Video & Audio Catalog
Our Video Channels and their Playlists
Bitchute Channel: The Open Scroll
Brighteon Channel: The Open Scroll
Rumble Channel: The Open Scroll Mirror
YouTube Channel: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ Playlist: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ Playlist: The Sign for the Bride/When Will the Lawless One be Revealed?
YouTube Channel: The Open-ish Scroll
→ Playlist: Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear
→ Playlist: Who is Cain's Father?
→ Playlist: The Testimony of Gethsemane
YouTube Channel: These Patterns are Amazing
→ Playlist: Interactive Structures from 1 Kings 18-19
→ Playlist: Interactive Structures from the Gospel of John
→ Playlist: Primer on Interactive Structures and Thematic Symmetry (Chaism) in the Bible
Our video content is available on various platforms, including hosting many ourselves here on You'll find our channels and special YouTube playlists listed here.
This page features many of our videos listed with descriptions and tags to help you find what your interested in. Videos that are part of a series can be found in our Video "Playlist" Catalog. Many of our videos aren't listed here, maybe most of them. If you're looking for something in particular, try searching The Open Scroll Blog, because that's where we announce and link to each video we publish.
Our legacy YouTube channel isn't listed there because it was "terminated permanently" by the platform on December 24, 2022. I was informed that they dumped the channel because "it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all." Ha! We saw that coming a long ways off.
A comprehensive library of our audio mp3 offerings that are relative to the unique content featured on The Open Scroll may be found on our Site Content Guide. Just click on one of the many mp3 icons. Additional audio content may be found at the very bottom of this page.
If you want the full HD versions, choose the "HD download" link. Those mp4 video files can be watched in your browser or they can be downloaded and saved to your local drive. (tip: right-click, choose the menu option, "save video as...")
Video Listing
→ The Sign of #12 Tom Brady's TIMEly Retirement after 22 seasons
→ Decoding the Love (Code) Story of "Groundhog Day" (Imbolc)
→ "The Wheel of Time" and "Needle in a Timestack" on Amazon Prime (* Day 1 ritual)
→ Rerouting counter-clockwise around a roundabout from 2/22/22 to 4/22/22
#currentEventsCommentary, #timeSpaceRitual, #sodomiteGateway, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #scriptureReading
→ The Appearance of Antichrist
→ Multiple Ritual Transits of Venus and Mercury - even in reverse
→ Saturnalia Ritual
→ Time Reset Rituals
#timeSpaceRitual, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #timeReset
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset
#decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #decodingAdvertisements, #currentEventsCommentary, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeBinding
→ Samhain and the Satanic Calendar
→ The targeting of The Lord's people with a call to be attentive to prayer/spiritual warfare
→ Announcement of: "Will the Bride have a role after the Bride Theft?"
→ Update on the video restoration project
→ Disturbing news of ritual abuse within the Catholic church
→ More 22's in various forms of media
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #decodingMovies, #decodingAdvertisements, #currentEventsCommentary, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeBinding
This was recently brought to our attention by a few people who pointed us to some videos made by Youtuber, EnterTheStars. Because the official seal features the antahkarana symbol, this adds even more validation to what we said in our video about what Operation Warp Speed is really intended to accomplish.
Another symbol used in the official OWS seal that they discovered over at EnterTheStars is the DHHS seal.
We think you'll get even more out of these observations if you take what we wrote back in 2014 into consideration, in our blog series on a Bioforming Pandemic.
#popular, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #antiChrist, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #informationWarfare, #sodomiteGateway, #goddessWorship, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #scriptureReading
International Patent: wo/2020/060606 * cryptocurrency system using body activity
Jump to the listing for a video where a Microsoft Windows logo was decoded as a symbol of the mark of the beast.
#popular, #decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #artificialIntelligence, #antiChrist, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #timeWar, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #decodingTVshows, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #antiChrist, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
→ Is taking a vaccine the same as taking the mark of the beast? Q&A Insights and Perspectives
→ The psy-op of shifting the public's focus to the thanking of first responders, etc.
→ H. R. 6666 * following Patent 060606
→ Plandemic - The viral interview documentary
→ The Covid-19 threat as False Flag advancing evil agendas including the starting of wars and waves of persecution
→ Stargates in D.C. and Vatican for the arrival of "Apollo" - Tom Horn in his wheelhouse
I had an insight, and in less than a week, Aaron and I were brought to a level of confidence that's far beyond any previous time! Back in 2019, we didn't think we had any revelation insight or the kinds of signs that we needed to fully convince us. Although we were very, very hopeful that time would be reset in that season of the Fall holy days, we tried to temper our expectations accordingly. That was then. What we've witnessed recently has already convinced us that we've learned when time will be reset!
We share our insights and supporting observations about a range of things. We were surprised with a very unexpected insight that Aaron received while recording our presentation. It was yet another discovery in a mind-boggling series on this adventure of the grandest kind! Our God is so good to us!
We know that some viewers will hate this with a passion, and others will see cause to celebrate with us!
#specialEvents, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #antiChrist, #decodingMisc, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #decodingTVCommercials, #timeBinding, #gematria
If you want to discover the truth you have to seek after it with passion and give the details their due.
#specialEvents, #scriptureReading
→ On "Civil Disobedience" and "conscientious objectors" - Romans 13 / Acts 5 / Daniel 3
→ Washington State Governor Jay Inslee "we will help get them groceries in some fashion" - and more lies
→ Information Warfare - "OVERLOADING is a method consisting of saturating the enemy or adversary with a large volume of contradictory information."
→ John 18 prophesies about the reset of time
→ "Scientists are Creating Mouse-Human Hybrids" "turn back the clock" evoking Matthew 24:37
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #scriptureReading, #antiChrist, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline

#specialEvents, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #antiChrist, #signs, #timeReset
→ Winter Storm Izzy - the time codes
→ "WitchTok" and Witchcraft For Kids
→ Tomorrow Energy plants TREES for Bob and "future generations" are thanking him
→ Yankee Candle holiday sale email is a blatant SATURNALIA ritual
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #scriptureReading
#decodingTVshows, #timeSpaceRitual, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #gematria, #antiChrist, #goddessWorship, #timeReset, #timeWar

#decodingMovies, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #goddessWorship, #timeReset, #timeWar, #timeSpaceRitual, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #theurgy
#decodingTVshows, #timeReset, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick
#specialEvents, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #antiChrist
Encouraging signs continue to appear, and our expectations are rising accordingly. If you've been watching with us for a while, you know what we're on about!
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #antiChrist, #decodingAdvertisements, #timeSpaceRitual, #ritualMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel
→ Old Town Road by Lil Nas X - Crossover into the Future
→ TV commercial: "Don't start smoking. You don't wanna make yourself go back in time"
→ "...opens a wormhole into 17th century medicine, magic and the occult"
→ Nelson (RCA) discovery of Planetary Position Effect
→ Moonwater and Crystals

#popular, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMisc, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick, #antiChrist

#popular, #decodingMisc, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick
#popular, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMisc, #decodingMusic, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #aliensFallenAngels

#popular, #decodingMisc, #pedophileSignaling, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick

#popular, #decodingMisc, #decodingTVCommercials, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick,#goddessWorship, #PsiPowers, #antiChrist

#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingTVCommercials, #antiChrist, #ritualMagick, #goddessWorship, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMusic
#decodingTrailers, #decodingVideoGames, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #specialEvents, #timeBinding, #antiChrist, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #timeSpaceRitual, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick, #decodingMovies, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #goddessWorship, #mindControlProgramming, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #personalTestimony, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #decodingTVCommercials, #decodingAdvertisements, #antiChrist
#decodingTVCommercials, #informationWarfare, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #goddessWorship, #gematria, #theurgy, #ritualMagick, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #crossLineNLP
#decodingMisc, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #crossLineNLP, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #antiChrist
#decodingTVCommercials, #decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #decodingAdvertisements, #ritualMagick, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #antiChrist
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #gematria, #antiChrist, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #currentEventsCommentary, #scriptureReading
→ Neal Peart of Rush died at 67 (6+7=13) years old - the man who "kept time" for the band - even on their "Time Machine Tour"!
→ Nancy Pelosi Impeachment speech - history is marked with time - makes a 21-year "time-binding" to Bill Clinton
→ TobyMac's "21 Years" music video - a time-binding ritual
→ And, we offer some encouraging insight!
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMusic, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #timeWar, #timeBinding, #dimensionalTransit, #artificialIntelligence, #antiChrist, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
#decodingAdvertisements, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #scriptureReading
#decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #psiPowers, #antiChrist
#decodingMisc, #decodingMusic, #decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #pedophileSignaling, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #naziCodes, #crossLineNLP, #gematria, #theurgy, #timeSpaceRitual, #antiChrist, #PsiPowers
#popular, #decodingMisc, #decodingTVshows, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #antiChrist, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
#decodingTVshows, #timeBinding, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeTravel, #timeWar, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #mandelaEffect, #ritualMagick, #theurgy, #naziCodes
#decodingMovies, #naziCodes, #goddessWorship, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #timeTravel, #sodomiteGateway, #dimensionalTransit, #mindControlProgramming, #theurgy
#decodingMovies, #gematria, #timeBinding, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #timeSpaceRitual, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #antichrist

#popular, #pedophileSignaling, #decodingMisc, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #gematria

#pedophileSignaling, #decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #decodingMusicVideos, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick
#pedophileSignaling, #decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #currentEventsCommentary, #crossLineNLP, #goddessWorship, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #antiChrist, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming
#decodingMovies, #gematria, #timeBinding, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #timeWar, #restoredTimeline, #timeSpaceRitual, #dimensionalTransit
#decodingMisc, #timeReset, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #antiChrist, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming
#decodingMisc, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #antiChrist, #decodingMovies
NBC Nightly News - "...we're witnessing the clock turning backwards..."
Allegra - "get back to the moment" Hedgewitchery
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - Test-77 Integration
The Orville - 2.13 "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow"
Game of Thrones 8.02 "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
#decodingMisc, #decodingTVCommercials, #decodingMovies, #decodingTVshows, #ritualMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #sexMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #timeSpaceRitual, #mindControlProgramming, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #mandelaEffect, #restoredTimeline, #timeWar, #artificialIntelligence, #antiChrist, #timeBinding
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #decodingTVshows, #decodingTrailers, #decodingMovies, #currentEventsCommentary, #catholicVatican, #goddessWorship, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #goddessWorship, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #crossLineNLP, #antiChrist
#specialUpdate, #currentEventsCommentary, #scriptureReading
→ Aaron's 2022 Arbor Calendar - Tree Survey
→ "The REAL source of Gravity might SURPRISE you..." Curving Time - John 18:6
#decodingTVshows, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeBinding, #timeWar, #restoredTimeline, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #antiChrist, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #goddessWorship, #greatPyramid
→ "Limited Time" announces Visionworks
→ Alexa predicts much worse than 2020 coming on 2/22/22 at 2:22am
→ 2/2/22 Candlemas and Imbolc, Brigets (breeds) Day, Groundhog Day - evoking the most famous time loop movie.
→ Beer "best by" (bbb 222) date: 12/22/21 (palindrome) on the day following yeast "best used by" date: 1222
#decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMovies, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeBinding,
#timeWar, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #stargates, #antiChrist, #dimensionalTransit, #mandelaEffect, #goddessWorship, #scriptureReading
→ SeaQuest DSV 2.06 twists up a Garden of Eden RESET
→ Star Trek: Picard, Season 2 premieres 2/2022: "The only way we can heal our future is to go back and repair the past."
→ "Fellowship of the Ring" time-space ritual
#currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #decodingTrailers, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeTravel, #timeReset, #timeBinding, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #specialEvents, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #informationWarfare, #scriptureReading
→ Marvel's Spiderman - "No Way Home" Trailer nails the key intersection of today's critical subjects
→ Aaron's official notice was a 22 page report
→ Her timely Job 21:21 screenshot at 2:22 ~ On the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics closing ceremony - not much to report.
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingTVshows, #decodingTrailers, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeTravel, #timeWar, #timeReset, #timeBinding, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #theurgy, #scriptureReading
→ On The Occult Meaning Of The Term "COVID" - Solve et coagula - "The Alchemical Processing of Humanity through Public Psychodrama"
→ This rebate returns her money back to her with an expiration date of 2/22/2022
→ National Geographic Instagram post calls the pyramids of Giza "time machines" and says they "snap us back in time like rubber bands."
→ Starbucks makes 22 the new number of K-cup pods in a package
→ Decoding the Keurig 11-22-33 wordmark
→ Jack Reacher (2012) features a bold 666 marking of the Pittsburgh location that was staged by assassins to frame their patsy.
#decodingTrailers, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline #gematria, #antiChrist, #decodingAdvertisements, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingMisc, #greatPyramid, #scriptureReading
→ Mark of the beast Tech - 666/DNA Bioelectronic Medicine and Microsoft exploiting B.A.D. in their 060606 "Cryptocurrency System" patent application
→ Dolly the clone was announced on 2/22 with a view to marking the anniversary
→ 22s on the 22nd * 22 pages of declassified CIA files
→ Today's power=22 event and 22% savings of time as money in a repeating (in time) shipment (through space)
#decodingTrailers, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeWar, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #antiChrist, #decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingTVshows, #timeBinding, #goddessWorship, #currentEventsCommentary
#decodingMisc, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #gematria, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
I recently watched a YT vid from the PBS Space Time channel called, "Does Time Cause Gravity?" When I heard the speaker say that "THE WARPING OF TIME CAUSES GRAVITY," I reflected upon a very familiar line of scripture in the 18th chapter of John and the insight I had about it. In verse 6 we see people drawing back and falling to the ground, right where the reset of time back into the past is being modeled. We've talked about this previously about how their falling back to the ground suggested a gravity wave in connection with a time wave and warp.
Again, if it's not what we think it is, then WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?
#decodingTVshows, #decodingMisc, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline,#timeBinding, #timeTravel, #decodingMovies, #greatPyramid, #antiChrist
What the FDA Knew about the vax on October 22, 2020 - exposed during a 233 signaling moment
→ "Hit your reset button" at 2:20 on the wall(13) clock in this promo infomercial
→ Symbols, numbers and the power of words - beans spilled during the time-magick themed "A Discovery of Witches"
→ Engine 22 Rescue teeters on the edge(21-21) due to storm(22)
→ FDNY-22 launches $22M system with a flurry of time language in the announcement
→ "Life Below Zero" and "Alone" - more reset/22 signaling and time-binding in media.
#currentEventsCommentary, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMisc, #decodingTVshows, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeReset, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #theurgy, #scriptureReading
In the original, we had reported that the USDA had released all contractors. That report was a false report. Aaron spoke with our source after he watched our video and called our attention to the error. We had passed on the report as we had initially received it, but it was wrong.
We apologize for our misstep and ask for your forgiveness. We realize that our credibility is at stake. We have repented, and we are deeply sorry for the damage done by passing on a false report.
We also apologize for all of your engaging comments that were lost when we deleted our original video.
Bob and Aaron address these subjects in this video: Time Crystal update
→ Elon Musk's warnings about AI
→ the war on the unvaxxed
→ The signaling of "233 new cases"
→ Hermann Goering was not wrong about this
→ * OUR APOLOGY for the false report
→ The fallen communicate through symbols and numbers -- Glyphtionary
→ "Minority Report" is unfolding now
→ Psalms 143-145
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #decodingMovies, #decodingMisc, #antiChrist, #artificialIntelligence, #gematria, #timeBinding, #timeSpaceRitual, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #mandelaEffect, #greatPyramid, #timeWar, #massRitual, #specialEvents, #theurgy, #scriptureReading
→ Rollback to $22.20
→ The rising tide of the anti-unvaxxed agenda
→ "Global Middle Finger to End Christianity"
→ Joint military exercise toward bringing down American arrogance
→ Relevant archival videos from The Open Scroll channel
→ Scripture reading
#decodingAdvertisements, #gematria, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #sodomiteGateway, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #ritualMagick, #massRitual, #informationWarfare, #scriptureReading
→ "After the test is completed, you may have to reboot your device to return it to normal operation."
→ Tokyo Paralympics - Code 22 sports and Code 54 (x10) events
→ Tokyo Olympics - Closing Ceremony occult ritual with extensive time-binding
→ Jeep Renegade Latitude ad - signaling the time reset at the revealing of the lawless one.
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingTVCommercials, #gematria, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #mindControlProgramming, #sexMagick, #greatPyramid,
#decodingAdvertisements, #antiChrist
→ Aaron's Dad Calls Out "22 Seconds"
→The 20-year Anniversary of Aaliyah's Death
→ Decoding The 22Convention
→ The Twilight Zone Episode "Twenty Two"
→ Aaron Reads Scripture
#decodingMisc, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #specialEvents, #ritualMagick, #decodingAdvertisements, #goddessWorship, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #antiChrist, #decodingTVshows, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #antiChrist, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline
→ We announce the publication of 3 interactive studies featuring John 18-19.
→ Should we repent of our declaring that time is about to be reset into the past?
→ Signs: The apparent "Bleedthrough" from 7 years ago: 1) Aaron's recent hospitalization 2) The conflict between the USA and Iran ( and the devil horns arose over the Persian Gulf)
→ News about how common drugs change who we are
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #timeReset, #antiChrist, #restoredTimeline
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #goddessWorship, #artificialIntelligence, #scriptureReading
#decodingTVCommercials, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #sexMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #massRitual, #antiChrist, #gematria, #timeReset
#decodingMusicVideos, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #timeBinding, #gematria, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #theurgy
→ $13 Billion drop in Tesla's valuation on Elon Musk tweet
→ Decoding Tesla logo and review of "S-3-X-Y"/Space+Sex Musk/Tesla symbolism
→ Elon Musk changes Twitter Avatar to Deus Ex game
→ The "Deus Ex Machina" of Revelation 19:20-21
→ "Operation Warp Speed" - Trump's commitment to vaccinate everyone
→ Covid-19 treatment drug Remdesivir ([Balm of] Gilead Sciences) approved by FDA - NIH conflict of interest
→ Magician turns back time on show, Britain's Got Talent
→ Announcment 2: Our video library page is updated with tags
→ Shemini Atzeret - the 8th day/22nd day holiday
→ "I have stopped the time" "22 thousand kilometers from home" from "300 Days Alone"
→ Buccs vs Patriots "The Return" #12
→ Disney Epcot: "the Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind ride will hit in 2022" - will launch in reverse!
#specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #ritualMagick, #timeTravel, #decodingAdvertisements, #crossLineNLP, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #scriptureReading
→ Our 2nd YouTube Strike
→ Four new YouTube channels and several playlists
→ Our video "library" - expanded and enhanced for easier access and discovery
→ Updated and expanded time-binding utility
#specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #scriptureReading

#decodingTVshows, #informationWarfare, #mindControlProgramming

#popular, #massRitual, #decodingMusic, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #theurgy
#specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingMisc, #scriptureReading
Here's what we want you to be aware of regarding YouTube and the comments section, social media in general and search engines. It's not for your sake that they exist, neither for your entertainment nor for your education. I'll qualify that statement in a moment, but YouTube is for the sake of those who want to manipulate you for control. It's for surveillance of the most invasive kind, toward the leveraging of what they learn to manipulate and control you.
YouTube and all the internet provides a special platform for the ministry of the gospel. It's not for your entertainment or for selling you out to the devil but for the purchase of your life, for the vitality and health of the community of saints all around the earth, for us to be drawn to the Lord and built up in Him.
#decodingMovies, #informationWarfare, #specialEvents, #antiChrist, #currentEventsCommentary, #massRitual, #mindControlProgramming, #scriptureReading
→ 22 Years of Blair Witch
→ Decoding - Life Below Zero
→ Sign of the Shower Caddy
→ Yankee Candle Doubles Their "Buy 2 Get 2" Offer
→ Taylor's Letter to 22 Year-old Self
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #specialEvents, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #artificialIntelligence, #antiChrist, #informationWarfare, #specialEvents, #ritualMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeWar, #timeTravel
#specialEvents, #massRitual, #decodingMisc, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #antiChrist, #greatPyramid, #timeWar, #goddessWorship, #timeTravel, #timeBinding, #gematria, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #decodingMusic
After we recorded our previous video on Daniel 5, Aaron was doing some "Bread Baking" BB22. On the bag of flour he was using he noticed the "Best By" BB22 date - of 02/02/22.
We decode the 22-rich symbolism of the pedo-sodomite sequel, Boss Baby 2, a time weapon ritual.
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #crossLineNLP, #sodomiteGateway, #pedophileSignaling, #sexMagick, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMovies, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #antiChrist, #greatPyramid, #timeWar
#currentEventsCommentary, #specialEvents, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #goddessWorship, #sexMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #informationWarfare, #mindControlProgramming, #sodomiteGateway, #pedophileSignaling, #timeTravel
→ "Sweet Tooth" Decode with Time-binding
→ Who did "Nazi" Biden's Door-Knockers Coming" - Vax or else - Lies, intimidation and coercion
→ Crisis in South Africa - Race wars and societal collapse
→ Readings of the scriptures
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingTVshows, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #antiChrist, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #currentEventsCommentary, #scriptureReading
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #gematria, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #antiChrist, #timeWar, #theurgy, #sexMagick, #timeBinding
When Aaron was asked to go to a meeting yesterday - this is what he found! Signs!
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #gematria, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #mandelaEffect
→ The Giant Company: "Visitors are scanned and instantly become a giant"
→ The Handmaid's Tale - Decode
→ "Going Back in Time" with John Mayer - Continuum & Stop This Train
→ Readings from the Psalms
#currentEventsCommentary, #decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingTVshows, #antiChrist, #gematria, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMusic, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #timeBinding, #ritualMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #scriptureReading
→ Decoding "Manifest"
→ Fallen Angels Breeding with Humans
→ Vaccination Passport - 666
#decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingTrailers, #decodingTVshows, #specialEvents, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #gematria, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #greatPyramid, #sodomiteGateway, #stargates, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick
Petition to "extend time"...
→ TIMELY Vitacost ad
→ Revolution 2.22 Decoded
→ The Great Reset - WEF Code Trees-Reset 666
→ "A long time since 22 - John Mayer - inspired by Marty McFly
→ and more
#decodingAdvertisements, #specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #catholicVatican, #antiChrist, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #decodingTVshows, #ritualMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #crossLineNLP, #decodingMusic, #decodingMusicVideos, #stargates

#decodingTVCommercials, #ritualMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #stargates, #antiChrist, #dimensionalTransit, #goddessWorship, #mindControlProgramming, #theurgy
#specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingMisc, #informationWarfare, #antiChrist, #aliensFallenAngels, #sodomiteGateway, #decodingMovies, #sexMagick, #pedophileSignaling, #scriptureReading, #sexMagick
#decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #gematria, #artificialIntelligence, #timeWar, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #timeTravel, #antiChrist
The official movie poster pictures aging and dying people as the sand passing through the hourglass. Their use of the hourglass imagery establishes an official basis for the derivation of the reset of time theme because the hourglass always has to be flipped over to begin the timer.
We open by introducing the significantly updated and retitled page: Time-binding Magick in Media.
We close with some readings of the scriptures.
#decodingTrailers, #decodingMovies, #timeSpaceRitual, #gematria, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #antiChrist, #castingResonance, #sodomiteGateway, #timeBinding, #scriptureReading
→ The Book of Eli (2010)
→ UFO/Alien Disclosure
→ Directed Energy Weapons and propaganda
→ The Church is - TRANS?
→ and the comforting truths of the scriptures.
I became curious about whether the date of my recent visit to the ER meant something. I discovered that it was the 137th day of the year, and that number had some interesting peculiarities. I shared that with Aaron and he noodled on it and shared a very interesting observation. There are 22 days between our recent visits to the ER! I replied to that with what I had observed since our previous exchange, that there are 22 years between our ages. I'm 63 until my birthday in November, and Aaron has just turned 41. Aaron did some more calculating and discovered that from May 24 to Nov 20 there are exactly 180 days non-inclusive. That's half of 360, which is the number of degrees in a circle and also the number of days in the year, according to how some account the "prophetic" year.
#decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMovies, #specialEvents, #gematria, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #aliensFallenAngels, #scriptureReading
#decodingMovies, #gematria, #goddessWorship, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #aliensFallenAngels, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick
→ More Rainbow Signs
→ Hockey Signs
→ Aaron's "Mum's back" signs
→ Time-binding in "Those who Wish me Dead" (2021)
→ The Military's Secret Undercover Army
→ Time-binding in "What Still Remains" (2018)
#specialEvents, #decodingAdvertisements, #decodingMisc, #decodingMovies, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #castingResonance, #informationWarfare
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #gematria, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #decodingMovies, #ritualMagick, #timeTravel, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #aliensFallenAngels
The Lord has provided very specially for us to minister with certain kinds of freedoms during a lengthy season. Now, in addition to other challenges, The Open Scroll is being
→ banned by Facebook
→ harassed by the Vatican
→ increasingly blocked by YouTube
→ hindered by media-capture denial scheme
Time is short. The reset of time is pending, with BIG Trouble coming in advance of that.
"The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." ~ 1 Peter 4:7-10
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #catholicVatican, #scriptureReading
Images of, or, references to trees are used in a symbolic way to signal, reset. In this video, we introduce a new page, an adjunct to the Reset 2022 Journal.
#decodingMovies, #specialEvents, #gematria, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #mindControlProgramming, #antiChrist
#decodingMisc,#massRitual, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #timeReset, #timeSpaceRitual, #restoredTimeline, #ritualMagick, #antiChrist, #crossLineNLP, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #informationWarfare, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #gematria, #scriptureReading
Finally, Aaron reads: Psalm 62-63
#specialEvents, #decodingTVshows, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #timeTravel, #antiChrist, #decodingMusicVideos, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick,#sodomiteGateway, #scriptureReading
#decodingTVshows, #currentEventsCommentary, #mindControlProgramming, #informationWarfare, #artificialIntelligence, #antiChrist
De Vrije Media TV Presents Irma Schiffers in conversation with Ronald Bernard. What pierced this man's heart was the Luciferian child sacrifice involved!
#specialEvents, #personalTestimony, #currentEventsCommentary, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #informationWarfare
Ad evokes the sign to Hezekiah and the 10 degrees of the shadow going back
→ Ad evokes the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 and shows the University education is "Ritual sodomy illumination"
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #crossLineNLP, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual,, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #goddessWorship, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway
→ War on the horizon
→ Ebola threat rising
→ Potential for vaccination under the guise of being tested
→ DARPA microchip to be inserted under the skin Nasal spray kills off virus
→ Browser (false sense of) security - Am I FLoCed?
→ R-2 "robot" (not R2-D2, Luke) delivering pizza in Houston now
#specialEvents, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #artificialIntelligence
#decodingMovies, #gematria, #greatPyramid, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #antiChrist, #castingResonance, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #timeWar
#decodingTVCommercials, #decodingMovies, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #antiChrist, #theurgy, #ritualMagick, #goddessWorship, #timeSpaceRitual, #gematria
→ 22 Mummies paraded through Cairo
→ Tankers "in 22-ships convoy" aground in Suez Canal
→ Modlily ad: "Time is Running Out!" featuring 12 and 22 with Code 666
→ "Confirmation of reset positive with 12 and 22" (news of Hanna Greene)
→ 300 year old prophecy by influential Rabbi points to sign of (false) Messiah's arrival
→ Aaron reads Psalm 61
#specialEvents, #massRitual, #greatPyramid, #timeWar, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #ritualMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #antiChrist, #scriptureReading
→ Examples of the Keystone and Extended Keystone Patterns
→ Reset 2022 Journal
We talk about some current events.
→ Rabbi Asor presses Jerusalem officials to take legal action against Vatican's illegal tunneling under the Temple Mount.
→ German researchers create, then erase, false memories in people's minds.
→ CDC Director Walensky goes off script during White House briefing, admitting recurring feeling of impending doom and saying, "I am scared."
We wrap this up with Aaron reading Jeremiah 24 and Psalm 37.
#currentEventsCommentary, #timeReset, #decodingMisc, #catholicVatican, #antiChrist, #informationWarfare, #scriptureReading
→ BGI Genomics used covid tests to mine DNA
→ UFO/Alien Disclosure: Why Now?
→ NASA's $10 Billion Time Machine
→Tom Hanks (CODE) N.E.W.S of the World
→Lil Nas X - a lap dance for Satan and sending love FROM The FUTURE & Luke 10:18
#currentEventsCommentary, #aliensFallenAngels, #antiChrist, #decodingMisc, #timeSpaceRitual, #mandelaEffect, #sodomiteGateway, #timeTravel, #ritualMagick, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming
#currentEventsCommentary, #specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #massRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #informationWarfare, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #timeSpaceRitual, #scriptureReading
→ Illuminati slaves bringing cycles of chaos (Ordo ab Chao) that lead up to the revealing of the lawless one (antichrist beast)
→ Energy harvesting from Sin City
→ Time Reset
→ The Weekend evokes Joker (2019) starring Joaquin Phoenix, and A Clockwork Orange (1971).
In our Xfinity DVR recording there a is Time-Binding (magic ritual) at a minute during the recording's counter that signals 12 and 13 and 21. It's a Toyota commercial called, Upstream, that features the story of Paralympic athlete Jessica Long. She's a 13x Paralympic Gold Medalist. (13x means 13 TIME) 13 is the mastery of time number. Jessica swims in water through key scenes in her life. At the end, she has returned to the first of the key scenes, where her mother is on the phone with the adoption agency. As traveling through the river of time, she returns back to the beginning of their story! TIME LOOP / RESET
About the game itself, we make several observations like: * Tom Brady - MVP - the star wears the 12 on his jersey
→ * He plays for the Bucs (bucks are dollars) TIME IS MONEY
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingMusic, #massRitual, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #mindControlProgramming, #timeSpaceRitual, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMovies, #pedophileSignaling, #sodomiteGateway, #decodingTVCommercials, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeWar
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #decodingMusicVideos, #decodingMusic, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #timeSpaceRitual, #pedophileSignaling, #sexMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #decodingMovies, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeTravel, #timeBinding, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #crossLineNLP, #gematria, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #pedophileSignaling
#decodingMisc, #antiChrist
"Booger," delivering pizza. Curtis Armstrong played Miles in Risky Business, then played Booger in Revenge of the Nerds. Risky Business '83. Revenge of the Nerds '84.
Here's a question. Why does the tossed candlestick disappear into the effeminate dancer's love seat? Ever heard of the Sodomite Gateway? It's time for some critical thinking!
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #pedophileSignaling, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #goddessWorship, #crossLineNLP, #antiChrist, #scriptureReading
#catholicVatican, #decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #massRitual, #goddessWorship, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #gematria, #greatPyramid
#catholicVatican, #decodingMisc, #antiChrist, #sodomiteGateway
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #currentEventsCommentary, #crossLineNLP
#decodingMisc, #decodingTVCommercials, #naziCodes, #gematria, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #goddessWorship, #crossLineNLP, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #sexMagick, #ritualMagick, #gematria, #timeSpaceRitual, #antiChrist
#decodingMovies, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #informationWarfare, #specialEvents, #antiChrist, #scriptureReading
We are the members of "Do It Or Die"
The eye, the eye, the eye
Watch us make Bimbo as easy as pie
The eye, the eye, the eye
We are tough, you bet
filled with college pep
Bring him on we cry
The eye, the eye, the eye
#sodomiteGateway, #goddessWorship, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick
#decodingMovies, #decodingAdvertisements, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #ritualMagick, #theurgy
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #antiChrist, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset
Exploring Thameshead - TIMEout at 2:22 on the 22 yard line - DEVS-22/DEUS-13#specialEvents, #decodingTVshows, #gematria, #ritualMagick, #timeBinding, #antiChrist, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeSpaceRitual, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #antiChrist, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming
#decodingMisc, #decodingAdvertisements, #catholicVatican, #antiChrist, #mindControlProgramming
#decodingTVshows, #ritualMagick, #sexMagick, #aliensFallenAngels, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #timeBinding, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #antiChrist, #goddessWorship, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #decodingTVCommercials, #decodingTrailers, #antiChrist, #sexMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #ritualMagick
What we know for sure is that the numbers 12/21 (the date) are interesting to us, having been featured in many time signs Aaron and I have received in recent years. That date is also interesting because of the attention given to it back in 2012, with respect to the Mayan Calendar, as it was being interpreted by some. The date is of special interest because of what it will mean to Pagans and Occultists as they perform rituals to exploit the increased energy available to them. That will be a season of increased ritual sacrifice - and of intense spiritual warfare. That date is historically significant because of the celebration of Saturnalia, and that is still being celebrated under the guise of Christmas.
#specialEvents, #decodingMisc, #currentEventsCommentary, #antiChrist, #timeSpaceRitual, #massRitual, #ritualMagick, #decodingMovies, #timeWar, #dimensionalTransit, #stargates, #timeBinding, #sexMagick, #scriptureReading
#decodingTVshows, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #antiChrist, #ritualMagick
#decodingTVCommercials, #antiChrist, #ritualMagick
#decodingTVshows, #decodingMisc, #ritualMagick, #goddessWorship, #timeReset, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeTravel, #restoredTimeline, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #theurgy, #greatPyramid, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #antiChrist
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #mandelaEffect, #timeReset, #timeTravel, #timeBinding, #timeSpaceRitual, #ritualMagick, #stargates, #dimensionalTransit, #timeWar, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #antiChrist
#specialEvents, #scriptureReading
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #currentEventsCommentary, #decodingTVshows, #mandelaEffect, #timeSpaceRitual, #massRitual, #informationWarfare, #timeWar, #timeTravel, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #ritualMagick
#decodingMovies, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #psiPowers, #ritualMagick, #catholicVatican, #goddessWorship, #antiChrist, #pedophileSignaling, #gematria
#decodingTVshows, #decodingMovies, #decodingMisc, #antiChrist, #gematria, #timeTravel, #mandelaEffect, #timeBinding, #restoredTimeline, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #ritualMagick, #dimensionalTransit, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #mindControlProgramming, #goddessWorship, #psiPowers, #timeWar, #greatPyramid, #theurgy, #scriptureReading
Stephen Hawking posited a Mayan Calendar miscalculation
January 13th as alternate 13th day of the first month
Amazon 4-star stores - time ritual/sodomite gateway pairing
NCR and the A.ll S.oul S.hop.
Pope Benedict in another Vatican controversy - telegraphing?
Flooding in Israel claimed to fulfill biblical prophecy
#decodingMisc, #specialEvents, #decodingTVCommercials, #currentEventsCommentary, #mandelaEffect, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeReset, #sodomiteGateway, #sexMagick, #timeTravel, #crossLineNLP, #antiChrist, #catholicVatican, #scriptureReading
#decodingTrailers, #decodingMovies, #ritualMagick, #timeSpaceRitual, #timeBinding, #timeReset, #restoredTimeline, #sexMagick, #sodomiteGateway, #mindControlProgramming, #crossLineNLP, #greatPyramid, #timeWar
→ Film short by Chick-fil-A called "The Time Shop" - It's a Saturnalia ritual!
→ What about the celebration of Christmas?
→ Jesse Ventura - Montauk - (Luxor) Pyramid as Time Machine
→ Nostalgia is a cancer
Supplemental studies: Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas?
The Story of Christmas That Should be Told
More about the Great Pyramid as a time weapon
The Great Pyramid - A Weapon of Note in Extradimensional Warfare (2 in this playlist)
Featured in this video:
→ Signs of the approaching system of the Beast and the Mark
→ "Out of Shadows" a documentary
→ Patent 060606 and "body activity data" - acronym B.A.D.
→ The continuing role of Microsoft and Bill and Melinda Gates
→ Responses to media bias and conflicts of interest
→ Dealing with conflicting info, cognitive dissonance, and confusion
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A comprehensive library of our audio mp3 offerings that are relative to the unique content featured on The Open Scroll may be found on our Site Content Guide. Just click on one of the many mp3 icons.
Radio Shows / Interviews
My personal favorite: 6/27/2012 (my interview segment recording date) - 7/16/2012 (the special show release date) Various Guests - Hour 1 & 2 - 2012 Olympics Special - with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Creations
8/19/17 - CONHWC #52 Welcomes 17Stormy17 - Code 33, Celestial Stargates, and More! - YT interview