The Star Spangled Banner - Speech Inversion

In my study of the phenomenon I have had lots of questions. The analysis of this popular and historic song, The Star Spangled Banner, helped answer a few of them.

I was curious whether this old song would have a speech inversion message. It did, which was really no surprise. Since there are so many versions all sung with the very same lyrics, I was curious about how each individual version compared, one to another, and whether I could identify a common version that represents the song itself, without the singer's influence. I found such a version! I listened closely to 6 different performances, plus parts of two others. While there were some variations in some of the lines, in other lines there were no variations at all.

When making the video I selected a version sung by Jordin Sparks at the opening of Superbowl XVII. It was among the most easily understood, and the one most representative, which is to say it varies the least from the "script."

Since I have found reverse messages that sometimes come from the supernatural realm and are prophetic in nature, I wondered whether this song that represents the U.S.A. might have something relevant to reveal about America in prophecy. It appears to be the thoughts of Francis Scott Key as he observed the battle so long ago. He wrote the poem from which "The Star Spangled Banner" lyrics were derived in 1814, after seeing the bombardment of Fort McHenry at Baltimore, Maryland, by Royal Navy ships in the Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. Excerpted from "Defence of Fort McHenry," it was made the National Anthem of the USA in 1931. The historical setting was captured in the poem he wrote, and expressed with feeling in the reversal, but yet, there seems to be more to it than that.

Here are the lyrics of the reversal and the forward lines they represent opposite them, plus some commentary.

Inverted Speech Forwards Lyric Commentary
Nairf, of the home of Nairf.
Nairf, of that land of thou;
the land, land of Nairf.
Lord Nairf, songs bless us here, for
and the home of the brave.
o'r the land of the free
banner yet wave
Oh, say does that star spangled

The word "Nairf" is commonly found in reversed speech. It's a title, referring to whatever ruling spirit is involved in the context of the reverse message. Here the "Nairf" is the ruling spirit of the USA, a principality. (See Ephesians 6:12, also Daniel 10)

Since this is the song's grand finale so often sung with flair and flourish, and, given the extent of the repetition, the point made with emphasis is that America is the land of Nairf.

It may be that this declaration could be attributed to the author's own human thoughts, but given what I've observed from many other reversals, and as suggested by some of the other lines in this song's reversal, it seems far more likely that the message is Nairf's own.

While the final stanza is rarely sung anymore, it reveals the religious nature of the song in the following lines:

"Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'

Pray t'thee, so condemn for that.
Snare another through fearing,
panic, need so, forebode,
panic, Nairf's sake, arrow that.
that our flag was still there.
gave proof through the night
the bombs bursting in air,
and the rockets red glare,

Notice how the reversal of each line relates to the forward. The "rocket as arrow" imagery compares to how Psalm 91 was observed to play out in 1991, with SCUD missiles as arrows.

Pray to thee? To whom? Nairf. The forward line for that reversal refers to the flag, the flag of the land of Nairf. This is idolatry, biblically. That's why we hear truthfully sung, "so condemn for that." The balance of the lines deal with fear and panic. Given that Francis, the poem's author was out in the bay in an enemy ship during the battle, watching Fort McHenry's defense, that's understandable. Yet, the context suggests we consider an interpretation in the larger context of the U.S.A. As to whether this reversal message might be prophetic, this is suggested by the use of the word, "forebode."

Oh, he who sees the light, poor soul.
Swear wheels don't fly o'er thou.
Swear if sell a brave poor fool.
I saw it, scared me, swear it still do.
were so gallantly streaming,
o'r the ramparts we watched,
through the perilous fight
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,

Again, fear is evident. What is so frightening can't be the flag, the subject of the forward speech. What then? The first and last lines refer to seeing something, the light. This could be taken as literal light or figurative, as perceiving something frightening, or both. The reversal and forward of the third line suggests a fight, waged over the selling of a brave poor fool. The second line, reversal and forward is very interesting! Flying wheels?

He will sad scare the host at that.
Aware he will buy our poor soul.
Snare the healer, snores the doubt.
His sweet nacht, this woe.
at the twilights last gleaming?
what so proudly we hailed
by the dawns early light,
Oh, say can you see,

The word "nacht" means "night" in German. It is not unusual to hear words and phrases in Latin, German, French, etc. in speech inversions. Indeed, it's the night that is the focus of the forward message, between the twilight and the dawn! Even the reversal is poetic. In this, we hear, "buy our poor soul" which compares to the phrase heard in another line, "sell a brave poor fool." Francis was involved in a diplomatic mission during the battle. He was attempting to secure the release of a friend, Dr. William Beanes. However, he wasn't a hostage, and there was no payment being negotiated. The buying and selling of souls does relate in the spiritual context, a subject common to a many speech inversion messages. Fear is once again evident as "He will sad scare the host at that."

The lyrics reveal the thoughts of Francis Scott Key during the drama of the battle in 1814, yet, there is more to it than that. On one hand, we might dismiss the reverse message as insignificant. Although there is not much to be learned from it that is new and surprising, I would not say it is insignificant. The song itself represents a very important country, and this is a most critical hour! While the evidence is not overwhelming, I believe the message is spiritual, even prophetic, offering insight into why the song has become the national anthem of the U.S.A.   In light of the reverse messages of many other songs, in the context of what America is today and all that is being revealed about our time in the Bible and through signs of many kinds, the message of this stanza of the song speaks to me of this: The message is not about the flag but that country it represents. It is not so much about what threatened the country at the defence of Fort McHenry as about the threat in the country's most critical hour. The one making merchandise of souls is Nairf. the Lord of the land. A fearsome battle is coming that will be waged with flying wheels. The idolatry of the occupants of the land determines the outcome for the men, women and children whose souls are bartered.

Many people confuse patriotism and nationalism with godliness. Honestly, from a biblical perspective, praying to or swearing allegiance to Nairf, the land of Nairf, or the flag of the land of Nairf is idolatry. In every instance of speech inversion where I have found "Nairf," the context reveals it is not the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Our allegiance is due the only true God and Him alone. Patriotism and nationalism honors Nairf. This is a simple truth that I believe is affirmed by the reversed speech of this national anthem.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalm 33:12