) and goes off to fulfill it. Notably, at the most appropriate point in this keystone-patterned narrative (verses 7-15), there is a very significant reset-of-time scenario that compares very closely to the one in John 18:4-8!

30. 1 Kings 19:11-13 - At Mount Horeb, the Lord passed by Elijah. He was not in the first 3 things; the wind, the earthquake, or the fire. After those three things of a kind, there came the sound of a low whisper. That fourth in sequence was similar to the former three but different, and it is implied that the Lord was in that.

31. 1 Kings 19:15-18 - At Mount Horeb, Elijah's commission involved three occasions of anointing. Those three anointed individuals would act together in sequence as the enemies would be systematically killed. After that, the special remnant of 7000 were the subject of attention, those who seem to be the intended beneficiaries of the action of the first three.

32. 2 Kings 2 - Elisha tags along with Elijah on a journey with 3 legs that brings them to the Jordan River. Then, they miraculously cross over! Elisha witnesses Elijah being taken up in a whirlwind and subsequently receives the double portion of Elijah's spirit that he had asked for!

33. Job 1 - Four servants give their reports to Job. The first three are similar reports of the loss of servants and animals. The fourth report is about Job losing his own children.

35. Daniel 2 - The metallic statue featured four metals. From the top down there was gold, silver, bronze, and iron. The first three (metal/kingdoms) were the same in that there was no mixture involved, but the fourth was different. The legs were made of iron and the feet were partly of clay. It is on those feet that The (messianic) Rock strikes the statue, destroying it.

36. Daniel 3:23-25 - For their refusal to worship the idol, three men were tossed into the burning furnace. A fourth appeared inside with them. "...the fourth is like a son of the gods" This passage is linked to shemitah #861 (2019-2026) through the Hebrew word for "furnace." (Strong's H861: attun)

38. Daniel 7:7 - In his night visions, Daniel saw four beasts come up out of the sea. They were different from one another, but the fourth in the sequence was expressly different from the three before it. This must be compared to the beasts/kings in the book of Revelation.

39. Daniel 7:8, 20, 24 - The fourth beast had ten horns. A little horn came up among them and uprooted three of the first horns. This, too, must be compared to the beasts in the book of Revelation. This example is a very obvious fractal design as it's nested within the fourth unit of another keystone pattern.

40. Daniel 10 - Daniel mourned for three full weeks. Then the angel appears in a vision to encourage and inform Daniel.

41. Ezra 6:3 - The design of the Temple involves three layers of great (rolled) stones and then, a fourth, of timber. This was funded from the treasury - time is money. This temple is, of course, the Temple at the Center of Time, with reference to the work of David Flynn.

44. Judges 9 - In Jotham's story there was a sequence of three trees that were unwilling to become king over the trees. The fourth in the series was different, the willing bramble. This was a prophecy about judgment and Abimilech as the bramble, but the prophecy extends further, to be sure.

45. Judges 16 - Samson killed many Philistines. He killed them on four occasions. In Judges 14:19, he killed thirty. In Judges 15:8, it was "a great slaughter." In Judges 15:15, he "killed a thousand men." In Judges 16, Samson killed more Philistines than in the previous three occasions combined, and he himself perished in that final work.

46. Judges 14 - In three days, Samson's riddle couldn't be solved by the Philistines. On the fourth day, they threatened his wife, a tactic that succeeded.

47. Judges 14 - Samson's wife pressed him for the answer to the riddle for three days, the 4th, 5th and 6th in the series. On the seventh day, the fourth day of her pressing, she had the victory because Samson relented.

48. Judges 16 - Samson and Delilah. She conspired with his enemies who wanted to know his vulnerability. Three times, Samson deceived her. The fourth time, Delilah had her victory. Samson divulged his secret and his enemies took him captive. His strength was in his hair that was really about the Nazarite vow he had taken. There were seven locks of his head, which speaks to us of the shemitah.

49. Matthew 15:32-38 - The Feeding of the Four thousand. The crowd was with him for three days without food. Then, they were fed miraculously. This example features a pair of sevens that speak to us of the shemitah and the reset of time. They had seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. Jesus gave thanks, broke them and gave them to the disciples who distributed it. After all were satisfied, they collected seven baskets of leftovers.

50. John 13:3-5 - After rising from supper, Jesus:
1- Lays aside his outer garments
2- Takes a towel and ties it around his waist
3- Pours water into a basin
4- Does what he had been preparing to do with the first three, washing the feet of his disciples.

51. John 13:12ff - Jesus:
1- Washed feet
2- Put on outer garments
3- Resumed his place.
4- Teaches about what he had just done.

Examples where it's not the fourth but after that, as the fifth

2. Of the millennia of biblical history. Jesus was born during the transition between the fourth and fifth millennia. Accounted from the beginning, three full millennia had passed, even four. After they had passed, the promised Seed arrived, and when he came of age he fulfilled the mission He had come to fulfill in his body of flesh.

3. Luke 20:9-16 (parable) The owner of a vineyard sent three servants to the vine-growers so they would give him some of the produce. Each time, the servant was beaten and sent back empty-handed. The owner then sent his beloved son. The first 3 in sequence were the same, servants, who received the same treatment. The fourth was similar, as an agent sent by the owner on the same mission. But the fourth was different, in that he was the owner's son, and different in the treatment he received at the hand of the vine-growers. The fifth action in the sequence is what is promised, and it involves a continuation of the fourth, in that the same agent will be sent, and the outcome will be different from the first three, even four missions, and the owner of the vineyard will be satisfied. The parable is about the son of the vineyard owner, Y'shua, and the children of promise who rejected him. It's about the Lord's fruitful harvest field, and those who will accept Him Who was raised from the dead and replace those stewards who rejected Him.

4. Luke 13:6-9 (parable) After three harvest seasons of unfruitfulness, the next involves preparation, dunging around the tree. We aren't told what the eventual outcome was, but what we are told is enough; that a judgment would be made as to whether the tree will bear fruit or be cut down. Given that the parable is about the Lord's people and that it is structured according to the keystone pattern and that the outcome is withheld from us, I infer that fruit will be produced, not in the fourth "year" but rather in the fifth, which is why I consider this as an example of the extended keystone.

6 And he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 And he said to the vinedresser, 'Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?' 8 And he answered him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. 9 Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'"

Luke 13:6-9

13. Genesis 42-46 - During the famine, Joseph's brothers travel from Canaan to Egypt. A detailed tracking of the trips, both actual and implied, produces a keystone and extended keystone resonant journey in an extremely significant context. The seven years of famine that devour the seven years of plenty (as according to the Pharaoh's dream) speaks to us of the repeating of the "fourth" shemitah 860 due to time being reset into the past, and the reason for the first round being the storing up of the Grain of Egypt for the sake of salvation.

16. Exodus 12:40-41 - Israel's 430 year term in Egypt. (Galatians 3:17 makes reference to that same term. See Galatians 3:15-18) Four centuries pass, and then (after 30 more years into the fifth in sequence) the featured thing manifests. Technically, this doesn't fit the keystone pattern because it doesn't specify three of a kind that begin the set. This example does, however, suggest the extended keystone pattern's span, and perhaps even when time will be reset.

37 And the people of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. 38 A mixed multitude also went up with them, and very much livestock, both flocks and herds. 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough that they had brought out of Egypt, for it was not leavened, because they were thrust out of Egypt and could not wait, nor had they prepared any provisions for themselves. 40 The time that the people of Israel lived in Egypt was 430 years. 41 At the end of 430 years, on that very day, all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. 42 It was a night of watching by the Lord, to bring them out of the land of Egypt; so this same night is a night of watching kept to the Lord by all the people of Israel throughout their generations.

Exodus 12:37-42

We know this term's length is important because, at its conclusion, "on that very day, all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt." This would have been on the Passover, which was instituted at that time. This seems to suggest what we have come to believe about the pending reset of time. First, that it will come in the fifth in the count, not century, of course, but shemitah. The second feature is that it will come at the time of Passover, actually on the day before it, the thirteenth day of the first month. (Another calendar item instituted at that time [Exodus 12:2] was that month's numbering as the first.) The third compelling feature involves the thirty years that extended into the fifth century of the term, which suggests the anticipated third year of the shemitah that we anticipate will complete this timeline (as in Egypt, the "land of bondage").

25. Acts 10:30-33 (This example is related to the three that were featured as example #24) "Four days ago to this hour," Cornelius said as he related his story to Peter. This is very specifically about timing! The first three days in sequence aren't identified to us as being somehow more similar in some way than the fourth in the series except, perhaps, in that this was when Peter finally arrived, completing the mission. So, while it features the span of the extended keystone, this might not be a legitimate example in the most technical sense. However, here's an observation that makes this compelling. We give our special attention to the timing. Cornelius had sent the men to fetch Peter. They spent a night on the road to Joppa, another in Joppa, and another on the road back to Cornelius. Two days, and two days were required for this cycle, exactly. One leg of the journey was outbound and the other was their return trip. With the attention given to the precision of the timing and how it had been directed by the spirit of God, this can't be dismissed as lacking in meaning. Their return back to where they had begun speaks to us of the reset of time. This must be seen as integral with the keystone pattern, with three examples that had directly involved Peter and the men sent by Cornelius. The three keystone patterns happened in Joppa, the place the men returned back from.

26b. Acts 12:6-17 - In what we label here as example #26a, Peter was freed from prison as he and the angel miraculously passed through the first and second guards and then the iron gate. This scenario continues on to produce an extended keystone because Peter goes directly to a house where he encounters a fourth barrier in sequence. Two guards/watches, then two gates. Peter is not said to pass through this fourth in series. He communicates through the gate to bear testimony about what happened to him in his experience with the first three barriers in series, then he leaves and goes to another place. The narrative (verse 18) then returns back to the subject of what happened at the prison. Suggesting, the returning back at the reset of time, perhaps?

34. Job - After Job's servants report the loss of almost everything he has, three of his friends come to visit, the "miserable comforters." After much conversation, Elihu comes to visit, who is not a miserable comforter. (Job 32) His dialog puts a big focus on age-time difference. Then, finally, God shows up (Job 38) and addresses Job, and the situation is resolved with much blessing!

42. Haggai 2:4 - Three times, people are told to be strong. Then, they are told to work because the Lord of Hosts is with them. Finally, they are told not to fear, and the Lord went on to tell them what He was about to do that would certainly have caused people to fear.

43. Esther 4-5 - Three days of fasting were followed by banqueting on the fourth. But to accomplish her goal, Queen Esther's (Bridegroom and Bride work) plan required another banquet on the fifth day in the series. Mission accomplished! Judgment, salvation, victory, and reward!

* Of the 51 examples that were featured in the video, #15 and #27 were scrubbed from this listing because they really weren't examples of the keystone pattern. They were examples of another class (reset of time resonant doublings and sevens and returns) so they didn't belong here. Did we exaggerate the total number? No. The example #24 was actually three distinct examples, and #26 was two, so the tally could have been 52. There were other examples that were not included, so we add a few of these below.

Additional Examples

Ezekiel 37 - This famous prophecy about the dry bones-house of Israel features the keystone pattern. When the dry bones come together, three things of a kind are added that complete the physical body; sinews, flesh, and skin. It's the fourth thing in sequence that gives this body life, the breath! The breath is explicitly identified with the number four because the four winds are called upon to provide it. "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life." For more insight into the passage, see our study, Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Interactive.

Ezekiel 47 - Ezekiel was shown the future restoration of Israel. In chapter 47, Ezekiel sees water issuing forth from below the threshold of the Temple toward the east. As he was led through the water as it flowed away from the temple, the depth of it was measured at regular distances. At a thousand cubits, the water was ankle-deep. At two, it was knee-deep. At three, it was waist-deep. At four, it was deep enough to swim in, "a river that could not be passed through." In the first three occasions, the depth could certainly be measured with the measuring line, although the measure we're given is relative to Ezekiel's body as he waded through the water. When they reached the distance of four thousand cubits the water's depth was unable to be measured! For more insight into the passage, see our study, Ezekiel 47- Interactive.

This is a rather special example of the keystone pattern because of the time symbolism that's inherent in the water by reason of the water-as-time metaphor. There's more to this matter of the measuring of distance from the temple, because this temple is, of course, the "Temple at the Center of Time." (with reference to David Flynn's work) A principle that reveals that feature involves the measurement of distance away from a place on the Temple Mount not far from the altar mentioned in Ezekiel 47:1. It's a distance as time relationship where a nautical mile corresponds to a year, as accounted on the Gregorian calendar.

Some might see the use of the Gregorian calendar as a standard of reference as being completely unlikely, but the evidence is undeniable. Some might also reject the possibility that the trees featured in the context might signal the reset of time for similar reasons. Could the English translation of a word and its anagram have been intended in such a text? I believe, yes.

As I went back, I saw on the bank of the river very many trees on the one side and on the other.

Ezekiel 47:7

When insight first came to me about TREES being an anagram of RESET, it was immediately confirmed to us as a code. The reset of time is signaled in Occult media using trees, and it's also biblical. We call it, Code Trees. In Ezekiel's journey along the measured distances of the water, the keystone pattern is easily noted. See this flow of water relative to the river of time. It's when the man with the measuring line leads Ezekiel back to the bank of the river that he sees "very many trees on the one side and on the other." The way it is with the banks along the river, it's one time on one bank and a different time on the other side. There they are, four thousand cubits away from the Temple, with the keystone pattern indicating the fourth shemitah from 1991, and as Ezekiel is led to the bank he sees the trees that signal the reset of time. How does verse 7 begin? "As I went back." Yes, he was returning back, back to where he was, to the same side he started from.

Do the trees have anything at all to do with time?

12 And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.

Ezekiel 47:12

The trees "will bear fresh fruit every month." They will cycle as the months cycle, repeating with a reset in their fruit-bearing cycle. Trees, reset!

Exodus 15 - This example features a tree or log that is thrown in the water at Meribah. The keystone design is obvious in the healing of the bitter waters after three days when they had found no water.

22 Then Moses made Israel set out from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur. They went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. 24 And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What shall we drink?" 25 And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a log, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.

Exodus 15:22-25a

There's an extended keystone feature because, after leaving Meribah, their next destination speaks loudly of time, and reset! There are twelve springs of water, with twelve being a primary time number. Then, there are seventy palm trees. The seven-feature resonates with the shemitah, and with Code Trees.

Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they encamped there by the water.

Exodus 15:27

Matthew 16:21 - In this single verse, the resurrection is presented as the fourth thing that three things of a natural kind prepared the way for.

From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.

Matthew 16:21

Jesus 1) Must go to Jerusalem 2) Suffer many things 3) Be killed and 4) be raised up on the third day. After the three, and the passage of an appointed span of time (as the "extended keystone") - victory over death was won!

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 - Paul was being tormented by a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan. He implored the Lord three times that it might leave him. Then, the Lord answered, revealing the wisdom of denying Paul's request, and Paul understood, accepting it with contentment.

7 Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me - to keep me from exalting myself! 8 Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9 And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

We should at least mention John 4:35, which compares to some of the other examples. ("Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'?") Another example of the same kind involves the raising of Lazarus after four days in the tomb. (John 11) As a fractal, three times it was said, "would not have died", which was followed by Jesus' response. How many other examples might there be? I would say, there's enough.