The Hidden Treasure of Luke 8
Part 1: Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear

Part 2 - "Increase Our Faith"
Part 3 - Faith, Wishcraft and Figures of Speech
Part 4 - Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed
Today, some folks, saints and otherwise, like to consider themselves as "woke" individuals but it must be said that being "woke" doesn't even compare to having, in truth, a hearing ear. What is truly of exceptional value is to have what the Bible calls, a hearing ear! What is meant by this, why you want it, and how do you get it - that's what this study is about!
Some say that the Bible is pretty much an open book and that God simply wants everyone to know it all. But that's not the whole truth of the matter. The Lord has a plan that continues to unfold and it will not be compromised by the untimely revealing of what must remain concealed. The Lord Himself has made the hearing ear and the seeing eye and He watches over the matter with great care.
The fact that the Lord has restricted access to His word is easily noted.
To some, that makes no sense at all but again, the Lord has a plan that continues to unfold and it will not be compromised by the untimely revealing of what must remain concealed.
Security is an important issue whenever you deal with things of great value. Historically, signet rings and seals have been used to secure valuable properties and possessions. In our day-to-day lives, the use of keys and passwords and signatures is essential. Secure communications require the ability to encode and decode along with a means of determining authenticity. Certain kinds of information must be kept from one's enemies or from those who would exploit your knowledge for a competitive advantage. The access to valuable items or information must therefore be strictly controlled. Access must be given to some and denied to others based upon their need to have or know and their trustworthiness. The proper handling of information may also depend upon the timing of its revealing as the critical feature. What man does with the securing of valuables merely imitates what the Almighty God does. He invented security, and valuables!
Hebrew letter sequence codes, gematria, linguistic structures; these are merely some of the technical means of encryption. Beyond that, there is the "veil."
The veil is not a single layer that conceals all or nothing. Verse 16 says, "whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away," but this doesn't mean that every treasure in every realm is exposed in an instant. What may be disclosed is determined by the Lord Himself, according to His good pleasure.
The supernatural veiling is a matter of limits and degrees and stages. Access to what requires a hearing ear or a seeing eye (or to some "heavenly download" like a vision or a dream) is privileged. As Elisha prayed and the Lord granted his petition for Elisha, I pray also, for the Lord to open your eyes and mine, that we may see all that which is according to His good pleasure, and, too, that He would steadfastly withhold from us those things that are not profitable. But prayer alone is not enough in this matter, because we must learn to become trustworthy in His sight, able to be entrusted with the stewardship of the most valuable assets that are appointed for our time. For this, He has graciously made available the keys to developing a hearing ear.
The Key Parable
Profound truths are taught in the form of parables. Of all the parables found in the Bible, our Lord identified one that was the foundation for understanding other parables.
The parable He was referring to is commonly known as the sower and the seed. It might also be called the parable of the soils. There are versions of the parable found in three of the gospels that are very similar. If you examine the versions and contexts and note the differences it becomes obvious that they are not the same telling of the same parable. For example, in Luke 8:18, the Lord says; "Therefore consider carefully HOW you listen." But, in Mark 4:24, the Lord says; "Consider carefully WHAT you hear". "How" and "what" are two different things. The parable in Luke is generally thought to have been given prior to the parables recorded in Matthew 13 and in Mark 4.
We're going to investigate the depths of this remarkable parable from the account given in the eighth chapter of the gospel of Luke. We're pursuing insight into the matter of How to listen toward gaining the ability to understand any parable. We are seeking out the keys to developing a hearing ear!
The parable as given in Luke involves multiple layers or levels of truth. We'll begin with what is most easily recognized, the familiar telling of the parable with the plain explanation of its symbolism.
Level One
Here is the telling of the parable in verses 5-8a.
Jesus explains the symbolism in verses 11b-15. I want you to notice that the explanation begins with the symbolism of the seed. No explanation is given about who the farmer is. I'll give my opinion as to why this is so later in this teaching. This parable is an example of the harvest allegory found throughout the Bible, a means by which spiritual truths are taught by comparison with farming.
On this first level of truth, the heart of a person is likened to soil in which the word of God is the seed that is sown. The four places where the scattered seed falls represent people in various situations.
1. Along the Path
5b some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. | 12 Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. |
In this first category, the word of God is actually sown in their hearts but the result is that no crop even begins to grow. Because those represented as "along the path" don't believe unto salvation, this "word of God" seed being sown must therefore produce salvation, most fundamentally. It should be noted that the birds of the air are equated with the devil, which informs us how to interpret the symbolic reference here and elsewhere.
2. On Rock
6 Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. | 13 Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. |
About this second category it may be inferred that they believe unto salvation but still produce no crop for the farmer to harvest because "the plants withered." They fall away in the time of testing, like plants with no root. The roots are hidden from sight but this necessary structure provides for a secure grounding and for the plant to be nourished.
3. Among Thorns
7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. | 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. |
About this third category it may again be inferred that they believe unto salvation. The way of thorns and weeds is that they deprive the other plants of the resources they need. Here, it's done to the extent that the crop fails to mature and produce a crop for the harvest. Life's worries, riches and pleasures are the distractions that keep saints from devoting themselves fully to the Lord and His interests. By allowing themselves to be occupied with such issues they facilitate the thieving Adversary's work of stealing, killing, and destroying. (John 10:10) The word, dissipated, comes to mind. The insight about the Adversary's involvement is prompted by the use of the word, thorns, because it's a code word, if you will, like "birds of the air." Thorns (Genesis 3:18 See Who is Cain's Father? Part Two) and tares (parable of the tares/weeds - Matthew 13:24-43) are equivalent.
4. On Good Soil
8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown. | 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. |
These in the fourth category are the only ones who find salvation and endure, mature, and produce a crop - one that is abundantly fruitful - even a hundred times more than what is sown! They hear the word, retain it and persevere. These have a noble and good heart.
The instruction provided in this parable and its explanation is, of course, beneficial for each one of us on a personal level as we navigate the challenges that confront us in our lives. The lesson extends further to you and I relative to our service to others. I mentioned earlier that the farmer isn't identified in the parable's explanation but you can see that the Lord himself is the number one candidate. The seed is also sown by the Lord when you and I obediently preach and teach, or when we serve according to our appointed roles and gifts. Together, we labor with The Farmer in bringing the crop to a fruitful harvest. We should become very attentive to the factors described in the parable as we care for and nurture others in their growth and help them to endure in the work. It is certain that the entire crop in the Lord's harvest field is the sum of the individual crops.
Have you ever watched a field that's been left fallow, which is to have its soil plowed but left unplanted? (A field is left fallow so that the soil can rest, so it may in subsequent seasons become more productive.) After a few months, what did you see? If the weather was suitably fit for the season, the soil quickly produced growth. It's the natural tendency for soil to prosper growth whether it's tended or not, but what appears is largely what we consider to be weeds. It doesn't take long for an untended field to return very nearly to the state it was in before it was cleared and cultivated. Just as with a field, the heart as the soil in which the seed is sown must be stewarded with diligence in order to bear fruit. We must attend to the matters of the heart that are akin to shooing away the birds, minding the proper development of the hidden root system, removing rocks from the field and weeding.
In Genesis 2:15, God says that He put the man, Adam, in the Garden to work it and take care of it. Now, in this garden in which the soil is the heart, we are required to work it and take care of it so that God's word will prosper in us individually and collectively and produce the crop that our beloved Farmer deserves!
While those insights are truly valuable, that's just a starting point for us in this profoundly layered passage of scripture!
Level Two
The next level of truth in Luke 8's parable of the soils involves the revealing of the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God to those whose ears will hear. In the context where the meaning of the parable is addressed we find tremendously valuable keys to developing a hearing ear!
The Meaning of the Parable
Then He tells the parable of the seed sown into the heart, after which we read:
Then Jesus explains the symbolism, after which we read:
Verse 11 begins with the phrase, "This is the meaning of the parable." This is typically seen in connection with the explanation of the symbolism, punctuated as it is with a colon by the translators of the text. However, let's be informed by what we read in the 9th verse. "His disciples asked him what this parable meant." Verse 10 follows, and with verse 10 being framed by the 9th and 11th it must be seen that there is a level where the meaning of the parable has to do with the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God which is given to some and denied to others. This is a simple observation with profound implications!
The phrase "knowledge of the secrets" is from the Greek word, musterion, meaning, mysteries. Secret or hidden things. Secret knowledge. On this level, the symbolic meaning of the parable's seed is still the word of God that is sown in the heart but it must be more narrowly identified as the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God.
With insight into this level of the parable's meaning, we understand that, without this secret knowledge, the first three categories of people fail to produce a crop. Either the birds of the air eat the seed or it's trampled upon, the plants wither because they have no root and no moisture, or the plants are choked out by weeds and never mature. In contrast, those with a noble and good heart produce a crop. They hear the word and retain it, and remember, this word is very specific. They hear and retain the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God and by persevering produce an abundant crop!
So is written in the book of Deuteronomy.
According to the renowned scholar Dr. E. W. Bullinger, the above verse should read as follows, "The secret things, even the revealed things, (belong) to us and our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law; i.e. the revealed things, and the secret things which have not been but will yet be revealed."
The secret things that have been revealed are given to us so that we may do, that we may follow all the words of this law. Do. Respond to the revelation of the secret things with obedient action. This complements the lesson from Luke's account. Those who produce the abundant crop hear this formerly hidden word and, retaining it, persevere!
Given to Some but Not to Others
By definition, the knowledge of the secrets is esoteric. In some people's minds, this language and concept evokes a sense that there's something shady involved, something wrong or inherently evil that might perhaps be associated with Occultism or gnosticism. Let's shine some brighter light on that. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, esoteric means: "Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests." Also, "Not known by or suitable for the public; private." The secret knowledge we're dealing with on this level of the parable is esoteric but clearly not shady or evil.
In verse 9, the disciples ask Jesus what this parable means. When he explains the symbolism he is responding to their question as it was asked. Yet, Jesus' first response in verse 10 has to do with something else, something rather cryptic.
If we practice some critical thinking we might ask why Jesus told them that He speaks in parables to others when He obviously speaks in parables to everyone. He even explains parables in everyone's hearing since He appears to have been in the midst of a tightly packed crowd, as verse 19 informs us. This is cryptic. He used figures of speech. The parables were actually spoken to everyone but the ability to hear or understand was given only to a few. A parable is a "cloaking device." By means of parables, the truth is conveyed as an encrypted message. The Lord holds the encryption key. He gives it to some and withholds it from others.
So, this parable that holds the keys to understanding every parable teaches us that people are distinguished from one another based upon the ability to hear. This is an essential in the unfolding of God's plan because, as discussed earlier, the securing of valuables is a critical feature.
You will find that, as you develop an ear that hears, your passion for the Lord will burn with greater intensity and your enthusiasm will hardly be able to be contained. You will want others to join you in this grand adventure, but when you share with them the glorious things you have begun to see in the bright light of day, the typical response can be very surprising! Those whom you deemed most likely to celebrate with you may begin to act very strangely. They will be dismissive, perhaps acting very offended or even becoming rather abusive. Take comfort in the knowledge that the hearing ear is an indication of the Lord's approval, Who has granted the hearing ear according to His good pleasure.
The Lord wants to open His secrets to you, taking you into his confidence. They are required in order to produce a very special crop, remember? As you learn to trust and obey Him, He will entrust His secrets to you. Let me encourage you with this wonderful promise.
If you have searched and the Lord God opens your ears to hear those matters that He concealed, rejoice, for you are as royalty!
His Disciples Asked Him
Jesus prefaced His revealing of the meaning of the parable with the following announcement.
E. W. Bullinger wrote the following about it. "None but the Lord ever used these words. They are translated literally, but they mean: He whose ears are opened, let him surely hear, or let him take heed to give the most earnest attention!" Bullinger also wrote, "then fourteen times did the Lord Himself emphasize the important fact that only the opened ear would be able to understand it; implying that it referred to secret things, and that only those to whom that secret was revealed would be able to understand it or receive it." (p. 269-270 Figures of Speech Used in the Bible) I believe the Lord gave an authoritative command in the spiritual realm that caused the ears of some to be opened, removing a veiling. He thus prepared the intended recipients to receive what He was opening to them. Those whose ears were thus opened gave heed. Consider the response.
There's a cause and effect relationship. Jesus called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear," and subsequently, those who had ears to hear responded by asking for an explanation! Here are keys to developing a hearing ear. Pay close enough attention to the Lord so that you're ready to respond to any kind of call to attention or special offer. If one is perceived you must respond promptly with an appropriate acknowledgment. For the disciples, in their situation, Jesus had just finished telling a parable and what He called out was recognized by them as a prompt to ask Him what it means. Their ears had been opened and they responded accordingly. This is the way of a hearing ear.
The Light of the Lamp
In the 16th and 17th verses of Luke 8, we find some more rather cryptic declarations. Remember, this second level of truth in the context of the key parable involves the concealing of the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God from some while revealing them to those who have a hearing ear.
The light of this lamp is the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God. It's that which has been hidden and concealed. The light of this lamp is that very same word-of-God-seed that is sown in the heart in the parable of the soils. The point is made that this hidden knowledge is meant to be disclosed, known, and brought out into the open, even as a lamp is lit and put on a stand. Yet, even though this light shines forth from a lamp that has been put on a stand, it's not illuminating everyone. It's for a select group, for those who actively come in to see the light. This is now a familiar theme, yes? Here is a key to developing a hearing ear. You must actively come in to see the light! Seek the Lord for the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God and enter in to see it!
The Lamplighters
I note that the one who lights the lamp and puts it on the stand isn't identified. This compares to the parable of the soils and the unidentified farmer who sows the seed. Primarily, it's the Lord Jesus Christ. For an example of our Lord in His role as The Lamplighter, here is what He did for some of His disciples after His resurrection.
I recommend pausing to read Luke 24:13-35, the account of what happened on the road to Emmaus.
30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'
By the way, for those of you with a hearing ear, there is a wonderful figure of speech that is used occasionally in the Bible.
When Jesus breaks bread, it represents the opening of the veil which has obscured some hidden truth from those in whose presence He breaks bread.
In an example from the book of Genesis, Jesus is portrayed in typology through the life of Joseph, the firstborn son of Jacob and Rachel. The Egyptian name that Joseph received from Pharaoh was, Zaphenath-Paneah. It means, "the revealer of secrets."
Our Lord is The Lamplighter, and I believe that He appoints others also as "assistant lamplighters" in His service. As I expound this second level of truth to you, if you find this compelling it's because the light is shining forth from the lamp that has been put on a stand and you have come in to see the light! The Lord Who is Light - He is so good to us, His beloved!
From the language used in Luke 8:17, students of the esoteric word-of-God-seed are directed to where similar language is found.
Here are two other passages where others are instructed to perform what might be seen as the duties of a lamplighter.
Jesus, The Lamplighter, shines the light and those who come in to see it are effectively told to take that word and proclaim it from the rooftops. In those verses we see that those who have ears to hear become fellow laborers together with Him in special service. Although the messages from Matthew 10 and Luke 12 are similar the differences inform us that each will be applicable in its own time and way.
What's it Going to Cost?
From Matthew 10:28 and Luke 12:4-5, we note that the lamplighting service is going to be performed with the expectation that one's life will be threatened - and may well be forfeit. A sober-minded and well seasoned believer knows by experience that whenever one "throws in with Jesus" it's going to cost you. The world provides plenty of natural incentive for us to NOT follow through with what we hear in the spirit, which is why obedience and especially the hearing ear is so rare.
The Lord is going to know who really loves Him and we have before us an opportunity to prove our sincerity. Read I Peter 1 and consider deeply the message. If you are going to be given membership in the "Co-heirs with Christ Club," you're going to have to pay the dues like everybody else. Just how badly do you want ears to hear? There is no question in my mind as to whether or not you are even now being tested in this matter. Is there in yours?
Just How Much Will be Revealed?
What is the extent to which matters that have been concealed will ultimately be revealed?
The use of double negatives may have obscured this, as such language tends to do. All will become known! Eventually, every secret of the kingdom of God will be brought out into the open. Full disclosure. The lamp on the stand will shine its light long and bright!
With our arrival at the next verse in this remarkable passage we find major keys to developing a hearing ear!
Consider Carefully How You Listen
Again, it's cryptic. Firstly, what does He mean by, how. The Greek word is, πῶς (phonetic spelling: poce). Meaning, how, in what manner, by what means. So, how do we listen? The statement about the having and giving more of is going to explain plenty, but let's begin by following His direction to consider the matter carefully!
How do we listen? The words come to the ear, fundamentally, so if we're out of range we might begin by moving closer to the speaker. When Jesus told the parable and subsequently explained its meaning, many in the crowd were close enough for the sound of His voice to fall upon their ears. Notably, it was only His disciples who responded to His calling out of, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Why them? There is a drawing near in the physical sense and a drawing near in the spiritual, on the level of intimacy in our relationship.
Here's a clue, and this gives us insight into a range of keys to developing a hearing ear. The Greek word for, disciple, is, μαθητής (phonetic spelling: math-ay-tes').
HELPS Word-studies: 3101 mathētḗs (from math-, the "mental effort needed to think something through") – properly, a learner; a disciple, a follower of Christ who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require; someone catechized with proper instruction from the Bible with its necessary follow-through (life-applications). See also 3100 /mathēteúō ("to disciple").
"Mental EFFORT" - "and the lifestyle they require" - "necessary follow-through (life-applications)"
Those who set an example for us in the gaining of a hearing ear were discipled ones. They were "learners" and therefore practicing and learning their lessons. In this way, they were prepared like good soil is prepared to receive the seed and produce a crop. If we consider carefully how we listen we must see their example and follow it so as to become as they were, well prepared to receive the esoteric seed and produce an abundant crop.
Diligent learners in the Lord's discipling program must give it their full attention. This is not "day camp." This is life! Are we focused or distracted? Are we attentive enough and assigning the matter the value that's high enough to move us to clear away all distractions? Are we clear about what was actually said, and conversely, what was not said? Have we considered how it was said, observing the context and any figures of speech, the subtle shades of meaning that may be present or implied, following up on references or allusions that may be directing us to apply what we learn from related material like other passages of scripture? Are we patient, lingering and meditating upon that precious word long enough - until we're satisfied that He is satisfied? And, critically, have we done and are we doing what is suggested by the lessons to His satisfaction?
Hear it? Do it!
Was that last sentence being highlighted to you as you read it? The doing, the action taken in response to what is heard - this is the key! If there is a single one that you should take away from this study - there it is! Hear? Then, do! See the parable of the soils as a lesson about the different kinds of response to the seed that falls upon it! The most important key to developing a hearing ear involves your response to what is heard, because this is what prepares the soil of the heart to receive the seed fruitfully! If you want to write that down somewhere, go ahead. I'll wait. :)
This message appears in a very straightforward way in the book of James, and let this be magnified to you.
There it is! If you want to write down the message with a scripture reference, here you go! You may want to commit this one to memory!
Whoever Has Will be Given More
From the first part of the 18th verse of Luke 8, we have given some attention to the matter of "how to listen." Let's reread the verse for more insight.
How we listen has to do with the difference between having something and only thinking we have it. If we have it, more will be given. On the other hand, if we only think we have it, we're somehow deceived about the actuality of our having it. Then, whatever this is will be taken away. Whatever this mysterious possession is, it's obviously desirable and valuable. What could it be? If you've been paying attention, you know that it's the hearing ear!
If we only think we have it, we are obviously deceived, which is what James 1:22 teaches so plainly. If we merely listen without following through and doing what it says, the result is that we're deceived, and what we're deceived about is our possession of a hearing ear. As Luke 8:18 declares, "whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them." When this happens, our ability to hear is compromised, diminished, and we can't even perceive the loss! We even forget what we've heard because we didn't follow through! Note that we're not just warned about the potential or threatened with the risk of loss. Loss is simply the result.
In contrast, "Whoever has will be given more,", which is to say that having an ear that hears leads to an increase in our ability to hear. Having a hearing ear, we hear the word and respond by doing it. In this, our ability to hear is increased! According to the insight provided in James, this results in a blessing in what we do!
The hearer and doer who continues to do receives an increase, in freedom, in remembering that precious word and in blessing in what is done. If that's what you want, you know what's required.
The word of the Lord that the apostle James was blessed to record for our benefit is a faithful word and a valuable lesson that complements what we learn from the gospel of Luke. Here's an interesting comparison (shifting James 1:25 between verses 22 and 23 so we can see the match more easily).
Luke 8:18 | James 1:22, 25, 23-24 |
Therefore consider carefully how you listen. | 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. |
Whoever has will be given more; | 25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does." |
whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him. | 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24) and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. |
It may be seen that, when our ability to hear is impacted by our response to what has been heard, the amount of change is typically a matter of degrees. Our ability to hear is raised or lowered in a manner that is in accordance with or in proportion to our response. Step by step we either draw more and more near to the Lord or we distance ourselves from Him. Step by step we prove ourselves more and more able to be trusted with valuable secrets and the responsibilities that attend them, or we move in the other direction where we perceive no change in direction or status. We will see this same principle in operation in the next part of this series of studies where, in Luke 17, the apostles asked the Lord to increase their faith.
Who are His Mother and Brothers?
After teaching the profound lesson in verse 18, the narrative shifts to draw our attention to what might seem like a rather timely interruption.
Verse 21 is another that you may want to write down and commit to memory.
If you think that scenario might have been "staged" by someone capable of doing just that you're probably right! We're given yet another lesson in the narrative to emphasize the message. Hear God's word and put it into practice. In doing so, we become family, and not like distant relatives who aren't well known and are seldom seen but as the most near and dear! See also Matthew 12:46-50 for a similar account. Verse 50 is a straightforward declaration. "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
Level Three
When I wrote this legacy study many years ago I was still quite ignorant about how this would develop. I had written about what E.W. Bullinger taught about the parable of the soils, which he considered to be prophetic in nature because the conclusion was yet future. He saw the four types of soil that the farmer sowed the seed into as a sequence of dispensations during which the message about the kingdom is received by Israel in a particular way. (See The Companion Bible appendices numbered 140, 142 and 145 and his companion notes in the passages regarding the 3 parables of the soils.) While there may be some validity to that, there's another interpretation that is speaking very loudly to me during this work of refreshing the legacy study. The parable's structure should seem very familiar to you by now. I call it, the keystone pattern.
The Keystone Pattern
Like how Bullinger viewed the soils as a progression of four dispensations, the keystone pattern involves a progression of four time periods, shemitahs. A shemitah is a cycling week of years appointed for resting the land every seventh year as it was being farmed. This was also appointed to make a special provision for the needy and the beasts of the field.
The parable of the soils is, of course, about farming. Consider how a farmer who was obedient to the Lord's command about resting the land in the seventh year might have been blessed as his seed thus fell on good soil. Would that farmer not have been blessed with a crop that was perhaps a hundred times more than was sown? There's a very natural relationship between the shemitah and the parable of the soils! If you don't know why this is so exciting you don't understand where we are on the Lord's schedule, on His harvest calendar! This is the kind of word-of-God-seed that requires a hearing ear! Counting off from the celestial sign of 1991 the seed fell along the path, then on the rock and the plants withered, and then the plants were choked by thorns. In three soil-shemitah cycles, no crop was produced for the harvest. In the 4th and good soil-shemitah, being on our familiar calendar the years 2012-2019 - WHAT? Where was the harvest? Again, there was no crop produced! There was yet one factor remaining that had to be taken into account! I recommend becoming familiar with this study and its context: The Keystone Pattern, Extended Keystone, and the Reset of Time.
The "HEAR-DO" Cycle
What is perhaps the most significant principle involved with the gain of a hearing ear can be expressed as something I like to call the Hear-Do Cycle. Consider the way of the trending of the gain and the loss of our ability to hear.
The trending INCREASE in the ability to hear:
Hears a word. Responds appropriately. Is given more of what they had. Perceives it!
The trending DECREASE in the ability to hear:
Hears a word. Fails to responds appropriately. What was had is taken away. Does not perceive the failure or the loss!
Hear-Do and the hearing improves. Conversely, Hear-Don't-Do and the hearing worsens. Consider your own life and the lives of those around you and let it speak to you.
It must also be noted that with a less-hearing ear, one will hear less of what would otherwise be heard. On the other hand, with a more-hearing ear, one will hear more of what there is to be heard! This lesson can also be inferred from the language of Luke 8:18.
Here is wisdom. Reflect back on how this study began with a discussion of valuables and the need for security. Those who prove themselves to be less and less trustworthy are going to find that their access to valuable secrets is more and more limited. On the other hand, yes - rejoice! That's how it works, friends!
Full Circle
The refreshing of the legacy study in this season speaks loudly to me as a coming full circle, a return back to a significant beginning. I was drawn to the Lord in 1980 as my life was overturned. I was led to became very involved with a community of saints that were largely focused on home church ministry. In 1988 my life was overturned again and the Lord brought me to be dependent upon Him on another level, receiving an apostolic anointing that I understood little about at the first. In 1991 I was led rather dramatically to recognize a celestial sign, which introduced a season of receiving revelation insight about the chronology of the end times. Between 1988 and 1991, the Lord was working with me to correct certain errors in doctrine and practice and helping me think in a right way in preparation for what would follow. It was during that season that I began to give my attention to the keys to developing a hearing ear and figures of speech involved with the increasing of faith. This series you're reading now arose from that work of the season. For many years, relatively little editing of the work was done - until now. Full Circle! This observation suggests something we have been very hopeful about. Have we reached the end? Is this coming as a sign that the resetting back of time is now very near?
When I shared this observation about coming around full circle with Aaron, he told me that it seemed that way to him, and even in a very personal context. The legacy studies about the hearing ear and increasing faith were the first ones he read back in 2010 when we first met. He had found these to be very inspirational and very helpful as he underwent a transformation in his own life in the Lord's service.
In Closing
Consider if you will, the symbolic language of the prophet Isaiah.
His word that goes out of His mouth is like that. There is an esoteric perspective that involves the ability to understand the mysteries and the giving of understanding. Listen closely and you may hear the latter rains gently falling upon the ground in preparation for a great harvest.

Part 2 - "Increase Our Faith"
Part 3 - Faith, Wishcraft and Figures of Speech
Part 4 - Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed
The word of God that is appointed for those with a hearing ear is being broadcast over a variety of media in the midst of a mighty din. If you see and hear the truly urgent important messages of our day, let me encourage you to give them your full attention and keep proving yourself more and more trustworthy in your response. In this season, special opportunities come with a grave responsibility. Treat what you've been privileged to learn like you would treat a very sharp knife in the silverware drawer. Don't allow yourself to casually grope and fumble around in the dark. Turn up the "light" and pay close attention.