Welcome to The Open Scroll!

Bob Schlenker
Most Recently Updated
Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order - Updated August 23, 2024
1 Corinthians 11:1-17 * as chiasmus and parallelism - Updated May 7, 2024
Joshua 3:1-5:1 (Interactive) - Updated March 1, 2024
Acts 12:1-19 (Interactive) - Updated February 14, 2024
The Sign for the Bride - Part 1 - Updated May 28, 2023
Interactive Content - Introduction and Catalog - Updated April 8, 2023
Most Recently Added
John 6:47-58 (Interactive) - January 1, 2024
The Iron Giant - Decoded (Part 1) - June 10, 2023
The Iron Giant - Decoded (Part 2) - June 10, 2023
The Iron Giant - Decoded (Part 3 of 3) - June 10, 2023
Israel's Wilderness Wandering - Lessons Beyond Space and Time - May 9, 2023
Hebrew "Gematria" Calculator - April 5, 2023
Exodus 26:1-27:18 - Building the Tabernacle and the Court (Interactive) - March 31, 2023
Time Number Codes and the Plus-Ones - February 14, 2023
The Open Scroll Blog
The Open Scroll Blog
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Series Links:
About the Schedule of the Pending Reset of Time
Jezebel vs Sarah
Code 33
Hidden Signs of the Goddess
The Sodomite Gateway
Celestial Stargates
On 12s and 13s - Signs of Time and its Mastery
See, it's the "i" of Horus!
Signs of Horus Worship
2012 London Olympics
What does the Olympic Rings logo Really Mean?
The Iron Giant
Rochester, NY and the Gateway to High Falls
Want to start at the beginning? (Oct 2009) DNA series...
If you like the adventure of peeling back the layers of things to discover what's hiding underneath - you'll find a lot to like here. If you're looking for real people who have been crushed - and crushed again - and find ludicrous mercy at the end of it, you've found us! If you've been desperately crying out to the Bridegroom and are becoming aware that He's drawing you to Himself in a very private and personal way - you'll find a lot to like here. If you've been around the block a few times and have grown weary of the nonsense that passes for Christianity - you may find refreshment here. If you're looking to find support for the living of a comfortable life - this isn't for you.
Welcome to The Open Scroll. If this is your first visit, let me introduce myself. I'm Bob Schlenker, the man responsible for what you find here. I've been ministering since 1980, and online, since 1995. A blog was launched as an adjunct to this website in 2009, called The Open Scroll Blog.
You'll find a range of unique content here and on our other platforms including lots of video.
I abound in joy and rejoice as I minister before the Lord, yet do maintain a sober view of things as I reflect on the truth that:
Search Site and Blog
The best guide to the content on this website is the holy spirit, which probably brought you here to begin with. If you've begun to explore the "buffet" that has been set out for you and are ready to discover what remains to be either lightly sampled or voraciously consumed according to your appetite and nutritional need, the following introduction may be of some use.
- Site Content - When Cometh That Thief in the Night! Plus all this - Keys to developing a hearing ear - Practical keys to walking in spiritual authority - What's the mature version of what happened in the Garden of Eden? - What's the real soul piercing story of Christmas? - What are celestial signs and how do they work? - What's the deal with America's destiny according to the Bible? - with pharmaceuticals? - with bells? - with reverse speech? (The viral video is mine: Obama - Yes We Can = Thank You Satan) - What's the deal with the "Great Commission," really? - What's the deal with Goddess worship? - with UFOs (fake and genuine)? - What is meant by mass ceremonial entertainments like those for the Oympics? There's more, plus some useful utilities; a gematria calculator and one that facilitates exploring relationships to the Temple at the Center of Time (David Flynn).
- Video & Audio - On a range of subjects comparing to what's featured on The Open Scroll Blog, many of these expose the Devil's schemes via a decoding of the Occult symbolism in the imagery and plots of film and movie trailers, TV shows, commercials, and such. It's good to know what you're really looking at, or everyone else is looking at. Ignorance is NOT bliss. We've also given a lot of attention to reverse speech over the years.
- Video Playlists - This is a catalog of videos that are installments in a series of two or more, which are some of our more engaging and informative! Some deal with a singular media production and others with a particular subject or theme.>
- Interactive - These studies are all about demonstrating and gleaning insight from thematic patterns in the holy scriptures. This section might well be its own distinct website for the special nature of the content found therein. If you're familiar with the Companion Bible and E .W. Bullinger, you will have encountered examples like these. Some would say that it's scholarly, and yes, academia and scholarly institutions are where you'll traditionally find interest. The fundamentals are actually pretty simple but it represents a hugely impressive phenomenon. I was able to leverage my web development skill to build a platform for creating and presenting these interactive studies. As you explore these, you'll find that having a tall screen with expansive vertical real estate can be very helpful.
- Other Links - a collection of other resources including a few other websites, online study resources, useful calendars and trauma-based mind-control programming resources, for learning and for recovery.
We have some blogs that are complementary. Except for being able to post on X, which the Lord green-lighted in 2024, we don't do social media, according as the Lord has directed. We also have no books in print or published on Kindle, for the same reason.)
- The Open Scroll Blog - It's about watching according to the Lord's command to watch, to see what may be seen with the eye that sees and heard with the ear that hears. Tomorrow's post may be an engaging Pop Quiz, insight into some new thing or on something familiar. Our many astute readers help us stay abreast of all kinds of strange happenings. (THANKS!) Ongoing subjects of interest include the game-changer that is a pending time reset, signs in the heavens and signs in the earth, CERN's LHC, the Mandela Effect, decoding Occult symbolism in media of every kind so that the spells that have been so expertly cast to bind you are broken, exposing the signs of the state and globally sponsored ancient religion, insights into Mystery Babylon and the Beast, Bible prophecy, walking in love, social commentary, Illuminati mind-control programming, and so on - across a very wide spectrum.
- The Mark of the Beast: Code 666 - Exposing the hidden 666 and XO mark of the beast symbolism that saturates our environment.
- Operation Ezekiel 8 - A piercing exposé on what many have been duped into seeing as the cutting edge of the church of the last days.
I minister here through a wide range of deeper matters addressing love, faith and hope. A walk of abiding in the Lord involves two roughly parallel tracks, like a train. On one hand, there's your character, who you really are. Let's just be honest. That needs work. Mine does too - I'm not done yet. On the other hand, there's what you know and believe. We all grow up being deceived about many things. The church at large often doesn't help much beyond a rather low level, athough it really should. Again, just being honest. Our faith depends on what we believe. If it's not The Truth, nothing good can come of it. You need the right heart and mind - and you need to get it from the Lord Jesus Christ, Y'shua haMashiach! That's what this ministry is about.
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is no one like Me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, 'My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure';
11 Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man of My purpose from a far country.
Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass.
I have planned it, surely I will do it.