Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective
In 2012 and 2013, many giant bells have been cast and honored, with eight featured in a barge leading the massive flotilla for Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee celebration, the largest ringing bell in Europe for the opening day and ceremony of 2012 London Olympics and nine in celebrating the 850th anniversary of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Why is it that such attention is being given to the bell at this time?
Bells are used in a wide variety of contexts. You probably associate bells with religious activity, and rightly so, because they're often ordained for some spiritual purpose. While some bells are merely decorative or serve some benign practical function, their appearance and use usually involves idolatry and magickal enchantments. The value in this study is in helping you correctly interpret the influences of the familiar world around you. Ignorance is not bliss. What you don't know, can hurt you.

The campanario (bell wall) at Mission San Juan Bautista
Photograph by Robert A. Estremo, copyright 1986
Have you ever heard the saying, "Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings"? This is popularized in the movie from 1946, "It's a Wonderful Life" but is said to have been popular amongst children even well over a hundred years ago. Is there some link between bells and angels, possibly enabling their flight? Bells, chimes, jingles, cymbals and gongs are commonly said to be good luck and are often used to ward off evil spirits. Could the ringing of bells really exercise spiritual power, enabling some supernatural influence in the natural realm? While some believe and others doubt, there is a reality beyond superstition.
I've recently become aware of how bells are used in Satan's "pharmakeia" scheme (Revelation 18:23). Ultimately, this facilitates his reproductive agenda and his Beast army battle scheme. Bells have been and still are being used to "get an advantage of us," which is why I'm bringing this to your attention. Many people are emotionally attached to bell towers, bells and their sounds, and even spiritually bound, perhaps even you. I'm certainly not suggesting that every bell is inherently evil, but I am asking you to give an honest consideration to the context and use of a bell, and to be open to what the Lord might reveal. I pray you will be free from the spells of bells, bell tower institutions and all their deceptive work.
This writing was prompted by two really obvious signs I received. One came just after I had written about the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall as a clock and bell tower for the blog. The Lord constrained me so I didn't post it. (Much of it was later to be posted here.) The other sign came a few days later. I seldom have one such sign attending a writing, let alone two!
The first sign came on Yom Teruah, Saturday morning September 11, 2010, when I was led to go through my nearly full pocket change jar and roll the pennies. When I was done, I arranged them in pairs for easy counting at 2 rolls per dollar. I counted $11. That's 22 rolls! 22=11*2. I know what that signals. I've encountered it enough times to recognize it immediately. I had just been counting all the pennies and wrapping 50 per roll. When I was done wrapping, I knew I was done, with not one roll too many or too few, even though there were at least a few hundred more pennies left in the jar. When I counted $11 dollars in rolled pennies and saw the arrangement I had made with the 22 rolls it was obviously a sign. I didn't know the context of its interpretation until returning to blogging the next day. The post I had tried to write a few days earlier had to be set aside. I knew I had to write about the bells for that post.

Nine new bells for Notre Dame - 2013
On Thursday, September 16, 2010, I went to the barbershop for a haircut. I was going to go earlier than I did, but decided to wait so that lunch-time haircut folks wouldn't be inconvenienced. My schedule is flexible. When I did go, I usually walk the ten minutes it takes but decided instead to drive. Within a minute of my being there, the fellow in the barber's chair began to tell the barber he owned a foundry that made bells, and that he was a bell designer. Right. I had been intensely researching and working on this study about bells for several days - and I walk in on that conversation. The odds? Absurd. It's a sign! He talked for a good half hour about the bells and his being on TV shows and being interviewed for magazines and papers. I considered joining the conversation a few times but decided to keep quiet and just listen. A half-hour haircut? At least! When I got home I did check the guy's story, his foundry, etc., online. He's legit.
While writing about the bells for that post #22 it became apparent that a separate writing was called for, so here it is!
Bells in the Bible
Let's begin with a consideration of what the Bible reveals about bells, mindful that whatever is genuine the devil will hijack in his counterfeit schemes. There's very little about bells in the Bible but what is there reveals just how special the object is. Bells aren't presented in any common or casual use.
The next context with bells is Exodus 39, which nearly repeats chapter 28's declaration. The last one features a different Hebrew word (metsillah), "a bell, fastened by way of ornament to horses and camels."
The very important 35th verse of Exodus 28 is rendered more literally in the YLT.
Again, "its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die." WOW! The sound Aaron made with the bell and pomegranate fringe is connected with entering into and leaving the Lord's presence in the Most Holy Place - and not dying. This is no small matter! These bells are functioning to facilitate passage between the natural and supernatural realms, even being involved in accessing the presence of the Most High God.
The High Priest was the only person permitted to enter the most holy place, and then only once a year on Yom Kippur. He had to be ritually clean and prepared in every way, which included wearing the bells on the hem of his robe. He was ritually "holy to the Lord" and enabled to minister in that place, in His presence. Appearing in any other condition, at any other time, or attempted access by any other person in any condition at any time would assure death in that place. There was more required beyond just the sound made by the bell/pomegranate fringe for the High Priest to remain alive and not die, like his having washed in the bronze laver (Exodus 30:17-21), but the sound of the fringe was among the required elements that made him "Holy to the LORD." His flesh was thus protected from, immune to, or, perhaps most correctly, untouched by the "consuming fire" of the presence of the Holy God.
The sound made by the bells is somewhat related to the sound of the shofar that also marks Yom Kippur. In popular Judaism there's a special focus during Yom Kippur on the gates of heaven, which swing closed at the end of the day.
"On Yom Kippur, the day when we need the help of the shofar to pierce all the barriers between us and heaven..."
"The dramatic last service, neilah, focuses on the image of the gates of heaven closing..."
(Both quotes from p. 120 of The Jewish Holidays - A Guide and Commentary by Michael Strassfeld)
The gates of heaven obviously control access to heaven. The shofar is as a voice from heaven that crosses the divide, but the bell provides for access.
It's interesting to observe here that the ministering of the Aaronic priesthood is fulfilled by the ultimate High Priest, Y'shua, who also fulfills the Melchizedek priesthood. Because of what I infer from Exodus 28:35, the account given in Luke 8-43-48 speaks to me of His wearing something that compares to an unseen High Priest's garment with bell and pomegranate fringe. He could only do what He saw His Father doing (John 5:19), so it was as though He were in His Father's presence in the genuine Most Holy Place. A woman was cured of an unclean condition and made whole when she touched the fringe of His garment. I've considered whether the garment she touched might have been the tallit or tzit-tzit. It seems far more likely to me that this woman was granted a vision "through the veil" and perceived the unseen garment of the High Priest, of one who was in the presence of Yahweh and yet lived, and was invited to touch it, which she did by faith.
Cymbals and Tabrets in the Bible
Cymbals are related to bells. They're used in the Bible in celebrations praising the Lord. They were played as the ark of God was being returned to the city of David after having been captured by the Philistines.
In the day yet future when Psalm 150 is fulfilled, it will be very special indeed!
Closely related to the cymbal is the tabret, which compares to the tambourine. On it are metal zils that are better known as jingles or jangles. This bell-like instrument found similar use as the cymbal in the Bible. I'll expand on this a little later in the context of Satan's hijacking.
There's a reference to cymbal and bell sounds in the New Testament.
The language construction reveals that the first condition is somehow equivalent to the second. On a simple and very practical level, it should be understood how anything done without love is done in disobedience. Speaking with tongues without love, like sounding brass, can be heard, but there is no profit, which is revealed in the verses that follow it. The speaking with tongues becomes as the sound of a gong or cymbal, vain, empty meaningless noise.
While it's not a blanket condemnation of all bell or bell instrument playing, neither is it a blessing of the same. The bell instrument can be benign. Its sound can be vain, empty and without profit. We've seen evidence that bells and bell instruments can be good, and I'll present evidence that this can be evil. If the bell and it's use smacks of church or religious (or naval?) tradition, it's probably bubbled up from the slime pits of hell through Babylon. Beyond that, revelation insight is the only reliable gauge.
Satan has a Bell Scheme
The Bible reveals that a bell is a very special object, at least it's got that potential. Beyond the High Priest's garment, there are no commands about bells in the Bible, whether to make them or not, or, governing their appearance or use in this present age. However, anything akin to a charm, amulet or talisman is strictly forbidden, whatever object or combination of objects might be considered to have some power or influence that the Creator Himself does not explicitly ordain. Many bells and chimes, jingles and gongs fall into this category, most certainly those used in connection with religious institutions, services and rituals, and those used by the institutions of man's governance. The serpent has most certainly not been slack concerning the bell and exploiting it's potential!
This study will expose how the devil hijacks the bell for use in the pharmakeia deception of all the races of men to facilitate the grand procreation scheme. The evidence reveals that the bell is used to facilitate the death/resurrection ploy that is the mark of the Beast transformation. As I've noted elsewhere recently, this is the triple helix DNA transformation that appears to be described in the Revelation 9 anti-death account. The bell can, comparing to the High Priest's fringe, facilitate a transition across an earth-heaven barrier. You may find it interesting to consider Revelation 9:4, where the men who had the seal of God in their foreheads are the only one's protected from the anti-death sting, with the passages above from Exodus 28 verses 35 and 38.
Idolatry, Witchcraft and the Bell
To put one's trust in anything that is thought to have some power or authority other than the Creator Himself is idolatry. Remember the first commandment? Idolatry is behind nearly every use of the bell listed by Bell Facts (see below). Using a bell to exercise power over demons evokes (summons, calls forth) the power of the god (demonic) who has authority over the demons. This is witchcraft, sorcery. This is understood by many pagans (even while wearing a christian label). The entities involved whose influences are evoked are very real demonic authorities.
Bell Facts Overview
Here's an excerpt from a long page about bells titled, BELL FACTS (formerly found here:, which is a pretty fair overview of what you'll find when researching the history and use of bells. I'll be referring to these points several times in this study.
"BELLS GEOGRAPHICALLY widely distributed and usually possess a clearly defined cultural status. Legends surround them, and beliefs abound concerning their special powers to induce rain or to dissolve storm clouds; to thwart demons when worn as amulets or when placed on animals, buildings, or conveyances; or to invoke curses and lift spells. The concept of their purifying action is ancient, as is their use in ritual, especially in the religions of eastern and southern Asia.
Chinese rang bells to communicate directly with spirits.
East Asia, the fading tone of the bell is considered spiritually significant.
Russian Orthodoxy, bells directly addressed the deity--hence, huge ones were cast by both peoples to lend greater authority.
Buddhism and Christianity, bells are consecrated before being used liturgically.
Roman Catholicism, bells symbolized paradise and the voice of God. Among the most basic and widespread uses of bells is signaling--marking significant points of ritual, calling to worship, tolling the hours, announcing events, rejoicing, warning, and mourning.
In Christian and Asiatic Buddhist monasteries, bells regulate daily routine.
The Bell Used for Signaling
Because the ringing of bells may be heard over long distances, its use as a signal device is common. Depending on what's being signaled and why, and whether the bell itself has been cursed (which I'll address shortly), such a use might be quite innocent and benign. When I was a boy, there was a bell hung on our garage, next to the big door. When I was off somewhere playing and it was time to come home, someone would ring the bell. I might have been a long ways off, but I would hear the bell and head home in a hurry. Assuming the bell hadn't been cursed, I see no evil in that. Bells are used on ships to signal their presence to other ships during conditions of low visibility and to signal duty watches for the crew. If the bells aren't cursed, I don't see evil there. When villages come under attack or are threatened by fire or flood, villagers often warn the community by ringing bells. In this case, the matter of signaling a warning isn't evil. Yet, because the bells typically used for that purpose and even onboard ships are often cursed, and, whether cursed or not, if there is idolatry in the hearts of the hearers who respond to the ringing and the god of the bell and his aid are being sought - that's evil.
When I was a boy, I noticed how some of the shops in town had bells at the door so when you went in or out, the bell would ring. This signaled the proprietor of your entry or exit. Again, I see nothing evil about that. I remember how one of the main department stores at Midtown Plaza in Rochester, NY had an electronic bell tone that would chime at the entrance/exit to the store as shoppers passed through. That peculiar ding-ding-ding-ding puzzled me because there was no one to alert and no apparent need to alert anyone with such a high volume of near constant traffic. Given what I've learned recently about the occult nature of Rochester, NY and Midtown Plaza, and given the declaration of Exodus 28:35 ("its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die."), it seems pretty likely that the chiming on entry and exit through their "sanctuary gateway" was in fact evil. Such magickal influence is entirely consistent with the other elements in the context.
The wind chime has long been used to help keep watch on weather conditions, for monitoring the wind's force and direction. The wind chime has also been used by farmers and gardeners as a device akin to a scarecrow in an effort to keep critters out of the crops. If that's all there is to it, I don't perceive evil in that. However, these, too, may be cursed. Even if they're not cursed, if they're being considered as good luck charms or demon chasers with idolatry in the hearts of the hearers, that's evil.

Jimmy Stewart, the lead actor in "It's a Wonderful Life" also played the lead in "Bell, Book and Candle (1958), a movie with witchcraft central to its plot. The title references a bell curse that has famously been performed by the Roman Catholic priesthood when excommunicating. (See also here)
The Bell Used to Invoke the Presence of Demons
The infamous magician Aleister Crowley counted the bell amongst the small number of objects commonly used as "magickal weapons," instruments used to bring about intentional change. Frequently, this involved the invocation of fallen angels.
There is a book in circulation titled, "The Lost Book Of Enoch Magick Ritual Book." A book summary reports that, "The Lost Book of Enoch is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the eleven caves of Qumran along with the Bible. After thousands of years and endless difficult Grimoire Magick books on the subject, this book finally reveals the secrets of how to summons these Angels and Fallen Angels of Enoch You only need a candle, bell, rope and incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual." It's claimed that no faith is required for success.
The bell has been hijacked by the devil for use in his schemes. The golden bell-pomegranate fringe sound made when worn by the High Priest is an example of the Creator's purpose for the bell. "...its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die." Using bells to breach heavenly boundaries in the invocation of fallen angels is not exactly "use as recommended," is it? Yet, this is what's being done.
The Bell Used by Roman Catholic Priests and Other Occultists
Some excellent insight into bell ringing is provided in a fairly recent document titled, "[PDF] Instruction on the use of bells during Mass" from the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas. (* formerly here:
"However, focusing the attention of the faithful was not the only object in the use of the bell. Bell ringing has a rich tradition in the Church dating from the sixth century. Church bells receive their own particular blessing. The music of the bells is a sacramental by which the faithful seek Divine protection from evil spirits, storms and calamities. Church bells are used to announce events (e.g. funerals, weddings) and to call the faithful to prayer (e.g. the Angelus)."
"What becomes known as the Sanctus bells appears in the Mass during the 13th century. The ringing of the bells is a reminder of the faithful of the great event of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord, and is an invitation to adoration and praise."
In these excerpts from the "bishop's" document, there's nothing that honors my Lord. Everything about it is pagan and a blasphemous mockery. The Roman Catholic Church is a primary face of religious Babylon, among the worst of them by reason of her gross hypocrisy. It's her pope who will fulfill the role of the False Prophet, the second Beast of Revelation 13. (Who is Pope Benedict XVI?) The other "organized" churches were born from that mother church and resemble her as daughters do their mothers, with pagan Babylonian priesthoods and laity, liturgy, bells and bell towers, cathedrals, crosses, altars, candles ... The Christian church was filtered through Babylon, very much like Judaism had been before her, and there is a remnant of both Israel and church who are having Babylon strained out of them. However, the faces of Judaism and Christianity that are perceived by the world are the Babylonian versions. You can quote me on that. As for the matter of recognizing Babylon today, think, "Babylon is as Babylon does." That's just simple practical wisdom.
Did you note the "Bishop's" statement that "Church bells receive their own particular blessing"? Interpreted, this means a ceremonial cursing. This action was referred to as a consecration in the Bell Facts excerpt, which noted how in "Buddhism and Christianity, bells are consecrated before being used liturgically." When you see bells used in religious ceremony, it's very likely they have been cursed at least once. The consecration of the bell is to dedicate it to and associate it with a demonic authority. It's a legal process that introduces the object into service and enables its use for invocation or the evocation of some particular influence. You can read the directions for a "Cross Denominational" version of the magickal ritual here, "[PDF] Order for Blessing and Consecration of Bells" (formerly accessible here:, where an angelic being is invoked.
The priests of Rome and witches like Crowley aren't the only ones who know the way of bells and ceremonial "blessings." Consider how that many church bells were made by the famous patriot Paul Revere.
Paul Revere was one of the first York Rite Freemasons in Colonial Massachusetts when he became a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar on December 11, 1769 according to the records of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston, Massachusetts. He also served as Most Worshipful Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, A.F. & A.M. from December 12, 1794 to December 27, 1797. (Paul Revere - York Rite Freemason)
There were 23 bells cast at the foundry during Paul Revere's personal involvement. He cast his first bell in 1792 (for his own church, the Second Church of Boston) and his last in 1811. "In 1798, Paul Revere cast a bell weighing 242 pounds for the frigate Constitution." (also known as, "Old Ironsides") (A Brief history of Ships Bells ) I have neither certified eye-witness testimony nor even whispers of a rumor on hand to present to you for documentation of how Paul or his fellow Freemasons might have performed rituals and ceremonies with the bells. If you are not blind to the ways of Freemasonry nor the way of bells, see the dots and connect them.
Romish priests, witches and Freemasons are carefully instructed in the ways of ceremonial and ritual magick and devote themselves to practicing these with intent to accomplish their particular agendas. They know the secret arts of symbols and the instruments of their craft. They know the power they wield is real. Comparing to how the Aaronic Priesthood of Israel may only use consecrated objects, those who serve Lucifer and his gods must use objects consecrated for his purposes. That's just how it is. When a bell is involved with the practicers of the occult arts and the religious activities of Babylon, it's a safe bet that it has been duly consecrated, cursed. When you read in Revelation 18:23 about the extent of the influence of the sorceries of the great city Babylon, let it speak to you about what really goes on in the world around you.

In this picture, a boy is being baptized onboard a Navel vessel. See the inverted ship's bell? "Originating in the British Royal Navy, it is a custom to baptize a child under the ship's bell; sometimes the bell is used as a christening bowl, filled with water for the ceremony. Once the baptism is completed, the child's name may be inscribed inside the bell." (A Brief history of Ships Bells ) What an opportunity for a spell-casting opportunist!
If a bell has been cursed, unless, the Lord explicitly cancels it and you know it by revelation insight, we should understand how that the effectual working of the consecration or dedication will be manifested in the bell's use regardless of the intent of the ringer (or baptizer).
Returning to the Romish "bishop's" document, did you note how he wrote that, "The music of the bells is a sacramental by which the faithful seek Divine protection from evil spirits, storms and calamities"? He is acknowledging how the "faithful" are common pagans, influenced by the bell's spells, deceived into seeking the favor of the gods of the bells over the favor of their Creator.
The "bishop" made another very interesting statement. The ringing of the bells is a reminder of the faithful of the great event of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord. Remember the Inquisitions? Questions were asked by Rome's representatives of people who were brutally tortured to extract confessions. One of the key questions involved a person's acceptance of this magickal transformation, a lie. Read between the lines to glean what the Bishop was not telling us about the bell. It's a profound truth that what was being accomplished in the torture equates to the human sacrifice rituals of the Mayans and other cultures. The intense fear and profound misery generated with bloody gore and certain eventual death feeds the bloodlust of the ancient gods. This was a realm deeply explored by "The Angel Of Death," Dr. Josef Mengele. Ringing the bells as "a reminder of the faithful of the great event of the transubstantiation" is a rather telling profession that lends further support to what I've proposed, that the role of the bell in Satan's scheme is to facilitate the soul-stealing antichrist mark of the Beast transformation.

Notre Dame Cathedral
In 2012 and 2013, as I noted at the outset, many giant bells have been cast and honored. As I write this update to the study in early March of 2013, some of these are about to be rung that have a link to the Inquisition. It seems very likely to me that a deeper study would expand the connections, but you can read more about the nine new giant bells celebrating the 850th anniversary of Notre Dame Cathedral in a post on The Open Scroll Blog. There, you will find several more links to what I've written about the giant bells and bell events of 2012. Not only were eight new giant bells featured during Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Celebration but the Largest ringing bell in Europe was featured in connection with the 2012 London Olympics. Opening day was celebrated with an event called All the Bells, where an effort was made to have all the bells in the UK rung for three minutes on that morning. All these bells and their honoring events represent mass satanic ritual, and the world has been and continues to be transformed through this supernaturalism.
Pavlovian Classical Conditioning
Why are bells rung by priests at particular times in the liturgy, focusing the attention of the faithful? The hours spent in Psychology 101 come to mind. The priests are establishing subliminal triggers, fixing targeted associations in the memories of their subjects. Have you heard of Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) and his experiments with the bell? Pavlov trained dogs to associate the presentation of food with the sound of a bell. The dogs would naturally begin to salivate when the food was presented. After a while, merely ringing the bell without even presenting the food triggered the salivation. Think about the priesthoods and their bells, making specific associations with their "lab dogs" by way of what became described by Pavlov as classical conditioning. If you are not blind to the ways of Satan's priests and godless scientists, see the dots and connect them, and let it be a witness.
Satan knew about the bell long, long before Pavlov caught on to the stimulus-response programming technique. Pavlov's experimentation included other non-bell kinds of stimuli, and if you consider the Roman Catholic Mass and other religious liturgical practice, you may grasp a means of and perceive the reality of how Satan programs the unsuspecting flock. The Romish Priesthood includes the bell among their varied stimuli knowing this particular object and its sound adds significantly to the impact of their ritual magick.
Such insight into bell ringing may be so personal that it may take a while to sink in. The reality of the world's wickedness and our state of deception can be hard to accept. For most, its a truth that will only be rejected. Are you ready to accept how things really are? This can and really should be a very personal thing as you read. This is your life, and the lives of those you love.
You have probably noticed that what the bell generally seems to be about is idolatry, witchcraft and demonic captivity. What about the joyful sleigh bells of Christmas, etc., etc., etc.? You may wonder if everything with me just has to be bad. Do I just have to ruin everything? Well, I have to reply with a challenge. Do the research yourself. If things are not as presented and I'm in error. Correct me. Otherwise, it's on you to face up to the reality. The Lord will help if you call on Him with complete sincerity.
The Bell as Ringing a Call to Worship
The bell that rings as a call to worship intends to bring the worshipers into the presence of the god worshiped and the god worshiped into the presence of the worshipers. Comparing to how the sound made by the High Priest's bell fringe "hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah," Satan's counterfeit exercises controlling supernatural influence and sets up a meeting between his sub-regencies and their worshipers.
When I was a boy I felt privileged to ring the bell on a Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church. I understood it to be a call to worship. I've asked forgiveness for all the things I've done in ignorance that served my God's enemy and his evil work. I've received it, and I'm so grateful! He has graciously given me the opportunity to serve in this good work of exposing Satan's clever schemes. Through this loving work right now He is calling men and women to worship Him in spirit and in truth!
Livestock and Horse's Bells - Signaling the Yoke of Servitude
For insight into using the bell to ring out a call to worship, consider the legendary Welsh tale's activity of the Celtic god, Cernunnous, an entity linked to Pan as worshiped by the Greeks. "Cernunnous was the Horned God of the Celts. He was associated with the hunt and fertility. Occasionally he was portrayed with serpent legs, torso of a man, a head of a bull or ram, or shown with stags wearing antlers. The name Cernunnous means horned." Regarding this god, I quote, "In the Welsh tale "Owain" his role as a herdsman-god and a benign keeper of the forest is told. Here he summons all the animals to him through the belling of a stag. All the animals even serpents obediently came to him "as humble subjects would do to their lord."" (quotes from "Cernunnous -" * formerly here: The belling of the stag signals the call to worship. The belling by Cernunnous compares to Pan's magickal piping. When I rang the church bell as a boy, I was an eager but unwitting participant in one of my community's versions of the belling of a stag. The ringing of such a bell is the evocation of supernatural authority that works to call the spellbound hearers together in humble servitude, summoned to worship and serve the god of the bell.
Have you ever heard of a bellwether? The term that has come to refer to a trend setter or indicator has an interesting derivation. A bellwether is a castrated male sheep (a wether) with a bell hung around its neck that leads the flock. It's interesting to compare this phenomenon with the Welsh tale of the belling of a stag by Cernunnous, and the bell that is rung as a call to worship to gather the flock. Think about it.
It's common around the globe to find the belling of livestock and horses. "In folk-magic brass is used to effectively repel witches and evil spirits. The protection is thought to be similar to that given by iron. It is used to make various kinds of amulets. Brass bells are hung around the necks of horses, cows and other animals to protect them against the evil eye." (Brass - * formerly here: The evil eye is considered to be a curse, which is actually mentioned in both the Bible's Old and New Testaments. "The Hebrews wore crescent moons to ward off the evil eye and they attached bells to their garments to ward off evil spirits." (Amulets - * formerly here: The talisman or amulet is what a fearful idolater uses to evoke the bell's god's influence in the life of whatever or whoever wears the amulet, usually around the neck. To me, it seems pretty obvious how the hanging of the bell around the neck signals the yoke of servitude to the bell's god.
The Death Knell, Passing Bell, Dead Bell and Eight Bells
A death knell or death bell is a bell rung to announce a death. The popular ballad, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" illustrates this practice in the following lyric that is historically accurate in telling its story.
"In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed in the maritime sailor's cathedral
The church bell chimed 'til it rang 29 times for each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald"
The following paragraphs are excerpted from Dead bell - Wikipedia.
"In the Middle Ages the supernatural world was believed to be very real and close. Special protective powers were desired by the superstitious and were attributed to certain objects, including bells. The Church itself condoned the use of bells to frighten away evil spirits and this ensured its survival and development. Bells were actually baptized, and once baptized had the power to ward off evil spells and spirits. The use of the dead bell was typical of this belief, rung for the recently deceased to keep evil spirits from molesting the body."
"The dead bell was therefore originally rung for two reasons: firstly to seek the prayers of all Christians for a soul just departing; secondly to drive away the evil spirits who stood at the bed's foot and about the house, ready to seize their prey, or at least to molest and terrify the soul in its passage; but, by the ringing of the bell (Durandus states that evil spirits are afraid of the sounds of bells), they were kept away; and the soul, like a hunted hare, gained the head start."
"In Northern England and Scotland dead bells are not uncommon as symbols of death on funerary monuments. As an emblem of mortality the dead bell was mainly confined to eighteenth century tombstones in the North-East of Scotland, especially in Morayshire and Aberdeenshire. In Angus and Perthshire its use is rare and further south it only occurs on seventeenth century stones. The handbell is more common than the church bell and rope, the wooden handle on former being clearly depicted."
The dead bell is pagan with no scriptural basis whatsoever. Although dead bells were "baptized," such a ritual brought no anointing of holiness but rather the opposite. The frightening off of evil spirits is not a manifestation of holy spirit but a ploy that captivates those who will not submit to the Lord Y'shua and seek His favor and protection. Evil spirits are commanded, not frightened; commanded by a higher authority. The use of the bell to command lower ranking demons is common witchcraft, and puttings one's trust in such a working is to participate in the same, and it is idolatry. While the Wikipedia entry attributes these things to the time of the Middle Ages, the recent document posted by the "Bishop" from the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas reveals how beliefs have changed little if they have changed at all.
"Passing Bell: The name given to the bell which is rung in the church when a person is near to death; it is said to have the effect of frightening away the evil spirits which are ready to take the soul as it passes from the body. In the medieval period, bells were sometimes rung to destroy witches, as it was supposed that the sound of bells threw them off their night flight and rendered their diabolic magic ineffective." (Passing Bell - from Occultopedia) This excerpt highlights both the spell and counter-spell witchcraft of bells.
The pagan beliefs about the departing and departed needing prayers for such protection can be traced through many ancient cultures, including Greece and Egypt. Among the gods receiving such prayer are those known in various cultures by such names as Cernunnous, Hermes, Anubis and Osiris. Consider how it's the fear of death that generally motivates those who seek the favor and protection of the bell's god.
Did you note from the "Dead bell" excerpt how the bell has been an emblem of mortality? The link between the bell and mortality or death has been strongly imprinted into mankind. A brilliant insight can be gleaned from a point made on the Bell Facts page. "East Asia, the fading tone of the bell is considered spiritually significant". The sound of the bell fades after being struck. This compares to the life of man who, after being born into the world, immediately begins dying, fading. The very nature of a bell's sound hints of mortality.
From Anicca - "Anicca (Pali, Sanskrit, "impermanent " or "not enduring"), or Anitya (Sanskrit) is of the Three Marks of Existence in Buddhism. There are various ways in which anicca, or the impermanence of things, can be illustrated. Figuratively, the action of time is compared to a moving chariot wheel, which touches the ground one point at a time; an ever-flowing mountain stream, a bubble, a bouncing ball, or the sound of a bell."
The connection between the bell and mortality comes naturally enough. Recall the now familiar declaration from Exodus 28, "...its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die." Within that context, it is when the sound ceases to be heard that life ends.
Early in this study I described a sign that involved 22 penny rolls. One thing I received from this sign means is that the bell as a symbol of death and mortality is the most important signification. The number 22 can be understood by expressing it as 11*2. The 22 rolls represented $11. "Eleven" signifies the flesh of man as grass and the flower of grass, frail and ephemeral - here today and gone tomorrow. "Two" signifies division. "Twenty-two" signifies the division of the flesh that ultimately results in the death of the flesh. The number 22 is thus a numerical emblem of mortality that compares to the bell. The number 22 can represent the work of the cross in the life of the saint but is not limited to that single perspective.
That the coins of the sign were pennies is a further link to the bell. Bells are optimally about 80% copper and 20% tin. Pennies (USA), although changing through the years, were composed of 95% copper and 5% tin and zinc from 1864 until 1943.
Brass bells are sometimes inscribed with names, mottos and symbols that reveal something about its purpose.
"Change ringing bells are often cast with inscriptions on their sides. Often these are as simple as the name the founder who cast the bell, or perhaps that of its donor. Sometimes, however, bells are named, or bear short mottos. At Amersham (in Buckinghamshire) the tenor proclaims "Unto the Church, I do You call, Death to the grave will summon all." Perhaps because they are tolled at funerals, tenors often bear this sort of serious motto." Ring of Bells - Wikipedia
Change ringing appears to be an advanced form of ritual enchantment. You may note that the inscription on the tenor bell is actually a lie, contradicting the truth of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Satan threatens death to all in the church, but death is not the fate of all. This lie and whatever are that bell's associated curses are rung out over the land of Amersham whenever its sound is heard.
The bell as a symbol of mortality is embedded into naval tradition
Sailors and fishermen are renowned for being a superstitious lot.
"The ringing of bells is also associated with funerals, so sounds mimicking bells were thought to forecast death. The ringing of a wine glass was such a sound, and had to be stopped before its reverberation ended. Ship's bells were exempted from this superstition, because they signaled time and the changing of watch duties. But if they rang of their own accord, as in a storm, somebody was going to die." Seafaring Superstitions & Marine Myth Ritual Explored
While that author states that the ship's bell was exempted, there's really more to it than that.

"Hell's bells and buckets of blood!" is an old Naval exclamation, often shortened to "Hell's bells!" The exclamation's origin does not appear to be easily documented. Giving it some thought, it may be that the expression derived from encounters where another ship's bells could be heard during conditions of low visibility. If a ship that could not be identified by sight came very near, the situation at hand was potentially deadly. If you were aboard a merchant or passenger ship and pirates patrolled the waters, sudden fury could be unleashed at any moment! The bells heard approaching might mean to the passengers and crew: "Hell's bells and buckets of blood!" From another perspective, I could imagine pirates crying out the same as they approach to engage their prey, seizing its crew with fear. I could imagine this expression also being used during war time, when an unidentifiable ship whose bell could be heard might be friend or foe.
In situations of low visibility, with the sound of your own ship's bell betraying your position, you would be in a vulnerable condition. If you've heard the aphorism "There are no atheists in foxholes," you can imagine how sailors in perilous seas would focus their attention upon what is most tangible in the dark of night, dense fog or driving rain; the sounding bell. The sailor's hope, prayers for guidance and protection must often have been to the god of their bell. This is likely still the case for many sailors today.
The bells onboard ships were the symbol of their very identity, being inscribed with the name of the vessel. The ship's bell represented the ship, its reputation, cargo and every life onboard. Bells were taken as trophies by their spoilers. Shipwrecks are often identified by their bell. The fate of the bell was the fate of the ship - and all aboard. When the sound of the bell was quieted, death had come.
Eight Bells
Another connection between the ship's bell and death is found in the signaling of eight bells. Onboard ships, sailors' duty watches have long been signaled by bell strikes. The bell is rung on the half hour during each four hour shift. One bell strike signals the first half hour, two, the second until, at the conclusion of each 4 hour shift, eight bell strikes are heard. Thus, "eight bells" signals the end of a sailor's duty watch. "The term 'Eight bells' can also be a way of saying that a sailor's watch is over, for instance, in his or her obituary. It's a nautical euphemism for 'finished.'" (Ship's bell - Wikipedia)
Because of the depth of knowledge I acquired during a season of study focused on signs that occurred during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, I have some rather profound insight into the meaning of the "eight bells" signal. The number 8 was a major theme of those Olympics, embedded into many layers of the event and even into the crop sign in Wiltshire, UK that marked its opening day, 8/8/08.

Milk Hill, Wiltshire, UK
August 8, 2008
While it may seem perfectly logical to view the eight bells signal as a randomly derived tradition, such a view ignores some notable facts. The eight bells signal fits too well into some greater schemes. Most importantly in the context of this study, the meaning of the numbering compares closely to the meaning of the object numbered, exposing an even more pronounced view of Satan's grand bell scheme.
The number 8 in the Bible bears a widely known signification of "new beginning." With regard to duty watches, "eight bells" is actually marking a point in a cycle where one ends and the next begins. The eight bells signal a new beginning! Does it still seem randomly derived? It's not. As a nautical euphemism signaling the end of a "sailor's" life, it fits with other schemes that relate to the most famous "sailor" Noah the eighth.
Noah has intentionally been identified with the number 8, representing the set of 8. It's his seed that is represented in this number and all the life of mankind/Adam-kind in the earth. If you consider that the strike of a bell represents the life of a man from beginning to end, the striking of eight bells on a ship is a fitting representation of the ark of Noah the eighth. As a parable, the ark as eight bells marked a new duty watch. The "duty watch" was over for the line of Cain and those genetically corrupted from the line of fallen angels. It can well be said that "Eight Bells" applied, according to the nautical euphemism that means death. It marked a new "duty watch" for those "sailors" aboard the ark, a new beginning.
In order to really make sense of what I'm writing now, you would have to study and become pretty familiar with much of the lengthy 8 part Olympic ceremony sign series. I can sum up what's most pertinent for you in brief. Satan's "eight" scheme currently underway is a counter-offensive in response to the "eight" plan executed in Noah's day. Quoting from what I wrote about the Wiltshire crop sign: "This crop sign signals his [the dragon's] intent to bring a flood that will counter the flood of Noah's day. He intends to cleanse the earth of God's offspring and repopulate the earth with a regenerated people, a people brought forth through his "Ark of Noah" reproduction factory." This depopulation/repopulation scheme is the "eight bells" scheme. It's the Beast and mark of the beast scheme.
The beast compares to Noah the eighth, who "is himself also an eighth." He is the anti-Noah and anti-Adam, first and last.
The beast who "is himself also an eighth" is related to Noah through the declaration of 2 Peter 2:5, where the word "person" has been added into the English translations even though there is no Greek word for it in the text. Literally, the reference there is to Noah the eighth. If you read and understood what I've written about the Olympic signs, the significance of connecting these dots in this context should be plain.
The bell is a mortality symbol yet, as such, it's really about more than just death. In it, there's an implied look ahead to the next cycle. As the eight bells signals the end of a cycle and, at the same time, the beginning of another, so the bell itself that rings out mortality rings out the beginning of a new life. The life beyond death, in contrast to the mortal, is immortal! Now, there is a genuine that is appointed for some folk, and there is a counterfeit, to which others will fall prey. The counterfeit comes first and deceives many.
As I stated when beginning this study, bells are used in Satan's "pharmakeia" scheme and, ultimately, this facilitates his reproductive agenda and his Beast army battle scheme. The death comes when men opt-in and trade their souls, earning for themselves a season in the lake of fire. The new beginning will come as "zombie" offspring are brought forth in his mark-of-the-beast anti-death scheme, the "undead" fruit of the serpent's reproductive agenda. That life is only a cheap imitation of immortality, a very, very poor substitute.
At this point I'd like to give some further consideration to the sign of the 22 penny rolls. As you may recall, the pennies and bells have a similar brass composition. The number 22 has a common meaning with the bell, that of the division of the flesh that results in death. As I just noted about the implied meaning of the bell, there is a sense of this death being followed by another kind of life. This, too, is a signification of the number 22 when the work of the cross in a saint's life is considered. The work of the cross is to bring a neccessary death, a required death to the flesh through willing sacrifice in order to bring forth the new life that is truly life. It compares to how a seed that is planted must die in order for a plant to be brought forth (1 Corinthians 15). To those significations of the sign, I'd like add three more associated numbers; 13, 23 and 21.
Each penny shares certain features with other coins minted by the Federal Reserve. These have features that, when counted, produce the numbers 13, 23 and 21. I introduced these numbered features during August 2010's blogging (Rochester, NY - Parts 10-13). The numbers signal the beast (13), sex chromosome (23) and the fullness of an appointed time (21). Are these all appropriate for this bell study? Yes. Yes they are. The 22 penny rolls was a remarkable sign!
The Liberty Bell - A National Symbol
The bell as an emblem of mortality is part of America's national heritage. The tolling of bells has been instituted as a national custom, rung when someone is about to be executed through capital punishment. Such a practice is the pagan "passing bell" custom. America also rings bells at certain times according to the tradition of other nations, marking the deaths of nobles or dignitaries.

The bell known as the Liberty Bell is a national icon that compares to the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of America. Inscribed upon this bell that had hung in Philadelphia, PA's Independence Hall for many years is the following, taken from Leviticus 25:10. "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."
If America were a ship, its bell would be the Liberty Bell. It's famously cracked. In this condition its a doubled witness to the mortality of America. It was born to die, launched as the New Atlantis envisioned by Sir Francis Bacon only to be sunk, having served its appointed purpose: Shipwrecked. "Captain" Obama is now at the helm. The valuable cargo has largely been off-loaded and the ship is being scuttled even as I write. This was foreordained as its destiny, according to the evidence being brought forth by students of America's history who have not turned a blind eye to the witness of the secret societies. This is also the declaration of the cryptic prophetic scriptures.
The ship's captain and those who commissioned her on this voyage have no remorse about this. People marvel at Obama's commitment to golf and leisure, unaware of his focus of attention on an unseen agenda and associated approval rating. The ship's captain and the company of underwriters look to the prophesied salvage operation that will follow this doomed voyage. From her broken hull, a portion will be raised out of the sea (Revelation 13:1 Daniel 8:9ff) to fulfill her appointed destiny. (This, according to the pattern of the infamous type of the Beast Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who arose from Seleucid's Kingdom as parceled from Alexander's Empire, which parcel specifically included Babylon, from which Seleucid established his rule.) More has been written about this on the blog and on, so I won't elaborate further here.

The Liberty Bell as a bell of national identification and symbol of mortality testifies of her destiny. The cracking of the bell at its first strike in America, together with it's present state of being cracked, is most assuredly a prophetic testimony. What was appointed for her as declared by rebellious men in dark conspiracy will be overseen and fulfilled by the sovereign God Himself, to His glory.
This bell was featured on my blog recently (The Liberty Bell and America's Independence from God), presenting it as a symbol of America's independence from the Creator. That's a highly recommended read!

With regard to this nation, "Liberty" is usually represented as a goddess whose alter-identity is Isis. Consider the Statue of Liberty and also Freedom presiding from her perch atop the U.S. Capitol dome. What the founding fathers and the inheritors of their authority refer to by "Liberty" is what will result from the fulfillment of the ancient Isis/Osiris-Horus magickal regeneration. This is ultimately the freedom and independence from the Creator of their presumed and long hoped for victory in the campaign of Armageddon, with their "liberated" Beast army. This is the signification of the Liberty Bell, of wicked rebels who long to be freed from the rule of the Creator and the bonds of death. Thee wicked and their plans will come to nought, "cracked" by the acts of God pictured in Revelation 14:8 and 20 and Revelation 19:19-21.
I already mentioned how bells now toll when someone is about to be executed through capital punishment. While that's obviously in keeping with the "bell as mortality emblem" theme, understanding the secret testimony of the Liberty Bell reveals how the other times appointed for America's bell ringing are too.
- July 4th, Independence Day, Let Freedom Ring!
- Sept. 17 Constitution Day, Bells Across America.
- Dec. 10th International Declaration of Human Rights Day and Breast Cancer Awareness.
The idolatrous documents celebrated on the first two of these days declare independence from the Creator's rule and thus from His life, which is truly a sentence of death. What are called "human rights" compare to the same kind of assurance of separation from the blessed life of the Creator. Even the "Breast Cancer Awareness" relates to mortality. You can see how the theme of mortality has been deeply embedded into the traditions of bells and their ringing, in ways ranging from the obvious to the subtle.
There's something very profound I want to emphasize here. While the bell fringe whose sound was featured in Exodus 28 meant life in the Most High God's presence for the High Priest, the counterfeiter's bells really mean the converse; death outside the Most High God's presence. This goes beyond mere physical death of the body. Satan's death knell intends to bring a separation from the life of the living God. It speaks of the departure of the soul and soul life, of the institution of the mark of the Beast with its soul-stealing transformation and inherent separation from the life of the Creator. When brought to that point, the bell speaks of the end of the mortal life, of a condition of temporary un-death that follows it, then, finally, of the appointed lake of fire, the second death.
Wind Chimes and Healing
Wind chimes are a cluster of tubular bells that are usually hung where the wind makes them ring. In addition to what I wrote about them earlier, their use is sometimes for healing, which is related to mortality. In Feng Shui, the wind chime is used to balance the chi energies. The wind chime works pharmakeia.
"Sound has a healing effect on our bodies. Tones can calm our minds and awaken our spirits. When the mind is calm, it helps expand our conscious awareness and connection with spirit. The sound that we hear helps connect us with our environment. This is because nature is always producing sounds that connect us to other living things in this world. In sound healing, there a lot of tools you can use. One of them is wind chimes. " (The Power of Wind Chimes)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
I'm going to close this section featuring the bell as a mortality emblem with reference to the popular phrase, "for whom the bell tolls." It was popularized in more recent years due to an Ernest Hemingway novel of that title and the movies it spawned. It's borrowed from John Donne's Devotions, a prose work from 1624. From that same work and context comes another popular expression, "No man is an island."
When, in this excellent prose, it is written, "...for whom the bell tolls," it's the signaling of a dying and a death that is referenced. The lengthy and very profound section XVII Meditation features what I've been presenting as the passing and death bells. The author reflects upon the same bell's calls to sermons and prayers. It's a very worthy read but rather lengthy so I'll only excerpt here some particularly relevant bits.
"Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? but who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of this world?"
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
" this consideration of another's danger I take mine own into contemplation, and so secure myself, by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security." When you hear the bell toll for another, seize the opportunity to reflect on the true value of what might be left of you own mortal life.
The Tambourine
Earlier, I introduced cymbals and tabrets, tambourines. The tambourine is a very traditional instrument played in the church and in the religious ceremonies of many cultures. Is every playing of the tambourine evil? Certainly, some playing is an evil enchantment.
Together with her ensemble, Alessandra Belloni is Artist-in-Residence at the famous Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC. That's the grand Gothic Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, the largest cathedral and third or fourth largest "Christian" church in the world. The following excerpts are from a former "drummer" page on her website.
In Puglia the women usually played the tambourine for the healing ceremonies acting as shamans and guiding the trance. They were treated as doctors for their work in the Pizziche Tarantate often accompanied by violin guitar and accordian.
Alessandra's performances are a fiery "percussive journey" through the south of Italy exploring magic rituals tarantellas used as music therapy and healing trance dance to cure the mythical bite of the tarantula women processional chants and drumming in honor of the Black Madonna lullabies women love laments and work chants specifically arranged for voice and percussion.
Iconic musician Bob Dylan wrote and performed a song titled "Mr. Tambourine Man" that was made even more popular by a band called "The Byrds." There's an interesting story here. Bob Dylan has testified that he "went to the crossroads," which is known to mean that he sold his soul to the devil. He stated in an interview that he made a bargain with the "chief commander" "of this world and in a world we can't see" to get where is today. When an early recording of the song sung by Bob is reversed, I hear a testimony confirming that testimony. His expression of "Hey Mr. Tambourine Man" in this particular version renders "My new real master's Satan - yeah!" when reversed.
In that video, I reference Ezekiel 28, where the 13th verse refers to some anointed cherub's tabrets and their workmanship. These tabrets can be interpreted in various ways, including as tambourines. The context is a cryptic reference to a king of Tyrus, which many recognize as an alias of Lucifer.
Christmas Bells
The bells of Christ-mass have pagan roots just like every other element of the holiday celebration, including even the date itself. The Yuletide is not Christian in the sense that it honors my Lord in any way. The idea that this might be a sincere celebration of the birth of the only begotten son of God can only be accepted by someone who has never undertaken to search out its history with integrity of heart.
Web search "bell choir celebration of christmas" and see how many results are returned.
Christmas bells herald the birth of Lord Jesus Christ on this earth. Even today they are considered as an integrated part of festivity and tradition. People use them because they bear a spiritual significance and drive away all devils. It is impossible to imagine Christmas celebration without the jingling sounds of bells. - For Example - Around 431 A.D. Bishop Paulinus of Nola in Campania started using big church bells during Christmas. There are many legends related with Christmas bells. Even now people admire and adore them as they generate pleasant and soothing sounds and are believed to be the medium between heaven and earth. (Christmas bells * formerly here:
When hand bell ringers were introduced to Americans, the context wasn't that of a revival of holiness. "P.T. Barnum introduced hand bell ringers to this country in 1844. They were the Lancashire Ringers of England who he dressed up in more colorful costumes as Swiss Bell Ringers." (BELL FACTS * formerly found here: Barnum even introduced the enchantment with deception, dressing the English in Swiss costume. Let this speak to you about bells and bell ringing.
This man had wisdom and insight, but not from above. He was known to be a Master Mason who famously introduced Tom Thumb to Freemasonry in 1862. The introduction of bell ringers is an action consistent with Barnum's other efforts. "Using profits from the Lind tour, Barnum's next challenge was to change public attitudes about the theater. Widely seen as 'dens of evil', Barnum wanted to position them as palaces of edification and delight, and as respectable middle-class entertainment." (P. T. Barnum- Wikipedia) But yet, they were dens of evil! For Barnum, who wrote a book titled, "The Art of Money Getting," payment will come due for all this evil, who apparently never came to repentance, forgiveness and remission of sin.
While it was said that P.T. Barnum introduced bell ringers to America, that fails to acknowledge another kind of bell ringers, pagan priests. For one example, Philadelphia, PA has a community of bell ringer Jesuits that has been in continuous existence since 1733, associated with Old St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church.
Is every instance of hand bell ringing evil? If the bell is not cursed and the Lord ordains it specifically, then of course, it's good! If you're just following some tradition the Lord has not specifically ordained for you personally, would it not be better to refrain from such activity? Babylon is as Babylon does.
The Marriage Bell and Wedding Bells
As commonly heard in a love song, weddings have long been associated with bell ringing. The association is so common, sometimes the expression, "wedding bells," is used to refer to a wedding itself. I found a variety of explanations for why this might be so, but I believe there's more to it than is commonly recognized. Why the wedding bell is so popular may be due in part to the common acceptance of the bell as a mortality emblem, because a marriage is supposed to endure for "as long as they both shall live." The wedding bell is superficially considered to be like most other bells in that is rung to seek the favor of the gods, specifically here in the context of the marriage relationship to ward off evil spirits and bring a blessing to the couple.
"'The ringing of bells at weddings is a tradition that can be traced back to Celtic lands, such as Scotland, where it was believed that the ringing of church bells would ward off evil spirits as well as grant wishes,' says Heather Dwight." (Everything You Need To Know About Wedding Bells)
"Celtic tradition has it that every young couple should receive at least one bell as a wedding gift. The bell is placed strategically in the newlyweds' home, visible to all. When the inevitable argument or disagreement takes place one of the couple may ring the bell to end the discord and declare a truce without an admission of guilt or fault." (Celtic Wedding Traditions) The truce bell is one way to signal the end of an argument, but it certainly doesn't settle anything. Neither does it honor the Creator's appointment of headship authority to the man, which settles any conflict of will in a home with believing saints. A woman with faith who calls upon the Heavenly Father with her cares and refrains from usurping His authority has far more going for her than what any bell or truce might offer.
The following excerpts are from Wedding Bells-
"Certain traditions, like the Celtic Scottish wedding, have its roots in pagan rituals. Pealing wedding bells proclaims the divinity of the marriage accord between the newly wedded couple. According to the ancient Egyptian tradition, while worshipping god Osiris, small wedding bells in the form of flat gongs were used in wedding ceremonies. Whereas in Christian churches, bells came to be used in the year 400 A.D. and were first introduced by Paulinus, bishop of Nola, near the town of Campania, in Italy. These bells became quite popular, as in those times the church-bell was useful not only for summoning the religious services, but also for giving an alarm in times of danger. But it was only in 604 A.D, that Pope Sabinian officially sanctioned the use of bells for wedding ceremonies to bless the newly wedded couples."

The anti-Bridegroom and anti-Bride
Beijing Olympics, 2008
The observation that wedding bells proclaim the divinity of the marriage accord points us beyond the natural to the supernatural. When you understand what the institution of marriage really means (see The Bridegroom and the Bride) and how there is both a genuine messianic Bridegroom and Bride and a counterfeit, the profound meaning of the wedding bell really comes into view. It's in this context that the ceremonial gongs used in weddings by the worshipers of Osiris makes perfect sense!
Now, just as the Genuine Bridegroom Y'shua will wed his Bride, the anti-Messiah bridegroom will wed his bride, his true worshipers. (This was pictured at the Olympics in 2008 by the Chinese. See Olympic Ceremony Symbolism - Part One.) Here's the signification of the wedding bell. A wedding is the bringing of a man and a woman together. A bell facilitates the coming together of the supernatural gods and their natural worshipers. A wedding bell celebrates the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men of Genesis chapter 6 and facilitates the coming union of the same. It's a testimony of the mark of the beast that even facilitates its coming! The beast will come and have his bride. The wedding bells will ring.
The Bell: A Stairway to Heaven?
When the Aaronic High Priest was ushered into the presence of the Most High God it was only ever accompanied by the sound of bells. The ungodly have age old customs of using bells with similar results, summoning the false gods and ushering themselves into their presence. The bell can facilitate passage between the natural and supernatural realms, operating in such a way as a key unlocking a gate. The gates of heaven that are also referred to as stargates and inter-dimensional portals describe real constructs. These bridges that span the heavens and Earth are presented in the Bible in a variety of ways. One of the biblical references to such a stairway to heaven is so closely related to the bell that "connecting the dots" between these homonyms seems unavoidable.
In the Hebrew, the word translated "bells" in Zechariah 14 sounds very nearly like and is spelled very nearly like the word for "highways" in Judges 5:20.
In the image on the right you can compare the spelling of the words used and their root words. In this audio file I put together, you can hear them pronounced by Chuck Missler on the Blue Letter Bible. [MP3] Comparing sets of Hebrew homonyms
The word for "bells" is Strongs H4698 - metsillah - "bells", and its root word is Strongs H6750 - tsalal - "to tingle (of ears)".
The word for "highways" is Strongs H4546 - mecillah - "highway, raised way, public road", and its root word is Strongs H5549 - calal - "to lift up, cast up, exalt".
The Hebrew words I highlighted can be considered as homonyms. Superficially, there's no reason to compare their meanings and when they are compared there seems to be no connection between them. However, knowing how the Author delights in hiding gems for our discovery, a consideration of esoteric meaning seems to offer up a validation of the bell as stargate device.
I've written regularly and at length about the word used for "highways" as a being a stargate construct. (Web search this site for mecillah and Web search the blog for mecillah) Angels and those with spiritual bodies travel via mecillah, crossing over between supernatural and natural realms when they have the required permission, and metsillah are used to facilitate such travel. Books could probably be written about this insight, but I'll just make a couple observations and leave further study to you. It's a very interesting study!
In Zechariah, the metsillah are on horses, animals (probably a metaphor) used for travel between realms using mecillah.
Remember how cymbals are used for praise in Psalm 150? The root word of mecillah (highways) is translated "extol" in Psalm 68.
Where Does the Word "Bell" Come From? - Etymology of the Word "Bell"
The difficulty I've encountered in trying to discover a plausible etymology of the word "bell" leads me to suspect that its roots have been obscured. The reason for this would be to cloak Satan's scheme, because the name by which this object is known points to the ancient gods referred to as Bel, or Ba'al.
You may wonder why I don't blindly accept what a reference book might state. Have you ever noticed how there is sometimes a wide variance from one work to another? I, for one, don't trust in the good intent of everyone who has been entrusted to bring facts forward when documenting history and recording the development of language. Would people actually pervert records of the past to serve hidden agendas? Well, yes! Has the etymology for the word "bell" been so perverted? I have no hard evidence one way or another, but if I were Bel and wanted to leverage the bell for my schemes, I'd squelch the connection if I could.
While "Ba'al" may sometimes refer to a demonic authority as a proper noun, it's more commonly a reference to a region's local god. Ba'al means "lord" or "master", "possessor" or "owner."
"Gatherings and settlements were made where the soil was most inviting; that is, where it was perennially productive. Such districts were regarded as being fertilized by divine agency, and as each of them had its own divinity or demon as the "owner" of the soil, such a being was called its "Ba'al." The usage, having thus begun in agricultural settlements, was naturally transferred to the sites of cities, all of which were in any case founded under religious auspices. Hence the multiplicity of Ba'als;" (BA'AL AND BA'AL-WORSHIP - Jewish Encyclopedia)
"...Moreover, there was not, as this theory assumes, one god Baal, worshipped under different forms and names by the Semitic peoples, but a multitude of local Baals, each the inhabitant of his own place, the protector and benefactor of those who worshipped him there." ("Baal" by W. Robertson Smith and George F. Moore - 1899 - Encyclopedia Biblica)
As Bel was the god of the earth in the Babylonian pantheon and not of the heaven or underworld, so it is that the focus of Ba'al's domain is earthly. On a regional level he is the lord or owner of the "soil." One city's Ba'al may not be another city's Ba'al. Sometimes a descriptive reference to "Ba'al" can refer to a god who is also known by some proper noun name. In the reversal (Speech Inversion - Spilling the Beans) I hear the word "Nairf" used in a similar way, which refers to whatever demonic authority happens to be ruling in the context. The Ba'al gods appear to have all been worshiped in similar ways, revealing how these were of a particular class of angels.

Now, consider how the territorial domain of the Ba'al or Bel can be compared to the range of a bell's sound. If you're within ear-shot of the bell, you're in its domain and it is your Bel, or, Ba'al. Bells are sometimes inscribed with the name of a locale or otherwise identified with a particular deity, perhaps in a dedication ceremony. The community bell is sometimes believed to have the power to influence the local weather and/or to protect the locals from evil spirits or their curses. These bells are very individual with unique sonic signatures, their own personalities.
Does the English word for the bell point back to the Ba'als as its root? I certainly have no trail of historical documentation to point to for validation of my supposition, but such a basis as I suggested for the word seems far more plausible than anything else I've read. Perhaps the name for the object in other languages and cultures might provide further insight.
The Bell and Clock and Their Institutions
The bell as a signal device announces special events and warnings, but most commonly announces the time. Onboard ships, duty watches had long been signaled manually every half hour, using the hourglass and regular astronomical observations as a guide for when to ring the bell. In monasteries and then village squares, clock towers were the features of advancing technology, introducing the automatic chiming on the half hour, or perhaps hourly. Who can think of Big Ben in London without being able to hear its signature chimes? The once ubiquitous grandfather clock dutifully rang out the hours with its stately polished chimes in homes and businesses around the globe. The alarm clock was invented to signal a preset time with a jangling bell, and likewise the countdown timer. The ringing of a familiar bell often will put us in mind of what time it is. What does this association with the clock reveal about the bell? There is in this relationship a kind of synergy.
From one perspective, the clock chiming is a regular reminder of our mortality. The bell that is itself an emblem of mortality chimes to announce the passage of another hour, counting off the valuable measured increments of our lives. This is actually a very good thing if considered in light of John Donne's meditation on the death bell, which "tolls for thee" and may prompt one to make "recourse to God." There is, however, a more obvious practical use of the clock and bell combination that provides for some profound insight.

Skull and Bones society at Yale University. Note the featured furnishing - a Grandfather clock.
Where's "W"? (And I don't mean Waldo.)
You'll find George W. Bush just left of the clock. Notice that the clock is set to 13:00 hours. Right. Time for rebellion - Beast time! Signaling the "mastery of time" number!
No robust consideration of bells can be really complete without addressing the clock. Technically, a clock is a timepiece that announces the time with a bell instrument.
A clock is an instrument for measuring, indicating and maintaining the time. The word "clock" is derived ultimately from the Celtic words clagan and clocca meaning "bell". For horologists and other specialists the term "clock" continues to mean exclusively a device with a striking mechanism for announcing intervals of time acoustically, by ringing a bell, a set of chimes, or a gong. (formerly accessible here:
Before what we know today as the analog clock with its dial face and rotating hands the time was read from a representation of the current positions of celestial bodies. Bell chimes were then keyed to the hours to announce the time. Then hands were introduced on a dial to register the hours by number.
"In the Middle Ages, however, members of religious orders were expected to pray at definite times. Failure to maintain godly habits because of cloudiness or variable flames was not acceptable. There was an answer, however. Sources from Antiquity (and probably rumors of Chinese inventions) referred to devices that could imitate the Sun and stars" ... "The earliest mechanisms of this type, around the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century, were used to power representations of the heavens." ... "The monks and nuns were summoned to prayer by a bell. Soon someone realized that the elaborate astronomical model was not needed; a system of striking the hour with a series of rings of the bell was sufficient. Sometime after that, people added a dial to show the hours with a pointer (hand). A similar pointer for minutes was not needed until clocks greatly improved in accuracy. Although the first clocks were installed for use in religion, within a few years people began to keep time by the hours, since the ringing of the bell often could be heard or the dial seen all over a village." (The History of Science and Technology / Sci-Tech Essays: Early mechanical clocks (formerly accessible here:
The chiming prompt of the hour of the day makes us attentive to a strict schedule. It's four pm, am I on schedule? Am I early, on-time, or late for scheduled appointments? The clock and bell work together to regulate the lives of those who mind it. While most of us have been trained to see that as a good thing, it's really not. The gods of the clock and bell are served with honor and industry, not the Creator who established a different governance for our lives. If I am required to keep a schedule of activity strictly regulated by the clock, where then is the attentive seeking of the leading of the spirit of God? The clock has its origin in the regimented lives of the Babylonian-style priesthood. Think about it. Isn't that rather telling?
From the first, when timepieces first represented the image of the heavens and the lights in their movement, it must be seen that this was done contrary to the express command of the Creator.
What good can come of rebellion against the Creator? Should we do evil that good may come? NO! Even though we've been schooled in obedience to the clock and bell, and clock and bell institutions, what good can really come of it?
I wrote at some length about the clock in a blog post titled, "Part 21 - Rochester, NY - The Clock of Nations and World Domination," sharing insight about how the clock and calendar disassociates people from the life of the Creator. Here are a few excerpts.
"Observations of the passage of time were made based on the movement of celestial objects until fairly recently. One could argue that, ultimately, they still are, but time is now most popularly marked in terms of fixed calendars and monitored using mechanical and digital timepieces that are only remotely related to the celestial lights. God's time has been hijacked, in a sense. The world now runs on Babylon time, a counterfeit replacement that pretends to improve upon the Creator's way. From this perspective, some of you may agree that such calendars and clocks are used for rebellion against the Creator. "
"There are a few implementations of the clock that reveal it as a device intended for world domination. Clocks are publicly placed to unnaturally regulate the lives of people and facilitate the industry of Mystery Babylon."
"For a long time now, clocks have been placed in town squares and city centers. Several posts back, I made a point about civic-mindedness, and how Cain built the first city and how these population centers became the hallmark of the ungodly. I observed how people gather in cities to rebel against the sovereign God together. Putting a clock at the civic center and crossroads of commerce makes perfect sense. Here, men's lives are governed not by the natural institutions of the Creator but by those institutions of the fallen one who continually inspires and leads men to rebel."
If it occurs to you that I have rightly discerned the situation, what should be your response? Well, of course, it's rather difficult for most to consider catching a plane or meeting an appointment if not minding Babylon time. Showing up for work is something that for most people is done on a pretty rigid basis. Can or should one dissociate oneself from Babylon time? That's something that must be answered between you and the Lord, according to your faith and the Lord's direction.
In closing, consider how folklore about the clock compares to folklore about the bell. From "English Folklore: clocks" (* formerly here:
Until recently only found in wealthy homes, or on public buildings. Nevertheless they became the subject of several superstitions, from the 1820s onwards. The basic one is that a clock will stop at the very moment its owner dies; the first example given by Opie and Tatem is also one of the most dramatic, for it refers to a clock in the Houses of Parliament having stopped on 27 January 1820, 'being nearly the hour at which HM King George the Third had expired'. A clock stopping inexplicably, or striking the wrong hour, could be omens of some death soon to occur. Parallel to these beliefs is the custom that as soon as someone dies any clock in the room (or, according to some, all the clocks in the house) must be deliberately stopped, to symbolize the fact that time has now ceased for that person.
If the church clock strikes the hour during a wedding, within a year the bride or groom will die, though if the timing is such that the bride hears the chime while still outside the church, that brings good luck. Similarly, if it strikes a while a hymn is sung at a Sunday service, this foretells death within a week for someone in the parish; a town clock striking while the church bells are ringing, foretells a fire. In Devon around 1900, it was even thought unlucky to speak while a clock is striking (Opie and Tatem, 1989: 84-6).
The clock and bell together are a powerful pair. The clock marks the passage of time in a synthetic way, related to but detached from the Creator's appointed means. It is an instrument whose early versions were graven image idols that governed the prayer life of communities of false priests. The bell, used to command lessor demons and facilitate meetings between men and the false gods they worship, was soon harnessed to announce the time, governing the lives of men from then until now. Isn't that how it is? Isn't that a correct and proper perspective?
Clocks and bells have long been promoted as benign instruments, useful tools. Certainly, they can be, but there really does have to be a consideration at some point of how we got to be in the mess we're in today, and how the world has come to earn the righteous judgment declared in the books of prophetic revelation about the last days.
I pray this study helps you correctly interpret the influences of the familiar world around you as you seek to be found worthy of the Bridegroom Y'shua at His soon coming.