Ash Wednesday - A "Fourth Day" Ritual Prefiguring the Mark of the Beast
This annual ritual is when "the faithful" Catholics receive a mark on their foreheads. There's a cover story for the practice, an engaging collection of lies that serves to obscure what is meant, but when you can interpret the symbols and the schedule, it's pretty apparent this activity is ritual preparation for the mark of the Beast. If you think this is just me being "down on the Pope," I invite you to give what I write here a serious consideration. Some of you who continue reading may find yourselves convicted of a need to repent of your past or present involvement in this or related activity. Praise the Lord for His continued favor in this hour that is so very late in the season!
The ritual marking is fixed on the calendar to 46 days before Easter Sunday to signify the number of chromosomes in our bodies. The DNA transformation implicit in the mark of the Beast will begin with the 46 chromosome body and end in something akin to an "Easter Sunday" resurrection! This liturgical calendar is entirely pagan, Easter being only Christian in its veneer, like Christmas. The Lord was raised on the weekly Shabbat during Pesah, so any pretense of honoring the Lord by observing a "Resurrection Sunday" is done in ignorance.
As the fourth day of the week, Wednesday points to the fourth Shemittah-day counted off from the amazing Yom Teruah sign that signaled the latter day "Magi" in 1991. That's a BIG DEAL because that's the season when the prophecies about the Beast and the mark will be fulfilled!
Do some Catholics know about how important that transitional season was? Yes, and my testimony is that what is posted here as evidence of such came into my personal possession in such a way as to make it indisputably the Lord's gracious doing. He definitely left His calling card! The timing established for Ash Wednesday is a testimony to those of us who can decode it and the other attributes of the day that this day's ritual practice has been instituted with knowledge of what is coming, and as preparation for it.
What I just wrote is emphatically validated when you consider how the mark made with the ash, where the mark is put, the ash and its composition, and, who makes and applies it, are entirely consistent with the signaling of the time element! I'm going to address each of these attributes so you can gain some important insight along the way and come to a conviction about how the mark of the beast has been modeled and advanced for so many centuries.
While studying and blogging about the animated feature Rango, I learned some fascinating things about Ash Wednesday. One of Rango's dramatizations of the mark of the Beast happened every Wednesday at Noon. I came to recognize this as a coded time reference because it witnessed to what the Lord has been opening to me about such hidden matters for many years.
If the folks behind Rango know the coded mark of the Beast "Wednesday" plan, who else knows? The pope, perhaps? I believe so!
Where the Mark is Put
First, the mark applied on Ash Wednesday is put on the forehead, which is identified in Revelation 13:16 as where that mark will be given.
As you see in the picture, the priest's right hand applies the mark, so what appears as this mark is applied are both a right hand and forehead in contact with the mark.
Who Makes and Applies It
Those who make the ash and apply the mark on Ash Wednesday are agents of the Romish church who do so under the authority of the Pope. Revelation 13 pictures the agency of the Pope, given what I learned in 2008 about Joseph Ratzinger in 2008, aka Pope Benedict XVI.
Whether it is the image itself or the second beast who directed the image to be made that literally makes all ... "that it may give to them a mark," it is surely the second beast who is the responsible agent. He is also called the false prophet. If you don't recognize that as a reference to the Pope, consider what is written here. Who is Pope Benedict XVI?
The authorizing agency responsible for the mark of the Beast is the same as for the mark on Ash Wednesday - the Romish Pope!
The Mark Made With the Ash
The mark made with the ash is a cross. The sign of the cross predates the Christian era. It should be acknowledged that any and every cross signals the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men. The vertical is the symbol of the male and heavenly, and the horizontal, of the female and earthly. The intersection is their union, which in the context of Ash Wednesday means the same as it does everywhere else. It points back in time to Cain as the union of the Serpent and Eve and to the procreative activity described in Genesis 6. The cross also points towards the future, to the hybrid nature of the coming god-man Beast and mark of the Beast. When the Romish church uses the cross symbol it's often done in conjunction with the sun symbol that should readily identify the cross with the Sun god. The mark made with the ash is the reproduction, family or heritage signaling sign of the Sun god.
The Host represents the Beast
The cross made with ash is the same symbol that appears on what's called the host. The host is the round wafer that's called the sacramental bread and also Eucharist. This idol and counterfeit bread from heaven is a solar disk or sun wheel that represents the antichrist Beast on a few levels. When the same cross that marks the host is put on the forehead it identifies the recipient with the host. Because the host represents the Beast, Ash Wednesday's ritual giving of the host-mark signals the mark of the Beast. This link is a big deal so let me illustrate the host-as-beast identity.
The official story is that the imprinted wafer more than merely represents the son of God. The story is that the host actually becomes the literal flesh of His body, and the sacramental wine, His blood. This change is the focus of much of what's done in the church. To understand about the Beast and the mark is to understand what the Romish and Babylonian church is really all about. The Sun god worship is why worship is focused upon Sun-day. Ignore the official story and read the symbols for yourself. What those who occupy the office of the false prophet and that lying priesthood do should speak so loudly to you that you can't hear a word they're saying. There's just enough truth to hint at what's really meant. The host represents the Beast, and a big deal is made about the change they call transubstantiation because the transhuman body and soul transformation is coming - and it is the big deal!
The account of the last supper that my Lord shared with His disciples while in His temporal flesh body presents a prophetic view of the baptism of the lawless one in the dipping of the bread. The bread dipped is related to Judas the betrayer, a type of the Beast into whom Satan entered. Both the bread dipped and Judas represent the lawless one, the antichrist Beast. The transformation at that baptism is what the transubstantiation represents, as well as the transformation at the "Ash Wednesday" marking, the giving of the mark of the Beast.
Consider the Romish host wafer pictured in this classical painting by Vicente Juan Masip (circa 1555). The bread dipped is the counterfeit bread from heaven, the antichrist Beast. This painter had many patrons, sponsors of his painting, including Jesuits. They know symbols.
A related painting by Masip is titled "Christ With The Eucharist." This one is even more revealing! It features several signal elements that witness to this version of the Christ as a misnamed Antichrist.
The host is the antichrist Beast, of course, exalted. It's held with the raised right hand, signaling "heavenly sons of god." The distinctive three finger grasp represents the transformed Beast DNA of a triple helix construction. The chalice for the sacramental blood of the Eucharist resembles the wand of Hermes with its serpents flanking the rod. The cup is the womb, which, together with the phallus wand, is positioned in the scene to subtly illustrate the very effeminate man as a hermaphrodite, a male-female androgyne. Beyond the blending of the genders what's signified is the merging of the heavenly male with the earthly female, the Beast!
The checkerboard pattern on the table (like the floor of a Masonic temple) represents the sons of god mixed with the daughters of men, the iron and clay seed mixing of Daniel 2.
The arch compares to the Masonic Royal Arch, the gateway between the demonic heavenly abode and earth.
The backdrop alludes to Osiris, the green-skinned, with a crown-like five element fringe King-of-the-world being implied. Hey, don't those shadows in the drape suggest horns coming out of his head?
Compare the effeminate "Jesus" to the Androgyne Baphomet, symbolic of the union of the opposites. Masip's Christ declares nonverbally that he is the earthly manifestation of the heavenly. The testimony is not ambiguous about which is being represented. Is this your Lord? It's not my Lord!
You'll see a huge variety of hand signs like the one this messiah is flashing in the excellent West Side Gang (Project 12, 6/12) video by Diran Lyons. Some signs in this class signal Baphomet as the horned god. The hand sign forms both the letters M (13th) and W (23rd), combining to signal the 13-23 Rebel-Lord-Beast DNA. It signals three things and four, when the Beast plan will become a reality. This gang has an exclusive membership. They know things. Like times and seasons. Like Beast transformations.
Consider this picture below where Pope Benedict XVI is holding up the host. It's appears like the sun in the sky in this image, appropriately signifying the lamp eye illumination of the dark light of Zeus. It's the solar wheel of the Sun god sometimes called Apollo, and a symbol commonly called the Eye of Horus. Ratzinger is celebrating worship of the image of the antichrist Beast.
The typically cross-marked host's identification with the Sun god is undeniable when it is set into what's called the monstrance, which looks like the stylized Sun with radial rays of gold. The host is obviously the source of light, the Sun, or rather the pagan Sun god. When this idol is paraded around by the Pope he appears as illuminated with the third eye, with activated eye of Horus enlightenment, with even his crown chakra lit.
This is no accident, and no coincidence. With misdirection working through layers of lies, the spirit of antichrist working through the agency of the church intends to model what I've presented, knowing the ritual practice will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of what must come, the Beast plan.
The Sign of the Cross as the Mark of the Beast
It may be seen that Ash Wednesday's cross on the forehead also equates to the gesture then made upon their bodies as worshipers honor the presence of the host-god.
When Catholics enter the place where the host is present they honor it by genuflecting (kneeling) and crossing themselves. The sign of the cross is first a vertical motion which is then crossed with a horizontal. Sons of god (vertical) with the daughters of men (horizontal). No matter what the cover story happens to be, this is what they really sign. To make the sign, they first reference the forehead (or third eye), which is where Ash Wednesday's mark is put (Revelation 13:16). While gesturing, a three part phrase is usually uttered. The gesture is made by many with a hand forming a three finger group. You may perceive the signaling of the triple helix DNA mark of the Beast, and I'm hoping you do make that connection as the Lord Himself reveals the meaning of these ritual elements.
Catholics know where to direct their honor because there's a light (often red) called the sanctuary lamp near to the consecrated host that calls attention to it and signifies the Sun god's presence. The light is also called the eternal flame, just like the cauldron-torch light of Zeus used in the Olympics. Same name, same symbolic light, same god, aka Lucifer or Satan.
The Mass and Eucharist
Before I address the ash and its composition there's a few more relevant things I'd like to address. The marking with ash on Ash Wednesday is usually done in the context of a Mass.
Most of us are familiar with the Catholic Mass to some degree, seeing it represented in many movies and TV shows as though it were the typical and accepted Christian liturgical service. Mass is also called the sacrament of the Eucharist, which refers to the Sun god-body host and blood-soul wine and ceremonial service related to the same. What this should convey to you is that the Mass is all about worshiping the Beast and receiving the mark.
The focus is upon the bread and wine, its transformation and distribution with an engaged priesthood and worshipers. The DNA transformation aspect is highlighted in the doctrine of "transubstantiation." The consecration of the host prefigures the baptism and revealing of the lawless one. The breaking of bread and supporting activity (that includes the wine) with distribution prefigures the giving and receiving of the mark. This is all central to every Mass.
Unholy Communion
When a Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal or anyone else participates in a ceremonial ritual by eating bread and wine, what are they really doing? You see, this is not just about Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots, it's about the daughters of Babylon, too. If, in the community of active believers, there's some form of formally authorized and officiating priesthood, an altar, perhaps some version of a cross, and maybe something resembling a high place devoted to the gatherings, what is present are the most essential hallmarks of Babylonian tradition. Plenty could be written here about not practicing as the heathen do. There is nothing in 1 Corinthians 11 about instituting a religious rite. There is certainly nothing commanded about the necessity of adopting pagan rites and whitewashing them with the name of Jesus. Quite the contrary, in fact! There are no commands to believers to mimic and ritualize biblical scenes relating to the supper in the upper room. If you are convicted of having been tricked into participating in unholy rites, repent, seek forgiveness and restoration while it may yet be found.
The consecration of the Eucharist is something pagan witches and Satanic priests must understand as the familiar evocation of demonic spirit, which in this context is of the spirit of antichrist. Evocation is the invitation of demonic presence. Distribution and subsequent consumption of the bread and wine in the ceremonial context should be understood as invocation, inviting demonic possesion, the indwelling of the spirit. The spirit is not holy, because ceremonial ritual practice does not invite it.
The distribution and eating of the "blessed (cursed) sacrament" in unholy communion engages the individual participants in a viable sex magick. The reproductive element implicit in the genetic Beast transformation is modeled and there are supernatural forces at work in the spirit of antichrist. Evocation and invocation. If you don't understand this, I recommend a diligent study of the esoteric John 6, where the genuine dynamic is presented. You'll find what I've written about it here, about halfway down the page. Who is Cain's Father? Part One
The Burger King gets it. Would you like some golden Sun ray fries with that? :(
So, the meaning of Ash Wednesday is like the more general Mass that it's associated with, with layers of comparable Beast and mark of the Beast symbolism, but as an annual observation it has a few unique attributes that add somewhat to the sum.
If you haven't yet found anything I've proposed about the meaning of Ash Wednesday very convincing, the ash and its composition just might do it for you.
The Ash and its Composition
The ash used on Ash Wednesday to make the mark on the forehead is acquired from a specified source and then mixed with water. A similar preparation is described in the Bible. Both of these symbolize resurrection, however, the biblical preparation is the genuine messianic version in contrast to the counterfeit prepared by the agents of the Romish church.
The biblical preparation of ash plus water is known as the purification ritual. It's described in Numbers 19. This is what you will find at the center of the red heifer fuss as many seek to restore the Temple and its services. You can find an expanded explanation of my take on the ritual in an appendix to When Cometh That Thief in the Night titled, Resurrection on the Third Day - The Purification Ritual.
What I came to understand about the symbolism is that the ash represents the dead body of the Messiah. The body of flesh is formed from the dust of the ground, as we know from Genesis. The living body has the breath of life, and breath contains water, which you can easily demonstrate by breathing on a mirror. "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust," is an expression commonly heard at burial services. The ashes represent a body with the animating life removed, dead, dehydrated. If you add water to the ash, the rehydration symbolizes the addition of new life to a dead body, reanimation or resurrection. The biblical purification ritual prefigures the resurrection of the Messiah and the application of the wet ash prescribed prefigures those so purified from sin and death.
The ashes used on Ash Wednesday represent a dead body like those of the purification ritual, however, instead of being a figure of the Messiah it will be seen that they represent the anti-Messiah and those of like kind.
The ashes used ceremonially on Ash Wednesday are wet with "holy water," which is water that has actually been ritually cursed. This is, of course, contrary to the lies told to conceal the real meaning. The acts of blessing by those who serve evil are no blessings at all, no matter how sincere they are or appear to be. The whitewashing of graves does not "ungrave" them. Labeling a statue "Mary and Baby Jesus" does not change it into something else. It remains an idol of Isis and Osiris/Horus, of Semiramis and Nimrod, and of Devaki and Krishna -- and honors the same gods. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." The famous quote from Romeo and Juliet expresses what is most likely the occultist Sir Francis Bacon's (under the pen name Shakespeare) observation of the same, who knew much about such relevant matters as Atlantis and the phoenix. The Romish holy water so-called is really unholy water, sanctified or devoted to the gods for unholy purposes. The Babylonian priesthood hijacks the principles of the biblical ritual of purification to bring forth Ash Wednesday's ritual of impurification, of pollution and bastardization.
Instead of the ritual on the third and seventh days the counterfeit is perverted into a Wednesday ritual - and you should already know why that is.
This ash preparation can be recognized as comparing to both the sacramental bread and wine of Mass, to both the body and blood as the container and its contents. The symbolic meaning is common between them.
It's not enough that the priests of the popular cult of the Sun god should use some generic nondescript ash for this activity. The source of the ash is very revealing as a further witness to their dark agenda! The ashes are the remains of the palm branches. Two keys to understanding what this signals involve Apollo and the phoenix.
The Date-Palm Facilitates Apollo's Birth
The date-palm tree is a sign of Apollo because he had been born under one in Delos. His mother, Leto, clung to it in the agonies of childbirth. The date-palm thus facilitated the arrival of Apollo, son of Zeus and the Sun god. Did you get that? As the source of the ashes burnt and reconstituted/revived by the priesthood of the Romish Sun god worshiping cult that labors continually to welcome that ancient god back to reign, the date-palm is a fit choice! The palm tree was also a symbol of Hermes, the agent who is perhaps most actively involved in making Apollo's return as the antichrist Beast a reality.
The Phoenix Palm Portal
The preferred branches to use come from the date palm, phoenix dactylifera. Yes, the genus is phoenix. If you haven't yet, you should relate this to the legendary phoenix, the bird that signifies resurrection, dying to rise from its own ashes! Are you getting the picture here? The ashes used in the ritual are literally the ashes of the phoenix. The familiar phoenix story actually represents the antithesis of the life, death and resurrection of the genuine Messiah. It equates to the Osiris cycle of death and rebirth, the Sun god cycle. The ashes that mark the forehead thus identify those so marked with Horus, aka Apollo.
Perhaps the most dramatic testimony I can give about the association of the phoenix with the antichrist Beast is to offer as an example this picture of the enormous mural on the wall of the Security Council Chamber at the U.N. in New York City. The phoenix is central, featured rising from its ashes. Its "roots" are associated with the tomb where a dragon-like creature has been imprisoned. It's head is associated with the child, the spawn of the scene's marital union. I believe the three are one; the locked-in-the-tomb creature, the child and the phoenix that bridges them. The phoenix is presented below the vesica piscis shaped frame as though birthed out of the vaginal opening, an interpretation strengthened by the observation that the vegetation in the covering frame gives the appearance of a bushy pubic patch. The anatomical features extend even to the bottom of the illustration where the bowels of the earth are presented. This graphic scene is the backdrop for everything that happens in the Security Council Chamber of the United Nations, where the primary activity concerns the assertion of global authority.
It's a noteworthy observation that phoenix-palm-resurrection connections appear in the book of Job, which is acknowledged as the most ancient book in the biblical canon.
The word for "sand" can also be translated "phoenix," as it is in the Greek text of the LXX. Both elements, the waters that the root was spread out by and the dew on the palm branches, signify resurrection life.
Further inference about the phoenix-palm may be made from the special report Ezekiel gave about the Temple.
When you become aware that winged things and in particular the cherubim have transdimensional access and see how their image alternates with that of the palm, you must see them as functionally connected in some special way.
There's another pattern of alternating objects that should be considered in this context.
With cherubim and palm trees appearing even on the swinging leaves of the doors, and palm trees flanking the latticed windows, we note how the portals are given particular attention with regard to these features. The winged cherubim have transdimensional access. What is the role of the palm trees? Are they emblems of how the Lord went from son of Man to Lion of the tribe of Judah? The alternating items on the High Priest's garment make provision for him to enter the most holy place, where winged cherubim appear on the mercy seat of the ark, and into the presence of the Almighty God - "so that he will not die." Do the palm trees have a role in the Temple suggested by the phoenix we read about in the context of resurrection in Job 29? They are symbols of the transition from death to life.
Many who practice the occult arts and habitually obfuscate using cryptic symbols know what the palm signifies. For example, The Symbolism of Freemasonry (by Albert G. Mackey, the popular Masonic author), contains the following entry. "PALM TREE. In its secondary sense the palm tree is a symbol of victory; but in its primary signification it is a symbol of the victory over death, that is, immortality."
This photo on the left and the news item linked here is bogus - FAKEMODO - faked just for a lark, but the inspiration for such things as this come from somewhere, does it not? Vatican Buys Palm for $800 Million The number 8 signifies a new beginning as an old cycle ends and the next begins. In the publicity photo he's holding up 4 units - the "Wednesday" signal. Hmmmm. Interesting.
What's not fake is this rendering on the right of a glass plate from the Vatican Library that features palm trees, with a phoenix perched in one of them. (from New Testament Hours: The Apostles, their lives and letters (p. 343) - By Cunningham Geikie. The author states in his commentary interpreting the symbols on the artifact that both the phoenix and the palm branch represent immortality.
I believe the palm can signify immortality but suspect that life from the dead is probably more technically accurate. In Mackey's words, "victory over death" may be the better sense of the palm's meaning, but only as that which is manifested at a genuine resurrection into a 1 Corinthians 15 class of body. Anything else, and the "else" is surely coming, is not legit!
According to the Wikipedia entry for Phoenix Dactylifera: "A date palm cultivar, known as Judean date palm is renowned for its long-lived orthodox seed, which successfully sprouted after accidental storage for 2000 years. This particular seed is presently reputed to be the oldest viable seed but the upper survival time limit of properly stored seeds remains unknown." Based upon this item it seems the date palm is a worthy symbol of something resembling life from the dead or immortality.
Now, let's give some consideration to why the preferred ashes for Ash Wednesday derive from the palm branches used on the previous Palm Sunday.
The "Palm Sunday" Connections
By establishing a special day on their liturgical calendar and now calling it Palm Sunday, the church assigns the focus of attention to the featured palm. Given this focus, what could be meant by it? Resurrection, which is the apparent signification of the palm, did not come until about a week after "Palm Sunday," but yet, the passages associated with the day are themselves prophetic resurrection scenarios!
Those who have revelation insight into Romans 11:15 will recognize an implicit resurrection event coded into the expression, "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD." Baruch Haba B`shem Adonai! This expresses the acceptance that triggers a resurrection!
The expression is found in each of the four gospel accounts of the "Palm Sunday" events. Those who merely attempt to harmonize or merge the accounts miss the point.
Notice the presence and use of the branches of the palm tree in John 12. The Greek word for "palm trees" in verse 13 is transliterated "phoinix", or "phoenix." Notice how they took these and "went out to meet him," beginning to shout the resurrection triggering expression of their acceptance of Y'shua as their King. The resurrection of Lazarus is the subject this is wrapped within, in verses 9-11 and 17-18. The palm is profoundly involved with resurrection. The Romish church knows this and leverages the symbol for ritual use on Palm Sunday and Ash Wednesday.
Another example of the palm branch association with resurrection is found in Revelation 7.
The great multitude seen with palm branches in their hands had just been resurrected!
You can identify the resurrection in John 12 as the Bride Theft if you connect the "when Jesus was glorified" dots of John 12:16 and 13:31-32. You can see where those (144k) who were beginning to shout went, when they "went out to meet Jesus," in Genesis 45. Those actually resurrected at that time are of course the Bride.
You can identify Luke 19's account of the resurrection emblems as a type of the grape harvest if you connect the dots relating to the Mount of Olives descent and those relating to the declaration of "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
So, by identifying the palm branches associated with Palm Sunday as resurrection emblems featured significantly in that biblical context, we learn why their ashes are so desirable for use in Ash Wednesday's Beast and mark of the Beast resurrection-transformation ritual. The link is very important, adding to or even multiplying the power of the supernatural influence of the literal spell cast by the Sun cult's priesthood over each participant as they depart with the cursed mark.
That's a big deal, sure, but there's more to the linking of the two days than even that!
The Testimony of the Liturgical Calendar Span
The relationship Ash Wednesday has with Palm Sunday on the liturgical calendar is telling. Ash Wednesday is 46 days before Easter Sunday and Palm Sunday is 7 days before Easter Sunday. Doing the math, the number of the span (46-7=39) factors to 13 x 3. Thirteen is the "lord rebel beast" signal number. Three is the resurrection number and a triple helix DNA signal. As I noted early in this study, the 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday signal man's 46 chromosome state, transformed at their counterfeit model of a spring resurrection at "Easter Sunday." Obviously, Palm Sunday is more to Ash Wednesday than a convenient source of palms to burn.
Could the folks who designed the liturgical calendar really be so clever as to embed these signals intentionally? If you don't think so, you vastly underestimate your adversary! The counterfeiter has taken cues from The Genuine in how the plans must unfold. The Sovereign Lord has assigned him a work and he is absolutely fit for the job! Those who serve our adversary will perform their appointed duties. The Sovereign Lord has made it very obvious that the spans of time between scheduled events like Shavuot and the wave offering at Pesah are significant. I'm becoming convinced that Ash Wednesday will be found to signify what is very much a counter to Shavuot, suggested even as by a set count it precedes Easter as compared to following Pesah.
What else might the Ash Wednesday connection with Palm Sunday signify? It speaks to me of another counter event, answering to a trampling of the wicked that the Sovereign Lord has on His schedule of events.
Trampled Palm Branches and Garments
The biblical events referenced on Palm Sunday present both palm branches and garments being trampled into the dust by the descending King.
Garments are often symbols that reveal something of a person's state or status. Trees and branches sometimes represent people. Like the palm branches and garments that were trampled as Jesus rode toward Jerusalem, so shall the wicked be trampled when the prophetic scenarios of those gospel accounts are fulfilled. It is pretty obvious when you read the context that this account climaxed in a pronouncement of judgment upon Jerusalem for not recognizing the time of their visitation, or, "inspection" as the Young's Literal translates it.
To place the context, see passages like Acts 1:9-12 (where "in like manner" means descending to and then down the Mount of Olives on the way to Jerusalem), Zechariah 14, Jude 14-15, Isaiah 63:1-6, Joel 3:13-16 and Revelation 19:11-21. Another to consider is the following passage from Malachi.
The reconstitution of Palm Sunday's ashes for use on Ash Wednesday has a very interesting implication when the trampled palm branches are considered as symbols representing the wicked. Think about it. The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were rained upon by fire and brimstone, and thereby turned to ash. Those Canaanites were wicked, as branches of the serpent's tree. See the work I've presented about Cain's paternity if you're not following me here. What is signified when water is added to that ash if not the bringing to life of some among the wicked who have died?
It has been prophesied that certain among the wicked would be raised to life as agents that would be execute judgment in the earth.
When the agents of the Romish church wet the ashes of the old dry burnt palm branches from the past Palm Sunday, they prefigure the raising of the ancient Apollo and those of his kind in turn. This is what is applied to the worshipers on Ash Wednesday as the mark of the Beast.
Let's review what has been concluded about each of the features of Ash Wednesday. Where the mark is put signifies the mark of the Beast. Who makes and applies it fits the mark of the Beast. The mark made with the ash signifies the Beast. The ash and its composition signify the mark of the Beast. Even when Ash Wednesday is celebrated points to the mark of the Beast. I get it.
Considering all, there's plenty of irony to be seen in what is done by the Romish church and the cover story for it. Ash Wednesday's arrival of the season of Lent with its focus upon sacrifice and repentance and fasting will be seen as a very cruel joke. I, for one, don't think it's funny. I pray the insight shared here will help you accept what the Lord has been opening to you in this critical season of preparation.